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Farang Girls Hitting On Your Thai Man


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Curious how many of you have this same problem- a good looking Thai husband or boyfriend that other farang women try to steal from you. I have noticed that farang girls on holiday are ruthless! They don't care if the guy is hooked up already or not! I recently had a situation in which I told the girl I was with my boyfriend. She refused to back off and came over every day freshly showered, wearing perfume, dressed like a tart. Tried to manouver her way into my guy's lap even when I was sitting right there. Just wouldn't leave! Finally she hooked up with a different Thai guy, but it shook my confidence quite a bit, and things with my guy haven't been the same since (he didn't hook up with her but he didn't try to get her to go away either). A couple of my girl friends mentioned having this problem in the past, just wondering if others thought it was common? I guess it's a good test to see if you can trust your guy, but ###### girls! Get your own man eh?!!!!

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Curious how many of you have this same problem- a good looking Thai husband or boyfriend that other farang women try to steal from you. I have noticed that farang girls on holiday are ruthless! They don't care if the guy is hooked up already or not! I recently had a situation in which I told the girl I was with my boyfriend. She refused to back off and came over every day freshly showered, wearing perfume, dressed like a tart. Tried to manouver her way into my guy's lap even when I was sitting right there. Just wouldn't leave! Finally she hooked up with a different Thai guy, but it shook my confidence quite a bit, and things with my guy haven't been the same since (he didn't hook up with her but he didn't try to get her to go away either). A couple of my girl friends mentioned having this problem in the past, just wondering if others thought it was common? I guess it's a good test to see if you can trust your guy, but ###### girls! Get your own man eh?!!!!
If your relationship is strong and you trust each other you have no problems, if he was tempted or you dont trust him then sadly it would not have been a loss for you in my opinion if he did go off,., men are always coming onto my wife i find it quite flattering as long as they dont touch or go too far, we trust each other 100 per cent so there is no problem,.
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yeah, you're right- my boyfriend and i are not that serious so i wasn't really all that worried even if he did go off with her... it's just the nerve of her still coming around even after i made it clear we were together! this happened to me with my last thai boyfriend as well. i can't imagine being so aggressive myself! i have always steered clear of guys with girlfriends, at least as far as i know!

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I would have to say I don't handle it very well :D

When we went to Canada we were at a house party and I was standing in one group of people and he was in another. Out of no where this little blond girl ran up to him threw her arms around him, kissed him on the cheek and said, "like oh my god I totally love Asians." To which I darted in between and replied, " oh my god, like, so do I, that's why he's my boyfriend!" Let's just say it was not my proudest moment :o I could have probably been a tad more mature about the whole thing, that was very innocent but I had had a couple of drinks and just saw red! To this day it is still a running joke with my friends. He thought it was very cute how jelous I got but at the same time was very shocked that some stranger had just thown her arms around him and kissed him....Not exactly the reaction he gets from women around the moo bann. Luckily he wouldn't know if a girl was flirting with him if she flung her boobs in his face but if I pick up on it I kind of make myself known..... :D

But we live in a small town so the only time it happens is when we are on the beach and we don't go a lot..however we are planning a 3 week holiday post marriage..but at least now I can wave my wedding ring around if it happens again... :D

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when hubby played guitar at a small bar in samui the occasional holiday maker would try to hit on him by dancing in front of the stage & doing their version of a sexy dance & quite a lot of bg's used to hit on him too, even when that nights gig was present they would flirt with him outragously in thai & make some VERY suggestive comments to him which the poor sucker footing the bill could of course not understand :D

I never actually found it bothersome as my husband is the least sociable person I know & I figured if some women did managed to actually, first engage him in coversation & then get so far as to get him in a hotel room with them then they deserved him as that would take A LOT of effort on their part :D But we never had anyone as bad as this girl sounds though & I have to say, if my husband had behaved the same as your bf (not encourgaing her but then not not enouraging her) then we would be having some serously words :o

As for the girl, hmm difficult one, as you say, some girls on holiday don't care who's toes they are stepping on so if your not prepared to smack her one then my best suggestion is to mock her, do it to her face & when she starts fawning over your bf, both of you go elsewhere & make her aware that you are moving cause you find her so pathetic you can't be near her desperation, that should hopefully do it :D

Tell your bf too that his reactions to her bothers you but he may, like a lot of thais, not know how to react to someone behaving this way. I have seen many a thai guy freeze up or be unable to stop gawking/staring when faced with a sexually expressive farang girl & get into trouble from their thai wives or gf's for being so obvious or not looking away.

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Curious how many of you have this same problem- a good looking Thai husband or boyfriend that other farang women try to steal from you.

Never had this problem with a farang girl (but I don't really live where there are a lot of holiday makers) but we certainly had rows over situations where it was plain obvious (to me) that a Thai girl was after him! I have also observed it on many occasions with certain types of Thai women out to get (usually farang men, but sometimes Thai) without seeming to care whether or not that person is already in a relationship or has a family. I'm not talking about bar girls here, usually educated out-going and assertive women.

