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Pieceblondie; Look up biorhythm for a start. I don’t have the exact information handy but you should get an idea about the male cycle and how it applies. This link looks like it may have some information but it was just a quick search and I did not have time to do more than skim it. http://www.whitestranger.com/more_general.htm

I can't believe a person with a supposedly medical background can even suggest biorhythms. Those were tested and discarded as utterly snake oil as far back as 1980. :o

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I am a bit concerned in that I have had an unusual high number of men in the past 3 months contact me on this. I am beginning to wonder if there is some unknown in the environment, a virus, or just a generally higher stress level.
Absorbing too much estrogen from food & water, perhaps ?

Note that the following quote is from a website promoting sales of a natural hormonal cream, so you should google up some additional sources to corroborate facts; however it is not disputed, so far as I know, that many people these days are receiving quite large amounts of estrogen from the environment.

The Environmental Estrogen Enigma

Out of balance hormones are being recognized as a very real and ever increasing problem in the United States and other industrialized countries. Many researchers including John R. Lee, M.D., who is the leading pioneer in natural progesterone therapy, are coming to the conclusion that the over abundance of estrogen and estrogen like substances that act like estrogen once our bodies absorb them are responsible for a vast number of today's health problems. This over abundance of estrogen is referred to as estrogen dominance which is an increasingly serious problem for both women and men.

Where do all these chemicals that mimic estrogen come from? These chemicals are in many of the foods we eat. Cattle and chickens are given estrogen like substances to increase weight gain over a shorter time period. When we eat beef or chicken we get low doses of these foreign estrogens which are also called xenoestrogens. These xenoestrogens are also in certain pesticides, detergents, plastic food containers and wraps, cosmetics, paints used to coat the inside of cans for canned food, and even from recycled water in municipal water systems that can contain low doses of estrogen from oral contraceptives. These chemicals that mimic estrogen can contaminate our air, food, and water and can end up in our body in parts per billion even though our bodies run on hormone levels of parts per trillion. In other words xenoestrogens mimic estrogen and can be present in the human body at levels 1,000 times more in concentration than the natural hormones in a human body!

Excess estrogen can also be caused by adrenal-gland malfunction or the over production of an enzyme called aromatase. Being obese is also a danger since fatty tissues produce estrogen and the more fat, the greater the risk of estrogen dominance and its unwanted effects.

What are the unwanted effects that are caused by estrogen dominance? Studies in women demonstrate that PMS, menopausal problems, endometrial cancer, breast cancer, excess fat, thinning hair, fibroids, osteoporosis, and fibro-cystic breasts have a direct correlation with estrogen dominance.

That men can also have severe health consequences from estrogen dominance is just beginning to be documented.

For men, ask yourselves the following questions :

1. Do you have a spare tire around your waist that won't go away regardless of how much you exercise or how little you eat?

2. Are you losing your hair?

3. Do you have a layer of soft stubborn baby fat under your skin?

4. Are your pecs looking more like a woman's breasts?

5. Is your sex life going down the tubes?

6. Do you have the non-cancerous growth of the prostate known as benign prostatic hyperplasia or B.P.H.

More at http://www.premugest.com/news.htm#Estrogen


Dear Gents,

When I posted this problem I thought I would simply get a load of Piss taking....But you have taken it for what it is, a very serious subject. And for that I thank you muchly......

However, prior to bringing it up, I naturally did a lot of research and as a result took all sorts of Herbs and Medication without any real improvement in my Libido.....so your kind advice has not come up with anything new for me to try.

So it seems that the Enlarged Prostate is probably the villian of the piece!

I have one of those. Don't we all?

Hopefully the Antibiotics will reduce the inflamation and the size. I have no difficulty Peeing incidentally.

If you want to know my 'Prostate Story' look at my fairly recent post. It will horrify you.......

I will let you know if things improve and why. God Bless.


You could try getting rid of the mirrors around the house :D That might help! .....

<feel better?> :o


Try Andriol capsules from the pharmacy. Take 2 after breakfast and 2 after lunch, with food and fat. If you feel rather better after a day or two it indicates testosterone deficiency.

