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Man Shaved


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my firends and I are having a big argument about what women expect from man.

the converstaion quickly turned (as allwayd with men) to the intimate realtions.

A question most man do not like to discuss came up and I would like to ask the ladies on this forum.

do you like your man shaved or not.

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Personally, I might find it a bit of a turn off to be with a guy who 'grooms' himself to that degree. Id also be worried that maybe he was a bit too obsessed with his image. 'Trimming' would be fine. Its never actually happened tbh, so I dont know. But, I prefer a guy whos down to earth so to speak, not one who has a beauty regime to rival mine :o . Well, as john rambo says, some women may love it, i just dont think i would,

Anyway, to be honest, i answered because its an odd but interesting thing to be asked, but i dont think it really matters.

Edited by eek
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Shaved where? :o As long as body hair is kept clean & fresh, I have absolutely no problem with it. I'm not a huge fan of hairy backs, though. But a completely shaved body, as John Rambo is advocating? Errrm, no thanks. Freaky & somewhat off-putting IMO. Give me a normal, clean-smelling, reasonably hirsute man, any day. :D

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I am kind of fity-fifty on this one. I do find a man who shaves his body hair to be a bit odd, seems a bit too obsessed with his own image but I also find overly hairy men to be unattractive. Some body hair is ok, but hairy backs are a bit too much.

But, that said, I know women who love the whole hairy body image, so there is probably someone out there for those hairy guys :o

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Well you've all done a marvellous job of pussy footing around the subject (any possible pun

intended) so I'll come directly to the point.

Certain highly bizarre and totally decadent decadent sexual practices (google a mispelling

of a well known Irish airline for more info) can be impaired by a failure to shave in the relevant


A three day stubble on the inner thighs (I have been told (SMART <deleted> PLEASE NOTE THAT CAVEAT)

can be unpleasant and a too-luxuriant growth at the other end of the end of the equation can lead

to a "I know it's there somewhere , I just can't find it" situation.

Hope this helps


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Well you've all done a marvellous job of pussy footing around the subject (any possible pun

intended) so I'll come directly to the point.

Certain highly bizarre and totally decadent decadent sexual practices (google a mispelling

of a well known Irish airline for more info) can be impaired by a failure to shave in the relevant


A three day stubble on the inner thighs (I have been told (SMART <deleted> PLEASE NOTE THAT CAVEAT)

can be unpleasant and a too-luxuriant growth at the other end of the end of the equation can lead

to a "I know it's there somewhere , I just can't find it" situation.

Hope this helps


Your post seems to be alluding to women & depilation that some of them practice, farangsay. Do men do that? I can honestly say, I have never seen, either as a nurse, or in my own relationships, a guy that is hairless "down there". If I did, I think I'd be put off immediately. No, thanks! :D:D

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Depends on your size. I bet some women having a hard time finding any thing in a bush.

For me…..No No if it’s too bushy and all off looks too weird …..so a neater trim look is most definitely seeexy! :o

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Depends on your size. I bet some women having a hard time finding any thing in a bush.

For me…..No No if it’s too bushy and all off looks too weird …..so a neater trim look is most definitely seeexy! :D

Teacup you are horrible! but that is too funny!!!! :o:D:D

Depends on what you are shaving I would think.

Shaved upper (exposed to the elements of the weather) head can be sexy.

Completely shaved like a scaled fish.. in my opinion takes away from some of the masculinity.

But then a hairy back, shoulders and rear.. ugh... too much.

Hair should be in moderation.. and when in doubt, trim.

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Depends on your size. I bet some women having a hard time finding any thing in a bush.

For me…..No No if it’s too bushy and all off looks too weird …..so a neater trim look is most definitely seeexy! :D

Teacup you are horrible! but that is too funny!!!! :o:D:D

Depends on what you are shaving I would think.

Shaved upper (exposed to the elements of the weather) head can be sexy.

Completely shaved like a scaled fish.. in my opinion takes away from some of the masculinity.

But then a hairy back, shoulders and rear.. ugh... too much.

Hair should be in moderation.. and when in doubt, trim.

Pah! You're such an inno milkmaid....like you don't know what he's talking about? :D

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I have a regular shower regiment of shaving the flag poll and the jewels ( I think it makes them more sensitive to the touch :>)... I clip the rest to about 2 inches... any longer and it looks like a jungle...

I got hooked on it in college when a date brought out a hot shaving cream dispenser...

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The wife and I shaved for awhile when were more public in our sexuality. I found that using vodka as an aftershave helped cut down on the irritation.

After our divorce, my first Thai g/f prefered me without pubic hair, so I kept it up. Since then, though, I am back to natural.

So one American woman and one Thai prefered me clean--no one else has expressed an opinion.

