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To All My Chiangmai Friends - Ta22

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Hi ,

i am very happy when you add me as your friends ,

i am not sure how the forum system work .

or do i add you manually in return ?

or is a auto process which if you add me i will be on your list and you will be on my list >?

when i click " MY friends " i see zero name whahhahahaha

but when i click " Who added me i see a list of it . "

so i am confuse .

about how the forum friends listing work .

pardon me if i did not go add anyone or somehow ignore the friends system .

i value friends alot . and greatly believe that friends is the building stone of all social life .

so -- someone please enlighten me about how the friends system work on the forum ..

and would take more of it .

i just got to know there is a friends list when Crowboy message me :o


i would have to say Sorry to anyone - who try to add me and i did not set the system correctly

anyway . my take is .. we are friends already - and all the fun time i had on this forum is proof of it :D

i also believe in friends online as well as firends in reality .

so we should meet up more offen :D

Cheer my Friends

i just got to know there is a friends list when Crowboy message me :o

ta don't tell everyone - they'll all want to join :D

Ok in short - if someone adds you as a friend you should automatically get a PM from the system to tell you. You can then add them, delete them, or block them as you see fit. If you want you can use the mutual friend function to pair both of you. ie if someone adds you you reciprocate by adding them.

It is pretty simple really which is why even MacGriffiths can understand it and he is an American :D

The biggest benefit is to make it easier to OM people - you just select the person from your group of friends and don't have to do a Members search.

You also have a neat little function if you are really popular like Peace Blondie who is on everyones A list - the option is to set it "pending approval" that way you can reject THEIR friend application to you. Really great way to snub someone but if they did it to me I would have to track the person down and kill them :D

Hope this helps



To add someone as a friend, click on their name at the top left of any post they have made. The second option down is "Add as Friend" Select that and you are well on your way.

if they did it to me I would have to track the person down and kill them :D


:o Now he tells us!


on the side note -

The words friends

to me

Friends is the train ticket for you to be speaking truthfully .

meaning you need not be another person or out to impress anyone .

if you look at the existing world now ..

is really large Nest of schizophrenia,

you get people being multi or split personality.

we are one person at home . another person infront of this group or that group of friends .

is just natural instint - for human to be defencsive and being another person make us feel safe .

- well that is at least when i was in singaapore -

when i am here in thailand - i learn to be who i am . and for a start i can say is scarey -

to speak what i feel and then do what i think is right is a whole new thing . and whole new world to me .

and it took me a while to even got used to it .

in fact offen my ego and pride as well as shame will stop me from doing many thing which i think is correct .

and i worry alot about how people look at me .

so i peel my onion slowly and now i more or less is the Ta22 you see .

ok back to friends .

well - i learn that you got to love your friends . cos love does not just apply to your wife or girlirends or lover or parent .

well i am a person who i felt lack love - so in order to get love you got to give love .

love is not money .

money buy you time and people sitting around you or sleep beside you .

but love is a whole difefrent topic -

for a starter is a feel that will fill you with happiness knowing someone care for you in the REAL sence

- i love my finger workout . even when is full of wrong spelling

friends - see , i off tracked again .

i can be a real pain sometime cos i can go on and on to get the idea to you . so i really enjoy - debate

well debate is too string a word to us ..

more like an heat up exchange of idea which is pushing the human understanding to the next level .

the world is not as pure as we used to know and new evil is make up each day to find excuse for wrong doing .

we can't clean up the mess alone don't we .

the world used to be one , and now we have kingdom which draw line to different border .

human used to be just human . now we are all difefrent but we are really all the same .

we eat , sleep . shit , and everyone shit smell as bad ..

i had alway been keen in understanding myself , so the best way to do so . is to know more people

cos i believe that since human is the same . everyone around you is a mirror of yourself . and a possible you .

when i see a killer - i think to myself - that person could be me if i want too . or in anyway forced too .

when i see some hero - i ponder .. hmm if gaven the place and time can i be that person ..

when i look at thriller - i imagine sometime if i am at the wrong place wrong time - i would be the victim .

so in simple we are really just a walking clone of another person - guiven the right place right time - right action .

we really end up being the same person .

maybe different in detail . but resulting in a overall action which we had branded is for easy refering .

" killer . hero , victim - oh not to forget " onlooker"

human is also complex . so complex that we c\don't even understand many of our action .

we get angry for some weird reason . sometime which we can't even explain . well science try to explain some of it but sometime alot of thing is best leave unexplained to some extent .

the cycle of life .

life is so wonderful that the mere instant and moment that passes you is a gift itself .

so don't waste it on sadness -

yes yes yes bad thing happen .

eg. earthquake

but earthquake is good thing to some people . it mean work , profit and income for his family ,

just like war .

during a war - large amount of money is going around .

while some place is being bomb and destoryed - some place is being build from the money that is made from selling bomb and bullet as wella s clothes for the army , food for the army , cars , tanks , gun , the mass logistical cost - is so huge that it would take you months to sit down to count the money used .

notthing is good .

well Good is really time restricted .

what is good now will not be good forever .

what you want is to get the better side of you to be in the memory of others .

so what you do is what you are or at least what others see you to be .

