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I am having some problems with my machine dieing on me. I have a good machine which i use for work and have spent around 85,000 baht on it in total over the last 10 months since i purchased it. I am a 3d animator and I use programs such as 3dsmax, maya etc. To run these programs smoothly you need a good machine, lots or ram good processor etc.

Around 5 days ago I set up a render, which is the part where the machine renders out the image in the 3d viewport to a jpg or what ever you decide. This usually takes up all of the computers resources and the better machine you have the faster this process takes. Anyway over the last 5 days during rendering my computer has just been switching itself off. I come back and it is dead, then when i switch it on i get the blue scan fix page come up and scan the hard drive.

I took the machine apart and noticed a fans wasnt working so i took it to a shop to get it repaired and they said there was nothing wrong with the machine and it must be the program. Its not the programs because it happens on all of them when i render. I asked him to fix the fan for me and ill take it back home and set it up and try again. I got home and the same problem again.

I had a similar problem around 6 months ago and i remeber i changed my power supply and the problem corrected itself. So yesterday i got a bus to bangkok, I love in Korat, to collect a decent power supply as they do not sell them here. Anyway i got home a 3am installed the new power supply and the same thing still happens.

Does anyone know what else could be the problem?



My initial thought was also that your computer was not getting enough juice. However, if you're really using such a demanding machine, then your power supply should be at least 500w. Try updating all of the drivers on your machine (especially the BIOS). If it still restarts or shuts off automatically it is most likely a heating problem. The way it sounds, your computer is under a lot of stress constantly, so extremely good cooling will be required for it to run smoothly. Ensure that you have good fans/your case isn't heat containing (lots of vents). If it's still screwy I'd think it would be a motherboard problem.


My power supply is 550w, well the new one is the older one which ive just replaced was a 460w. Do you know of any good websites with instructions on how to check out the bios and stuff?


Video editing is usually quite cpu-intensive and might be over-heating the computer. Try cleaning out all the dust from inside the computer and grills etc.

Also, if possible, try using it without the cover on and an external fan blowing air over the computer for a trial run to see if this improves things.


Yeah im pretty sure its the CPU dieing on me because what i do is very intensive on it. Its either due to lack of power, heat or something else. I guess as ive upgraded my power supply its not due to power. I really do need to give it a clean inside, does anyone know where i can get a little hoover from, do they sell them in bigc, tescos etc.

I already took the side off and tried with a giant fan but still the same problems.

Guest Reimar
Yeah im pretty sure its the CPU dieing on me because what i do is very intensive on it. Its either due to lack of power, heat or something else. I guess as ive upgraded my power supply its not due to power. I really do need to give it a clean inside, does anyone know where i can get a little hoover from, do they sell them in bigc, tescos etc.

I already took the side off and tried with a giant fan but still the same problems.

Not really the CPU, it could be the Memory. Try to do this: remove all Memory banks but leave one in, start the comp. If runs without "blue" screen, change the Memory Bank to the next, start the comp and do it with all you memory banks.

If the comp work with all memory banks but single only, start to add a second to the first and start the comp. Do the same action with all of your memories! If one of memory banks has a problem, you would get the blue screen.

Clean all of the "feets" of the Memory banks with a pencil rubber!

If this don't works, try to start windows in Safe Mode. If the problem isn't gone, try to re-format your HDD using HDDRegenerator to kleep all of your Data and the whole Windows installation. Other like Spinrite but I have much better experiences wit HDD Regerator.

Your PW shouldn't a problem. 300 Watts stabilized is enough for all todays Computer. Most of the China made PW's having just max. 50% of the assigned Power! I use in my Servers 300 Watts only but stabilized and this with 8 HDD attached.


I just set up a render so my computer would crash and then i could go into the bios and check out the temp etc. Here are the findings and i am confused.


M/B TEMP 38'c






well you just pointed out where the problem lies : insuficient fan/air flowing inside your comp... at this rate you are going to kill the CPU nominal temp under workload for a last (say athlon X2 or core 2 duo) should not exceed 60°c... at 70°c it's definitly a problem you may fry your CPU


How do i fix it, ive already changed the power supply and fixed the fans on the side of the case. What else do i need to replace?


Jared - It would be helpful to all if you could provide specifics on your computer, such as make, model, memory, cpu make/model, operating system, etc., (and if custom built, the motherboard make/model, cpu & chipset make/models, etc.)

I think (after 2-3 replacements) you can safely rule out the power supply as the main problem.

The symptoms you describe are typical of an over-heating problem. Your CPU at 70c is at or above most manufacturers maximum CT (Case Temperature) design specification. Many CPU's will shutdown well before reaching their maximum CT level. (More info here.

The fact your main chassis fan (CHA1) speed reads 0 RPM is also worrisome and may indicate a defective fan or motherboard component problem.

At any time, did you or anyone else remove and reinstall the CPU and/or its fan? If so, was proper care taken to insure the CPU, Heatsink and Fan were properly assembled using thermal compound?

Finally, if your computer is a major brand (HP, Sony, Dell, etc.) it may be time for you to think about taking the unit to an authorized factory repair center, as specialized test equipment may be needed to find the exact cause of your problem, and/or to determine the cost to repair same.



Hi waldwold

Motherboard - Asus A8N-E

Ram - 4gb ddr

CPU - AMD 64x2 4600

OS - Windows xp (Copy)

All was brought from Pantip around 10 months ago


Im going to replaces the Chassis fan and see how it goes, the cpu fan seems to have a bit of a dust build up inside but i dont feel comfortable replacing that myself. maybe i should go a look for a hoover to clean out some dust.

Guest Reimar

That the Chassis Fan shows 0 rpm don't means that the fan isn't work! Many of the Chassis Fans not connected to the MB but just to the PW using an adaptor connect between PW and HD for example.

To get to know what temp is "burning" your CPU, go to: http://www.cpu-world.com/info/id/AMD-identification.html and find out the spec for your CPU. You still should have the Box of the CPU with the CPU Description.

If your CPU is a "C" type the real burning temp will be 100 Celsius while the normal working temp is until 70 Celsius.

So, I don't think is a problem with your CPU! I really suggest you to check the memories as I posted before!

Funny, but yesterday I had a similar problem with my AMD X2 3800 running Vista Ultimate. Dtart the comp and within 3 min the "blue" screen came up. On that machine I use 1 GB = 2 Banks 512 MB, took out the first and started the comp: same problem after 2-3 min. the "blue" screen came up. Chage the banks and the comp works fine. Cleaned the feets on the first one place it back in and the comp works fine now. CPU temp on this machine is allways 72-75 Celsius (a sensor direct attached to the CPU shows the temp at all times) and no problem at all (except yesterday with the memory)!


Cheers Reimar, Ive just been informed that there is another computer repair shop in Korat that are supposed to be quite good, so i will take it there and suggest they try your idea if they cant work out the problem for themselves like all the other places ive taken it to.

Guest Reimar
Cheers Reimar, Ive just been informed that there is another computer repair shop in Korat that are supposed to be quite good, so i will take it there and suggest they try your idea if they cant work out the problem for themselves like all the other places ive taken it to.

Hi Jared, hope it will works by then! But let them try different memories also if cleaning dont works! And you check with the manual of the MB that the used memories are sopported by the specified model. I had in the past some meory problem on Asus MB's but Intel boards only, not AMD. But who knows?

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