Try Andriol capsules from the pharmacy. Take 2 after breakfast and 2 after lunch, with food and fat. If you feel rather better after a day or two it indicates testosterone deficiency.

A testosterone test is quick and cheap, although the better "free" testosterone test is unavailable here in CM the regular should give you a fair idea for starters.

I have taken great interest in testosterone replacement therapy and have an extensive library about it. Replacement of lowered testosterone levels can and quickly will have profoundly positive effects. The subject will feel better and more confident, may have depression relieved, sleep better, tend to enjoy exercise more and lose fat and gain muscle tone. Replaced or increased sex drive is almost a beneficial side effect and it WILL happen.

It has been thought for years that there is a downside. Or two.

Heart problems.

Prostate cancer.

The great news is the largest studies now point to these as clearly being wrong. Simply wrong. There is absolutely no verifiable connection.

Prostate cancer after all tends to happen when our testo levels decrease not increase ie getting older.

A body builder a year used to drop dead of a heart attack but they were obsessed nutters and simply taking extraordinarily large doses. Real science finds no connection however finds no connection and increased wish for activity and exercise is only likely to be beneficial.

What I am interested in is a very conservative, controlled raising of levels not to those of a acne ridden teenager but just to put the clock back a reaonable amount.


I am surprised to see the last poster suggest Andriol tablets as oral ingestion is thought to be inneffective. I would be very interested to hear your personal experience Trevor.

Most "elderly" patients are given monthly or three weekly injections.

It does work but it does not take a rocket scientist to see the resulting huge increase then gradual decrease to a very low level before the next dose as unsatisfactory.

Patches were used for a while.

There is now a very satisfactory method....testosterone gel applied to the upper arms where it is absorbed and does what it needs to very well.

The problem? The price is an outrage, recommended price nearly $200 a month (though still probably well worth it) and it is in any case unavailable in Thailand.

I have considered a business with help from a doctor friend and a pharmacist friend supplying individually formulated gel at a much more realistic price, with consultation and regular blood level monitoring.

Feedback welcome.

Been a randy Sod all my life. But now, quite suddenly, I have gone off sex!

When I first came to LOS I was like a kid in a Chocolate Factory.

The Fems really turned me on. But now I look at them and .......NOTHING!

Has this happened to anyone else?

When it gets so darn hot that you feel like there is a tropical depression moving across your back...all I feel like doing is nothing....makes the wife mad, though. Don't touch me, I'm too hot.

Pieceblondie; Look up biorhythm for a start. I don’t have the exact information handy but you should get an idea about the male cycle and how it applies. This link looks like it may have some information but it was just a quick search and I did not have time to do more than skim it. http://www.whitestranger.com/more_general.htm

I can't believe a person with a supposedly medical background can even suggest biorhythms. Those were tested and discarded as utterly snake oil as far back as 1980. :o

Phil I gave it as a rough example. The information I have on it is tucked away someplace and I don’t have time to dig for it. Without going too deep in it there are both internal and external factors that contribute to the cycles. Examples not related to libido; seasonal depression is an external example that is related to lack of sunlight in the winter months. Seasonal foods are another external example. I don’t want to go from memory on what the internal factors are but we all have our days. If you can take that as a general understanding you can see that things are not constant. Just take my word on this they are there and are more noticeable when your drive is lower with age.


As I understand it chaps. The downside of taking Hormone Replacement Capsuls. I have taken them by the way and they made me feel good. Is that IF you already have Cancer of the dear old prostate, the increased Testosterone will feed it, and it will speed up!

SO before taking such medication one must be absolutely sure you are Cancer free.....if that is possible?


Just a question,

Are you staying with your GF or wife?

Because that could explain a lot.

When I lived in Holland I had a GF. The relation lasted for 7 years but I sort of discovered that I was not really in love with her after 3 years.

The first 3 years the sex was great, did all kind of 'kinky' stuff and enjoyed a lot.

Untill I realised........

I saw her as just a very good friend and it was very difficult for me to get arroused and even when I was it became something that had to be done because you are together so you should have some kind of regular sex (expected by the GF).

