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Man Shaved


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I'm with leisurely on this one. the pre-pubescent look doesn't do it for me either.

Agree with you both 100%. I have enough trouble getting my head around guys preferring their female partner's intimate areas to look like a child's, without trying to think of a bloke looking like that. :D Not my cuppa at all! Nice trims on both partner's, much better... :D

I don't mind if a woman has some there but a number of women I have been with including my fiancee has very very little. I don't think it makes her look pre-pubescent. Some women just naturally have very little. I guess I could ask her if she'd be willing to wear a toupee :D

As far as me...I don't like much body hair. In the nether regions, I trim and then shave certain areas there. Arm pits I trim, chest hair I trim...I wouldn't shave it completely though. As I've gotten older, I've acquired some on my shoulders and back of neck. I get that ripped out via wax :o

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As a man I might be the most shaved one here to reply.

I shave all the hair off my arms, legs and chest/stomach area. I don't really have any hair on my back thank God.

As for down below, I do like to shave the hair off the big guy and his two buddies. But the area above the big guy that sits below the stomach, I dont completely shave that area but keep it trimmed very, very short. I can't imagine anything more sickening for a woman to go down there and get a nose & mouth full of hair. Uuuuggghhhh!!!!

I read a lot of you saying that you thought it was gay for a man to shave his entire body like I do. Or some of you said you thought a man would have to be vain to do it. I originally did it because I used to be into weightlifting and weightlifters shave the hair off their bodies to increase muscle definition. After I suffered my back injury and no longer lifted weights, it really started to itch when the hair would start growing back so I kept shaving it. Eventually I grew to like the feeling of bare arms and legs so I have done it ever since.

I certainly am not gay and I don't believe I am very vain either. But I do groom myself and keep myself looking nice. After I shower I put lotion on my arms, legs, stomach & chest to keep my skin smooth and soft. I keep my fingernails and toenails trimmed at all times. I even shave off the little excess hair around the back of my neck to give it a clean look. My wife loves running her hands over my soft, hairless skin and I am only worried about pleasing her. Plus its very comfortable.

Fellow guys, don't knock it until you try it. :o

Edited by TRIPxCORE
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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a strange thread. When one mentions shaving in relation to men, one thinks about the daily ritual of scraping stubble off one's face, yet you are all talking about shaving elsewhere.

I'm too busy to shave.. anywhere on my body. Most people have about 500,000 hours to live after they reach the age of puberty. How many hours of that do you want to spend shaving body hair, mowing the lawn and ritualistically doing a thousand other unnecessary chores. Get a life!

Just in case any of you think I've turned into a Ripvanwinkle, I do trim my beard about once a week or two and I do have the occasional (head) hair-cut, about once a year.

I guess I'm just not as vain as the rest of you :o .

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Personally, I like the fact that Thai men aren't as hairy.

me too. i dated a hairy guy once and it was a turn off to me. thai guys have almost no hair- which is sort of an androgynous trait but i love the soft skin.

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Personally, I like the fact that Thai men aren't as hairy.

me too. i dated a hairy guy once and it was a turn off to me. thai guys have almost no hair- which is sort of an androgynous trait but i love the soft skin.

Seems odd to me. Don't young girls like soft furry things like rabbits and Teddy bears? Don't grown women like to adorn themselves with fur coats and mink shawls?

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Not me, I dislike fur :D

And lets face reality, most mens' body hair is not soft and fuzzy.

Well, it certainly isn't hard and prickly. Let's face it, as soon as you start shaving any part of your body, you have to keep shaving it because a stubble that's just a few days old is as rough as sandpaper.

I often find that ladies in Thailand like to run their hands through my beard just to check out how soft it is :o .

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To each their own, not sure why you argue some people's preferences. Some women like it, some women don't.

It's often illuminating to investigate why one has certain preferences or dislikes. Is the reason I don't like boiled onions because my mother used to present them in hot milk and beat me on the arms with a wooden spoon to force me to eat this disgusting cocktail because she thought it was nutritious, bless her soul?