Edited to add: there were also a number of times out at bars/clubs where 'katoeys' also made a play for him!

Edited by sylvafern
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My Boyfriend gets hit on all the time, but luckily for me he isn't the least bit interested. I would however, have no problem what so ever telling a women to back off. He started wearing a ring on his wedding finger to try and help ward them off, which I thought was very sweet of him as it was his idea and not mine.

We all know the reputation of Good looking Thai men, so girls who just come for a holiday lay or two often could care less. Then of course there are the guys that have two or three girls going at one time. Just point them in the direction of Had Rin, lot's of boys willing to service their needs.

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Curious how many of you have this same problem- a good looking Thai husband or boyfriend that other farang women try to steal from you.

Never had this problem with a farang girl (but I don't really live where there are a lot of holiday makers) but we certainly had rows over situations where it was plain obvious (to me) that a Thai girl was after him! I have also observed it on many occasions with certain types of Thai women out to get (usually farang men, but sometimes Thai) without seeming to care whether or not that person is already in a relationship or has a family. I'm not talking about bar girls here, usually educated out-going and assertive women.

Edited to add: there were also a number of times out at bars/clubs where 'katoeys' also made a play for him!

My problem in the past has been with local Thai women who see a good bet: honest, well-to-do, doesn't drink, gamble or cheat. The evil eye worked on the one girl blatant enough to try it on in front of me (ie the evil eye for the next few years- she wouldn't talk to my husband for years after that :D) but now that we've been married for so long, the plays have dropped off.

Even though we own a backpacker bungalow place no girl has ever had the disrespect to behave this way when I am there. Of course, my husband and I are clearly married so perhaps that helps. Also the fact that he introduces me to everyone as his wife :o I think if the relationship is clearly a committed one then a girl won't bother.

But, to do so after being told he was your boyfriend, is IMO, totally wrong and well deserving of some sharp words. :D

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give me 10 baht ,i will slap even farang or thai bitch(es) who want to steal you guy.

3 bitches per 1 Bambina.More than that Bambi will pop up in the hospital. :o

Honestly, I could care less with those biatches, I think I am cooler.She /They is/are just a souce of disease(s).If my BF care them ,I will give him for a peace and smack his forehead.For da Bitch. I will think as rotten zomby girl matches as a poor old grave.

PS, nothern TH people always say " mee Khong dee bor ho jug gin , chob gin khee kin thom"

(= "when you have a good thing to eat , you don't realize that , just want to eat shit and mud")

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Oh, Dear! I have seen this happen alot, mostly to English girls as they were prevalent in the villages I lived in Thailand. The one I remember best was a scenario where GF #1 went home to make some money. BF meets up with another sweet lass and they get a bungalow near my house. A few months later, the peace is shattered when GF#1 returns. She drives up, charges into the bungalow with a cardboard box, orders her BF to pack, screams and punches GF#2, and then drags her BF down the steps to the jeep. Sorry, I found it quite entertaining, but I was sad for GF#2, who I treated with an ice pack and a beer; she said BF followed her to BKK and begged her to come back. She had no knowledge of GF#1. I didn't know the scenario or the people well at the time, or maybe would have said something.

I know some farang GFs who just walk straight between the girl hitter and the BF hittee, and make it crystal clear who belongs to whom. Why not? Young Thai men do seem confused by the blatant attention of young and foolish white women.

I think you did the right thing at that party, Meme. Actually, if I were you, I would have punched her. :o

But, I was also constantly amused by the keeping up with the Marys; farang girl gets cute Thai BF, so the friends have to get ones, too. Then it's a race to see who moves in together first, who starts a bar/restaurant first, who takes BF back home first, who gets pregnant first, etc. Regular little Peyton Place in my neighbourhood. I was just the aunty who minded my own business, while my balcony was always open for boohoos and advice. Ah, the joys of being older.

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Jet, I don't mind the "keeping up with the mary's", its the keeping up with the Mary's with someone else's boyfriend I find distasteful :o

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Hummm... quite the opposite for my wife and I, the Thai girls always flirt with me and try to get my attention away from my wife.

Never knew you were Thai, Dr. Fisher, or that your wife was Farang :o

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Hummm... quite the opposite for my wife and I, the Thai girls always flirt with me and try to get my attention away from my wife.

Never knew you were Thai, Dr. Fisher, or that your wife was Farang :D

:o No, but I'm sure you know what I meant. I don't get out much you have to excuse me.

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well, in one sense i guess its good im living in a racist society: missing one tooth in front, and very dark, husband is not number one on most womens' hot lists here, but for the filipina crowd (and the spare thai woman or two that are here w/o 'brother' or 'fa'an' to 'take care me...')

on the other hand, back in thailand, its seems that there are a few waiting in line as he is one of the 'good catches', but not sure how i would deal with thai competition as opposed to farang style.