Maybe you are thinking (deep inside) to have some different kind of sex but you refuse these thoughts because everybody always told they are wrong.

Just thinking out loud na, no worrie I have an open mind and I think most of us have here.

Anyway if you can answer some of my questions we can then further analyse.



Just a question,

Are you staying with your GF or wife?

Because that could explain a lot.

When I lived in Holland I had a GF. The relation lasted for 7 years but I sort of discovered that I was not really in love with her after 3 years.

The first 3 years the sex was great, did all kind of 'kinky' stuff and enjoyed a lot.

Untill I realised........

I saw her as just a very good friend and it was very difficult for me to get arroused and even when I was it became something that had to be done because you are together so you should have some kind of regular sex (expected by the GF).

Maybe you are thinking (deep inside) to have some different kind of sex but you refuse these thoughts because everybody always told they are wrong.

Just thinking out loud na, no worrie I have an open mind and I think most of us have here.

Anyway if you can answer some of my questions we can then further analyse.



Yes I live with my GF. But I have just remembered something.

My lack of interest in Sex goes back to the time I could not ejaculate!

This is a symptom of Prostate enlargement I understand......

I am surprised to see the last poster suggest Andriol tablets as oral ingestion is thought to be inneffective. I would be very interested to hear your personal experience Trevor.

Most "elderly" patients are given monthly or three weekly injections.

It does work but it does not take a rocket scientist to see the resulting huge increase then gradual decrease to a very low level before the next dose as unsatisfactory.

Patches were used for a while.

There is now a very satisfactory method....testosterone gel applied to the upper arms where it is absorbed and does what it needs to very well.

The problem? The price is an outrage, recommended price nearly $200 a month (though still probably well worth it) and it is in any case unavailable in Thailand.

I don't really understand what you're trying to say with the above ... are you saying that Andriol tablets as oral ingestion is inneffective or not? Why (not)?

Is the testosterone test available from clinics in Pattaya or only hospitals? Any recommendations? (not BHP :o)


Hi all,

Been following this one with interest...and with no offence meant to anyone it now scares me that the underlying default setting for human understanding is set so far away from that of our source: i.e. that thing we call nature.

To explain this let me give some background:

Heavily into Sport from a young age (middle-distance running - 100 mile weeks etc, verge of International Athletics prior to Glandular Fever) especially at Uni where I studied Sport Science.

Royal Marine commission for 6 years (including PTI training)

Father dies of cancer, brother attempts suicide (and then comes under conventional treatment).

Start to look at own health closer.

Oriental Medicine degree (China, UK, USA)

CranioSacral Therapy & Visceral Manipulation Training

Finally since turing 33-35 also experienced a downturn in energy (including sexual energy in both frequency and potency - and I mean downturn after being very active with partners).

I used to think I knew my body as an athlete....however, in reality I did not. After experiencing Conventional Medicine during my athletic career, and marine Career and seeing the conventional treatments given to both my father and brother....alarm bells started to ring. Then experiencing my own downturn of health after being at an extremely high level of 'fitness & supposed health' for years I began searching for answers.

My search led me through:

Oriental Medicine

Craniosacral therapy

Visceral Manipulation

Raw eating

Instinctive Eating


The problem always has many levels both physical, mental and spiritual....but ultimately comes to one area....toxicity. The toxicity of our food, air, thoughts and actions.

If you want to return to previous health, then you must start to understand your body and not just use it until it 'runs out'. You have to want to find your own health naturally - conventional treatments may work, but will also have side-effects at SOME POINT, now, tomorrow or in ten years. If you're having sexual problems then the only person who ultimately will have the answers is yourself. Utilise therapies that help you understand your feelings about yourself, and sex, and that work with the mind and body - they are the same after all. Clean your body out. I use CranioSacral therapy, Visceral manipulation, basic yoga, raw eating and fasting. I've been raw eating and fasting for 18 months now.....and am experiencing vitality that I haven't expereinced for years.....and I still feel very toxic and know there is a long way to go. Am not suggesting you use these....you should find those that work for you......but the most important thing to remember is that you have to be the driving force, you should not relie on others. Your feelings will tell you everything about your present health.....how you got there, and how to get better again. You just have to start to learn the language again. For me, Craniosacral Work and Visceral manipulation did this.....for you, who knows.