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:o No hair in the rudey area? Sounds too much like ladies with shaven havens, pre pubescent look never did anything more me. Mind you, nor does the hairy chest and back look. I do like a nice pair of hairy arm and legs though..............................................
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Personally, I like the fact that Thai men aren't as hairy. I don't like hairy chests, backs, bums, ears, noses, etc. I once dated a guy that was very hairy (the hairs used to stand up on his shoulders!) ... and he used to molt a lot!

When it comes to the nether region, I've never met a guy that shaves ... I don't mind the hair, just as long as they get rid of any strays ... hairs in your mouth are not nice! A couple of male friends in England shave, and they have said that it makes them look bigger ... any comments?

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I'm with leisurely on this one. the pre-pubescent look doesn't do it for me either.

Agree with you both 100%. I have enough trouble getting my head around guys preferring their female partner's intimate areas to look like a child's, without trying to think of a bloke looking like that. :o Not my cuppa at all! Nice trims on both partner's, much better... :D

Edited by November Rain
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Number 2 on the old electric razor, and a bic now and then (itchy as hel_l afterwards for a week or so) makes me look like a pornstar though :o (they look bigger without hair)

Tip: Shave and then 'Protex' the beast....freshy cool :D

Use some powder on them afterwards and it wont itch as much, dont use any sort of moisturiser though

Not tried protex


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To my surprise the gf got home from work early to find myself, legs splayed on the floor shaving my ass in front of the sliding wardrobe mirrors, not good. I always thought that shaving certain areas would resemble a clean, healthy way of dealing with personal hygiene, she was shocked never to return............


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Depends on your size. I bet some women having a hard time finding any thing in a bush.

For me…..No No if it’s too bushy and all off looks too weird …..so a neater trim look is most definitely seeexy! :D

Teacup you are horrible! but that is too funny!!!! :o:D:D

Depends on what you are shaving I would think.

Shaved upper (exposed to the elements of the weather) head can be sexy.

Completely shaved like a scaled fish.. in my opinion takes away from some of the masculinity.

But then a hairy back, shoulders and rear.. ugh... too much.

Hair should be in moderation.. and when in doubt, trim.

Pah! You're such an inno milkmaid....like you don't know what he's talking about? :bah:

With a mind (mine that is) that constantly has to be drug out of the gutter, I try to err on the side of caution.. :D

So one American woman and one Thai prefered me clean--no one else has expressed an opinion.

Well that can be fixed, say like the first showing of a movie.. you can have a public screening.. but instead we can all hold up numbers?? :bah:

What say ye' ?

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To my surprise the gf got home from work early to find myself, legs splayed on the floor shaving my ass in front of the sliding wardrobe mirrors, not good. I always thought that shaving certain areas would resemble a clean, healthy way of dealing with personal hygiene, she was shocked never to return............


I know a few ladies who like to do it for you. It's quite enjoyable. The shaving anyway. One lady I know works in a spa and after significant coercion talked me into the waxing procedure described in the above link. I does sting a bit. It's worth a try! :D

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Don't know about the other guys, but I like my armpits shaved at all times. That part down there too, but shaving the rest of your body hair as a man (legs, arms, chest, etc.) is a little gay, well, really gay :o

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A man with no body hair? Oooooooooh, horrid! A man who does this must be extremely vain and clearly has too much time on his hands!

For me personally, I believe the following:

Head - Not shaven please. Most men are not attractive with this look. It doesn’t suit many, unless you are stunningly handsome and have the correct head shape and bone structure. Women generally have more petite, delicately shaped heads and softer features than men do, so if anyone should be shaving heads, its us! But we don't, and you wouldn't like it if we did. So please, don't you do it either. You look much nicer with at least a little covering (please note - I am talking about those who have a choice and whip it off on purpose).

Face - a little day old growth here is quite pleasant sometimes. No beards / moustaches though.

Chest - Shaved chests? Aaarrrrgggghhh If it's naturally hairy, please leave it alone.

Back - eermm... well, it can't be helped if its natural, but this area could do with some attention, a little tending now and again.

Armpits - hairy but clean with excessive stragglers trimmed when necessary.

Lower region - Clean, neat, trimmed, but don't go overboard. I think you will find that most women prefer men that look like men, not boys.

Legs - oh yes hairy. You can't possibly shave those. That's just ridiculous. Leg shaving is for girls and swimmers only.


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Some interesting comments on this thread. I am not a very hairy person - celtic genes. However, as I get older I get more hairy. I constantly have to trim ears and nostrils (my wife does it for me, says she enjoys it, and plucking eyebrow hairs gives her a buzz! woman are weird!) I can't believe I now have to trim the nether regions! My armpits are not hairy at all. I got that from my mther who had no armpit hair at all, lucku her! But I am a well trimmed and plucked person and far happier because of it. It's worth the extra effort!

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