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I should mention that there are a couple of Thai girls who like my man too... but the main one (a giddy little girl at the hardware store) is married so I don't worry too much about her. She is always staring at my bf and when he turns to look at her she makes a big show of blushing and hiding behind something. He always teases her by asking her if she wants his phone number or something. It's quite cute and even her husbnd has noticed and seems to find it funny. The other Thai girl is pretty respectful of me but it's obvious she really likes him, and who knows what happens when I am not around. Neither of them worry me too much as I think they realize he is with me and isn't really interested in a Thai girl until such time as he needs to marry. Farang girls are the ones who have no qualms about intruding in my relationship just to get a quick shag.

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I have more of a problem with the Thai girls, then the farangs. "in season" Hubby and I work together so most farangs meet us as a couple. He's real shy and his English is very basic so, I dont think too much. The Thai's -well, ive gotten used to it by now, the stories I could tell you, like our next door neighbor--oh my! but now, I dont let it bother me too much. In fact I/we joke about it and after 5 years there is more understanding of how things work in this culture clash of our relationship. Speaking and understanding Thai helps greatly. I should add, It's SO MUCH easier after 5 years.

If only the next door neighbor would move.... :o

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Interesting thread, but i definitely agree that most girls on a holiday (anywhere even, but especially at place like Koh Phangan, similar to a mexico or vegas style trip kind of thing..) will go a lot farther then they normally would in order to get some action or whatever. I think being in an environment like that can cause people to act a lot less shameless.

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Oh, Dear! I have seen this happen alot, mostly to English girls as they were prevalent in the villages I lived in Thailand. The one I remember best was a scenario where GF #1 went home to make some money. BF meets up with another sweet lass and they get a bungalow near my house. A few months later, the peace is shattered when GF#1 returns. She drives up, charges into the bungalow with a cardboard box, orders her BF to pack, screams and punches GF#2, and then drags her BF down the steps to the jeep. Sorry, I found it quite entertaining, but I was sad for GF#2, who I treated with an ice pack and a beer; she said BF followed her to BKK and begged her to come back. She had no knowledge of GF#1. I didn't know the scenario or the people well at the time, or maybe would have said something.

I know some farang GFs who just walk straight between the girl hitter and the BF hittee, and make it crystal clear who belongs to whom. Why not? Young Thai men do seem confused by the blatant attention of young and foolish white women.

I think you did the right thing at that party, Meme. Actually, if I were you, I would have punched her. :o

But, I was also constantly amused by the keeping up with the Marys; farang girl gets cute Thai BF, so the friends have to get ones, too. Then it's a race to see who moves in together first, who starts a bar/restaurant first, who takes BF back home first, who gets pregnant first, etc. Regular little Peyton Place in my neighbourhood. I was just the aunty who minded my own business, while my balcony was always open for boohoos and advice. Ah, the joys of being older.

Getting older is hard to avoid Jet so we have to pretend to find some joy in it. Who was it said youth is wasted on the young?

PS, this isn't the real sceadugenga but an impersonator. The real sceadugenga wouldn't be caught dead looking into a women's forum.

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Getting older is hard to avoid Jet so we have to pretend to find some joy in it. Who was it said youth is wasted on the young?

PS, this isn't the real sceadugenga but an impersonator. The real sceadugenga wouldn't be caught dead looking into a women's forum.

:o Liar. liar pants on fire.

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Getting older is hard to avoid Jet so we have to pretend to find some joy in it. Who was it said youth is wasted on the young?

PS, this isn't the real sceadugenga but an impersonator. The real sceadugenga wouldn't be caught dead looking into a women's forum.

:D Liar. liar pants on fire.

Yeah, I've been eavesdropping here too. We live in Phuket and my wife has owned a hospitality business for many years, and has seen it all and has many other Thai friends who own hotels, etc.. She has often told me that it's largely the Japanese women who really lose their inhibitions and go crazy for the married Thai guys when on holiday, so ladies, as a warning, keep an eye on them as well as farangs! :o

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I've noticed a change in female behaviour all-round. Women are becoming very competitive and extremely forward. I have been brought up with good morals and values, but others, unfortunately, have not. Living in London, I have met girls from all over, and one of my friends tried it on with a guy from my past right in front of me! No shame whatsoever. This was still quite a recent 'past' too! I had to explain to her that girls have unwritten rules, and you do not break them. She understands now. And that was my friend ... so girls that you don't know will not give you one thought!

As for my Thai fella, well, I imagine he's having a good time. I'm not the first farang (even though he says I am) and I won't be the last! I live in England and he lives in Thailand ... we haven't spoken about committment and relationships ... as I know he'd be lying to me, and I don't want that. It's also pretty impossible to have a long distance relationship based on the English 20 day holiday allowance! I've never seen a girl come-onto him, but deep down, I believe he's a butterfly man (I've had reason to believe this). He's attractive, funny and kind natured ... I bet he gets a lot of female attention!

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