We do not honestly know what health is anymore. We think health involves cold, flu, impotency, cancer and heart attacks......a lottery of bad luck rather than missunderstand between mind and body.

Conventional medicine may work for you.....but it won't be for long or without a cost. Your body, you being is the most amazing thing you will ever be given and can recover from anything given the chance. If you want to.............

However, our understanding of life and nature is now hidden somewhere in the fogs of our toxicity so I fully expect the next post to move back onto this drug or that one in your search for health....

good luck


Just been to see the Urologist at Queen Serikit Hospital Sattahip.

He did a biopsy on me a few months ago. No sign of Prostate Cancer, BUT my PSA

which was 12 has now gone up tp 17!

The gradual rise in PSA is a sign of Cancer he told me although he didn't find it in the Biopsy samples. Anyway I have to go back in three months time......ugh.

Presently, I only rise for a pee once or twice a night and the flow is good thankfully.

I am concerned about the size of my Prostate and want to reduce it in size.

If anyone has achieved this I would like very much to know how?

My Libido remains very low. I will try Hypnotherapy asap. Tell ya if it works Guys.

Just been to see the Urologist at Queen Serikit Hospital Sattahip.

He did a biopsy on me a few months ago. No sign of Prostate Cancer, BUT my PSA

which was 12 has now gone up tp 17!

The gradual rise in PSA is a sign of Cancer he told me although he didn't find it in the Biopsy samples. Anyway I have to go back in three months time......ugh.

Presently, I only rise for a pee once or twice a night and the flow is good thankfully.

I am concerned about the size of my Prostate and want to reduce it in size.

If anyone has achieved this I would like very much to know how?

My Libido remains very low. I will try Hypnotherapy asap. Tell ya if it works Guys.

Sorry to hear about your PSA result. Are you confident about the Urologist ? 3 months seems a bit long between visits if the PSA is rising. Dr. Thanoo Choovichian at Samitivej is another urologist to consider. The thing I like about him is that he encourages you to go and get a second opinion. He is excellent but not cheap.

About the enlarged prostate, - hormone therapy, using the female hormone to stop the production of testosterone will certainly reduce the size of the prostate, lower your PSA level, and slow the development of any cancer, especially if its in the early stage. The downside is that it sure does kill the libido. So no lust or arousal anymore! weird! However, once you stop using it, the libido returns so my Drs. tell me. I can still manage a sort of erection if I've had a few drinks the night before. I've just about finished the second of 2 X three monthly injections which have reduce my PSA from 25 to 0.34 since January. Fortunately I have a very sympathetic wife. If it helps stop the progress of my cancer I'll take it and live with the libido issues.

As one of my sons said to me recently.' Well Dad, after all your treatment is finished, you may end up with a wobbly dick, but you'll have a cancer free arse!'

Good luck


Hi again,

Go back three posts.....read again and especially read the last line.

Thank you for proving my point.

To you luckydog I wish you luck.....but please remember prostate problems are very gradual and tend to develop over years. This is both good and bad. Good because it changes gradually and therefore can be 'caught' and redressed. Bad because it changes gradually therefore the underlying causes are can be numerous and often forgotten about (physical injury, too much sex and therefore tissue fatique, mental opinions and beliefs....) and therefore harder to redress. The Yin and Yang of life.

There are people who have solved their problem and redressed it.....however, they've always done it by looking at their overall health, detoxifying themselves and taking responsibility for themselves.....

There is a publication and website called 'What the Doctors don't tell you' (www.wddty.com) ......which is researched and written by doctors and as it says, is information not disclosed by conventional medicine about conventional treatments and alternative..........a quote about Prostate Cancer by them can be summerized as follows:

'The best chances of survival with Prostate Cancer is to do no conventional medicine, because the percentage of survivers is higher for those who don't have conventional treatment as compared to those that do'

If you go on their website you can buy credits to allow you to access their data base. This is a data base of research about about any medical problems and includes personal expereinces as well as scientific research. There is no time limit for the use of each credit, so decide what you want to ask, and stay on for hours if you want......

