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What's The Deal With The Fake Tailor Award Photos?

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We've all seen their advertisments... tailors accepting these HUGE trophys, from some fake award presentation for "BEST TAILOR OF THE YEAR", or "BEST TAILOR IN BANGKOK"...

The ads are usually in free travel publications, national newspapers, even airline inflight glossy magazines.

The tailors are always up on a small elevated stage, about the same height as a suit fitting platform someone would stand on, with a shiny gold lame type material background, I guess to make us think it took place in some HUGE hotel ballroom, that ALL the world's media was covering...

I'm trying NOT to be stereotyping, but they always appear to be tailors in Thailand, or Indian subcontinent orgin. No, I haven't checked all their nationality papers, nor then geneological charts, but that's what it appears to be. And they always are getting this HUGE trophy, shaking the hand of the official-looking person giving out the fake trophy.

I have never seen one of these trophies inside any tailor shop... I'm guessing the trophies are rented for the photo op. I don't believe there is any organization that gives out awards, or even judges suit making in Thailand. I think I am on to this scam.

Oh yeah, and they usually have a hanging sign above, in cheap shiny gold paper letters that says something like, "Best Tailor 2004", and they easily change the lettering as the years go by.

I've seen travel agents make similar ads, but there's a small chance they may have an organization that actually judges them, but I sort of doubt it too. Soon, we'll be seeing fake awards for everything else... I'm quite sure it's coming. Can you imagine "Best colonoscopy in Bangkok, 2006", or "Best Tailor Magazine Ad, 2002"... Unfrickin' believable.


In Khao San Rd the tailors often used to have photos and sworn, handwritten statements on the shop window from farang tourists who had recently purchased from the shop, commenting favourably on the quality of the merchandise.

Often wondered if there was some kind of inducement to do it.


Where as we may be able to spot the scamming types at a glance, others may not. Possiblely somebody from eastern europe on his first holiday in Asia will presume they are on the level.

You sure are sharped eyed Weho. From dodgy indians to rice waitresses they can't pull the wool over your eyes, can they?


No only tailiors...farang scams also uses the same and even have the awards on their offices....many of them well know.....Thai laws do nothing about that.


tailoring and bangkok are two words that just don't go well together.... better to save your money and go to a proper tailor in Hong Kong...

and re: the awards, a crock of shiete the lot of em...


The SouthAsian tailors here just take the measurements it seemsthen send the work out. They call some factory where Thai people actually do the cutting and sewing. The SouthAsian tailors seem to have the best shops job in Bangkok but they aren't cheap. They have better cloth than the stuff I've seen at the few lingering Chinese tailors. The only thing negative I can say about the SouthAsian tailors is that some are often pushy like used-car salesmen. I was just looking once and told the shop guy I wanted to look around and compare prices. He freaked out and said go but don't come back. I felt like telling him to go to hel_l. But that was once and I have had great experiences at other shops on other days.

If there are better tailors in Hong Kong are they Chinese or South Asian. Why wouldn't they want to set up shop here?


Some of the garish, horrible clothes they have in their shop windows are bloody hilarious. :o You might want to rent them for a "Bad Taste Party", and thats all.

Bespoke Tailor - The World's Best Tailor 2000-2007 :o

You've reminded me... the tailors usually don't say they got the "Best Tailor award 1999, 2003, 2005, 2006", instead they usually put in a blanket range, like "1997 to 2007"... If anyone can offer legitimate proof that there IS any kind of quasi-official organization, that tailors pay dues to, that actually gives out awards, has unbiased judges, has written criteria for judging, etc., I will not only buy a blouse or shirt from the current real award champion, but I will agree to have my likeness/photo taken with the tailor, and authorize a statement they can put in the window and/or printed advertisements, stateing that I believe they are, in fact, the "Best Tailor in XXX (Bangkok, Phuket, Thailand, Asia, SE Asia, the Northern Hemisphere etc.), 2007". NOTE: My endoresment will only be valid til the end of 2007, because I may have to endorse the next legitimate winner for next year.

(but they can still use my endorsement, as long as they agree it's only for 2007).


My favourite is the one in Sukhumvit Rd who has a "Best Tailor in the World" trophy.They write the recommendations and buy the trophies themselves.That anyone could be so naive and gullible to think otherwise amazes me.

My favourite is the one in Sukhumvit Rd who has a "Best Tailor in the World" trophy.They write the recommendations and buy the trophies themselves.That anyone could be so naive and gullible to think otherwise amazes me.

But do they cite any organization, whether real or fake, on the trophy, they claim gave out the award?

If some guy is claiming a WORLD title, which takes a lot of chutzpuh, does he at least PRETEND he got it from someone else, besides himself?

Something like:

The World Tailor Association Awards

Society of World Tailors, Awards Presentation 2007

The "TAILIES", the fitting industry equal of the "OSCAR", the "BAFTA", and Miss Universe. Held alternate Octobers.

Donald J. Trump's Best Tailor in the World Award, second half 2007

Airline Magazine Tailor Advertisement Association, 2007 "World's Best" Award (A.M.T.A.A.)

Association of Indian Sub-continent WORLD Fitting Championship (A.O.I.S.C.W.F.C.)

Actually, if anyone else has any suggestion for any names of any really good fake tailor organizations, please post here.

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