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Hopes high worst of Phuket COVID outbreak is over


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1 hour ago, Bob12345 said:

No, you will still get infected. But surprise, everyone will get infected at some point. Even vaccinated people can and will get infected. But all the things I mention will lower your risks of complications (including dying). We don't close the economy and mask everyone up for the flu every year, we just accept the risks. The same will happen with covid, and all you can do is lower your risks. Just as thousands die in car crashes and we still drive... we just try to limit our own risks by being sober, wearing a seatbelt, and not speeding. 

"Just as thousands die in car crashes and we still drive... we just try to limit our own risks by being sober, wearing a seatbelt, and not speeding."


You are contradicting yourself.  Covid has infected and killed millions around the world, that is why we wear a mask to protect ourselves and lower the risks.  Whether you want to wear one is a matter of personal choice unless mandated by law just like wearing a seat belt in a car.  Even that, some idiots still don't wear one (personal choice). The flu has been with us for decades.  We have a lot more knowledge and treatment for it.  We live with it.  Covid is around for less than 2 years and still rampaging in many countries.  Do you read 100,000 people infected with flu daily?  Everyday, we are still learning something new about covid.  Therefore it is prudent to have more "over the top" approach.  Hopefully with more people vaccinated (I hear the anti-vax camp), less people get seriously ill and less people die, strict movement mandates will be loosen and life back to "normal".

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Some might have noticed that masks don't help, neither does closing down the complete country. 

Just as we don't shut down highways when someone dies in a car crash.


You call it prudent, I call it a huge risk and coming months and years you will read enough about it what those risks are exactly. Suicides up, people afraid of social contact, depression up, more drug use, kids with adjustment problems, people dying of hunger in poor countries, lower GDP in poorer countries resulting in more people living below the poverty line, more people dying of diseases like cancer because they skipped screenings, etc, etc, etc. This is the biggest social experiment ever undertaken and future generations will pay the price.


To limit our risks we should not wear masks or stay indoors, as the price is just too high for society as a whole. Instead we should focus on improving general health in the population. 

Edited by Bob12345
felt like it, got a problem with that?
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