On the other hand, maybe there really is no accounting for taste.

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Fair enough, I don't like hairy men because it reminds me a bit too much of the gorilla in the zoo. Didn't want to hurt any hairy men's feelings but since you wanted to know... :o

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This has to be one of the most useful posts i'v read, i'v frequently wondered if a little trim down stairs would be in order. A while back a lovely Thai lady (Customer services dept. lets say!) complained they were too long! Not sure what the wife thinks about this. Do Thai ladies generally prefere a trim?

On a related subject i do get asked to pluck the wifies (Thai) under arm hair, i don't mind kind of theraputic really.


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Fair enough, I don't like hairy men because it reminds me a bit too much of the gorilla in the zoo. Didn't want to hurt any hairy men's feelings but since you wanted to know... :o

Don't worry. You haven't hurt my feelings. I happen to know that many women will hike through the jungle for hours in Rwanda and Kenya just to experience the excitement of sitting close to a big hairy gorilla. (Saw Sigourney Weaver on TV revisiting the site of Gorillas in the Mist, recently).

And we all know that one of the great love stories of the 20th century, remade in the 21st century by Peter Jackson, is King Kong :D .

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I need help. I'm very hairy down there. Problem is my hair is very corse. If I trim, its like having a cattus in my pants. If I shave even worse. I don't think waxing is possible. I tried to pull one out, it was rooted like a tree and hurt more than any medievel torture treatment. Is there anything made that for that or method to try? Im not too self obsessed but I've had ladies tell me before they don't like it.

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What good is body hair in the tropics?

I found that with my hairy legs, I felt hot, really hot.... even if I had shorts on.

When I shaved the legs for the first time, it felt cooler. Now I like to shave the legs. it takes some work but I can feel the difference and it is cooler. You might take some grief from all the drunken friends: but, hey, you have to be a man to know what you like.

Now, I have found the best damned shaver in the world. The new Fusion, 5 blades with a battery powered dohicky. It gives me the best shave - bar none - a seriously damned good shaver. I've only shaved my face with it as I don't like ingrown hair on the legs. It does such a great job shaving that I feel like I don't need to shave but every other day now.

I gave a fusion to one thai gf I know. SHe used it on her leg and said she loved it;so, maybe I'll try it on the legs because trimmers don't do the greatest job. You always have to redo parts.

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:o No hair in the rudey area? Sounds too much like ladies with shaven havens, pre pubescent look never did anything more me. Mind you, nor does the hairy chest and back look. I do like a nice pair of hairy arm and legs though..............................................

for me its all neatly trimmed otherwise its very grey everywhere ,and clippers are cheaper than hair dye :D

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I'll register another female vote in favor of shaved men. Yes, I've experienced it both ways, and shaved is better. I wish my husband would, but he can't even be bothered to shave his face.

I like shaved heads on men. It takes a certain amount of confidence and character to pull that look off, and that character and confidence is sexy. I like either a full beard or a fresh shave, but anything in between gives me a rash. Literally. I have very sensitive skin.

Male models all shave their chest, as do weight lifters and bodybuilders. They do it because it looks better and as previously noted allows the muscles the show. This does not mean I want 55 year old men to shave their pallid beer bellies. There's no hope for some things. :o

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There's no doubt that some women prefer hairless males. I experienced this myself. My partenr once hinted to me that my legs were very shapely, like a woman's if they were shaved.

I didn't implement the suggestion. I've got a suspicion that women who like their male partners to be hairless have lesbian tendencies.

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There's no doubt that some women prefer hairless males. I experienced this myself. My partenr once hinted to me that my legs were very shapely, like a woman's if they were shaved.

I didn't implement the suggestion. I've got a suspicion that women who like their male partners to be hairless have lesbian tendencies.

What a ridiculous comment. How could you possibly infer that from one girlfriend?

It seems to me that some men feel the need to justify their hairiness by denigrating others. Everyone has different tastes. I knew a girl who liked hairy guys, good thing because her boyfriend had the hairiest back I have ever seen. I, personally, don't like hairy guys but that doesn't mean my opinion counts for the entire female population, nor does it make me lesbian.