Sin is really like oxygen .

i myself had many conflicting belief for the words sin .

to kick in a line or to , SIn is like teacher .

you learn from your teacher . and a good teacher show you how it done .

you don't alway use what you learn . sometime . knowing thebad relaly help you to understand the value more .

not that i am telling you to sin . or something like that is really up to your choice and it does or does not relaly matter do me .

we love excuse .

don't we ? cos that who i am :o

i got so so off tracked .

when all i want to say was .

thanks for being my friends :D


Ta22, are you sure you are not a new reincarnation of the Dalai Lama? He just hinted he is thinking of retiring, and I just thought while reading your post that you might be the new one.....

I just added you as a friend on my friend list :o

Ta22, are you sure you are not a new reincarnation of the Dalai Lama? He just hinted he is thinking of retiring, and I just thought while reading your post that you might be the new one.....

I just added you as a friend on my friend list :o

Heres a photo of Ta22 as a baby in the lotus position..

The Bodhisattva incarnate in the flesh.. And he owns a pub..Doesn't get any better than that..



I've added Ta22 also. In return do I get free beer at your infamous Shaven Haven bar? :o

Is that the place decked out like a Christmas tree? :D

on the side note -

The words friends

to me

Friends is the train ticket for you to be speaking truthfully .

meaning you need not be another person or out to impress anyone .

if you look at the existing world now ..

is really large Nest of schizophrenia,

you get people being multi or split personality.

we are one person at home . another person infront of this group or that group of friends .

is just natural instint - for human to be defencsive and being another person make us feel safe .

- well that is at least when i was in singaapore -

when i am here in thailand - i learn to be who i am . and for a start i can say is scarey -

to speak what i feel and then do what i think is right is a whole new thing . and whole new world to me .

and it took me a while to even got used to it .

in fact offen my ego and pride as well as shame will stop me from doing many thing which i think is correct .

and i worry alot about how people look at me .

so i peel my onion slowly and now i more or less is the Ta22 you see .

ok back to friends .

well - i learn that you got to love your friends . cos love does not just apply to your wife or girlirends or lover or parent .

well i am a person who i felt lack love - so in order to get love you got to give love .

love is not money .

money buy you time and people sitting around you or sleep beside you .

but love is a whole difefrent topic -

for a starter is a feel that will fill you with happiness knowing someone care for you in the REAL sence

- i love my finger workout . even when is full of wrong spelling

friends - see , i off tracked again .

i can be a real pain sometime cos i can go on and on to get the idea to you . so i really enjoy - debate

well debate is too string a word to us ..

more like an heat up exchange of idea which is pushing the human understanding to the next level .

the world is not as pure as we used to know and new evil is make up each day to find excuse for wrong doing .

we can't clean up the mess alone don't we .

the world used to be one , and now we have kingdom which draw line to different border .

human used to be just human . now we are all difefrent but we are really all the same .

we eat , sleep . shit , and everyone shit smell as bad ..

i had alway been keen in understanding myself , so the best way to do so . is to know more people

cos i believe that since human is the same . everyone around you is a mirror of yourself . and a possible you .

when i see a killer - i think to myself - that person could be me if i want too . or in anyway forced too .

when i see some hero - i ponder .. hmm if gaven the place and time can i be that person ..

when i look at thriller - i imagine sometime if i am at the wrong place wrong time - i would be the victim .

so in simple we are really just a walking clone of another person - guiven the right place right time - right action .

we really end up being the same person .

maybe different in detail . but resulting in a overall action which we had branded is for easy refering .

" killer . hero , victim - oh not to forget " onlooker"

human is also complex . so complex that we c\don't even understand many of our action .

we get angry for some weird reason . sometime which we can't even explain . well science try to explain some of it but sometime alot of thing is best leave unexplained to some extent .

the cycle of life .

life is so wonderful that the mere instant and moment that passes you is a gift itself .

so don't waste it on sadness -

yes yes yes bad thing happen .

eg. earthquake

but earthquake is good thing to some people . it mean work , profit and income for his family ,

just like war .

during a war - large amount of money is going around .

while some place is being bomb and destoryed - some place is being build from the money that is made from selling bomb and bullet as wella s clothes for the army , food for the army , cars , tanks , gun , the mass logistical cost - is so huge that it would take you months to sit down to count the money used .

notthing is good .

well Good is really time restricted .

what is good now will not be good forever .

what you want is to get the better side of you to be in the memory of others .

so what you do is what you are or at least what others see you to be .

Sin is really like oxygen .

i myself had many conflicting belief for the words sin .

to kick in a line or to , SIn is like teacher .

you learn from your teacher . and a good teacher show you how it done .

you don't alway use what you learn . sometime . knowing thebad relaly help you to understand the value more .

not that i am telling you to sin . or something like that is really up to your choice and it does or does not relaly matter do me .

we love excuse .

don't we ? cos that who i am :D

i got so so off tracked .

when all i want to say was .

thanks for being my friends :D

Such words of wisdom and honesty are rarely spoken.

Ta22 you truely are the chosen one :o


Wisdom is not in the one spoken but in the one who listen and understand -


Thanks you ,

yes the Outside of it - have some x'mas lighting on it- multi color lighting . and a large Beer Singha lightbox .

i finally got the place re-wire yesterday - and the lighting is working - and the leaking roof fixed .

we only have a small select for food . for a start - till we can find a good cook . now just some simple fry staff .

and a few selection of Thai style food salad ( sour and spicy )


if you need location - PM me and i will send you a map .

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