If you can't admit the fact that some women won't find you attractive, don't fling baseless accusations around. Get over it.

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There's no doubt that some women prefer hairless males. I experienced this myself. My partenr once hinted to me that my legs were very shapely, like a woman's if they were shaved.

I didn't implement the suggestion. I've got a suspicion that women who like their male partners to be hairless have lesbian tendencies.

What a ridiculous comment. How could you possibly infer that from one girlfriend?

It seems to me that some men feel the need to justify their hairiness by denigrating others. Everyone has different tastes. I knew a girl who liked hairy guys, good thing because her boyfriend had the hairiest back I have ever seen. I, personally, don't like hairy guys but that doesn't mean my opinion counts for the entire female population, nor does it make me lesbian.

If you can't admit the fact that some women won't find you attractive, don't fling baseless accusations around. Get over it.

Well, it looks like I'm in trouble with the Super Moderator :o . I'm old enough not to make generalisations based on a single incident. The example I quoted was merely an illustrative example, not the entire basis for my expressed suspicion. And please notice, I expressed it as a suspicion, not a categorical statement of fact without exceptions. Am I allowed to express a genuine point of view based on reasonable and unbiased observations, in this Ladies forum?

It is a fact, I would suggest, that hairless bodies are a female characteristic. If you think this is simply not true, I'm willing to consider any arguments that might suggest otherwise.

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for heavens sake barryz, a hideous generalisation such as yours warrants a hideous comeback such as 'men who hang around in the LADIES subforum have gay tendancies'.....

Nothing hideous about that. All men have at least a degree of 'gay tendency' and any man who would categorically deny it is deluded. Do you think these hairy, masculine footballers, fondling and touching each other and rolling around on the football ground (at least in Australian Rules) have no gay tendencies? You're kidding, right? :o

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Used to indulge in the past, but not lately. It definitely adds to the sensitivity and is somewhat erotic so also adds to the mental effect. Also makes men look bigger. Love it on women so why wouldn't I be willing to return the favour ?

If I resumed the practice now without consulting the wife first I'd get the third degree about who did it or who i was doing it for. unexpected behavioural changes will no doubt be met with a modern day equivalent to the Spanish Inquisition.

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Used to indulge in the past, but not lately. It definitely adds to the sensitivity and is somewhat erotic so also adds to the mental effect. Also makes men look bigger. Love it on women so why wouldn't I be willing to return the favour ?

If I resumed the practice now without consulting the wife first I'd get the third degree about who did it or who i was doing it for. unexpected behavioural changes will no doubt be met with a modern day equivalent to the Spanish Inquisition.

Very cryptic! Could you please rephrase that so I can understand it.

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Used to indulge in the past, but not lately. It definitely adds to the sensitivity and is somewhat erotic so also adds to the mental effect. Also makes men look bigger. Love it on women so why wouldn't I be willing to return the favour ?

If I resumed the practice now without consulting the wife first I'd get the third degree about who did it or who i was doing it for. unexpected behavioural changes will no doubt be met with a modern day equivalent to the Spanish Inquisition.

Very cryptic! Could you please rephrase that so I can understand it.

Viva le Bic !!

(sorry for the language...but hope it's common use in English will get it past the mods)

Edited by sibeymai
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Used to indulge in the past, but not lately. It definitely adds to the sensitivity and is somewhat erotic so also adds to the mental effect. Also makes men look bigger. Love it on women so why wouldn't I be willing to return the favour ?

If I resumed the practice now without consulting the wife first I'd get the third degree about who did it or who i was doing it for. unexpected behavioural changes will no doubt be met with a modern day equivalent to the Spanish Inquisition.

Very cryptic! Could you please rephrase that so I can understand it.

Viva le Bic !!

(sorry for the language...but hope it's common use in English will get it past the mods)

In trying to get past the mods you've also got past me, but I admire your attempt :o .

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