Good Luck


Just been to see the Urologist at Queen Serikit Hospital Sattahip.

He did a biopsy on me a few months ago. No sign of Prostate Cancer, BUT my PSA

which was 12 has now gone up tp 17!

The gradual rise in PSA is a sign of Cancer he told me although he didn't find it in the Biopsy samples. Anyway I have to go back in three months time......ugh.

Presently, I only rise for a pee once or twice a night and the flow is good thankfully.

I am concerned about the size of my Prostate and want to reduce it in size.

If anyone has achieved this I would like very much to know how?

My Libido remains very low. I will try Hypnotherapy asap. Tell ya if it works Guys.

After reading more into your thread, I can see there is a chance your situation may the result of what is known as a secondary gain. The reason I say this is because your situation was sudden although your reference to a pre cancerous condition is very gradual. If you want to know more about a secondary gain you can google. This opinion is only based on the content of this thread so I can’t be sure just yet. However if it is a secondary gain then hypnotherapy is the correct plan of action and certainly could not hurt the situation.


Let me make sure what you are saying here. Libido as in desire and not the ability to get an erection. They are two entirely different things and viagra will do nothing for desire. When you can verify that I can make some recommendations.

Thanks John.

I seem to have lost the desire that I used to have in abundance......thats given rise to Impotence.

Cant understand it?

sorry, but given rise to impotence?


Wow, I can't believe that this topic has gone on for four pages and no one has

mentioned the most obvious single issue yet.

That idea of antibiotics for an "enlarged, inflamed" prostate may possibly do

something about the inflammation -- if and only if that inflammation is due to

a bacterial infection of the prostate.

(And if the antibiotic in question will work on the bacteria in question: that is

in no way guaranteed. There are plenty of antibiotic-resistant bugs around

these days.)

The enlargement may well have nothing whatsoever to do with the

inflammation, and vice versa.

What you very likely have is BPH, benign prostate hypertrophy, which is

one of the single most common health complaints in aging males. That

would account for the enlargement. Inflammation happens sometimes

in BPH, although it could well be a concurrent infection causing that part.

Do not be fooled by the B in BPH. BPH is sometimes a precursor to actual

outright prostate cancer. If you have an enlarged prostate, you are getting

a signal that you need to have regular (I would say twice yearly) checks to

make sure the gland has not gone cancerous.

BPH is due to changes in your endocrine system over the years. There is

a specific culprit, the hormone dihydrotestosterone, which binds to prostate

cells and stimulates them to grow beyond what they ought to.

There are therapies for noncancerous BPH which interrupt this mechanism.

The most common, finasteride, targets an enzyme in the body called

5-alpha reductase. This is the enzyme which converts other hormones

(usually testosterone) into dihydrotestosterone.

(DHT also is implicated in balding. So finasteride is sold under different

labelling for both BPH and for male pattern baldness. Trade names are

Proscar and Propecia.)

Finasteride has side effects. Some men say it wipes out their libido.

Others get fat on it. Your experience may vary.

BPH should not necessarily hurt your libido. There are plenty of randy

old guys with enlarged prostates. They just aren't happy about having

to get up and go pee immediately afterward.

However, if your prostate goes cancerous, and has to be removed by

radical surgery, your libido and your ability to perform almost always

leave with the gland. So you have a big incentive to keep that prostate

in good shape.

Your doctor was smart to have your PSA level checked. Keep that up.

I agree with the comment upthread that testosterone got made out to

be the big villain in BPH and in prostate cancer alike. It's true that the

5-AR enzyme does make testosterone into the evil dihydrotestosterone.

But estrogen can and does also convert into DHT.

Bear in mind that as men age, their testosterone levels plummet as

their estrogen levels rise. A Caucasian man over age 50 usually has

more estrogen per milliliter of blood than does his wife! And when do

men get these diseases? In midlife and beyond.

I think that it will become clearer in time that estrogens are the

real culprit in BPH and in prostate cancer.

Note: we also live in an age where our food and water are saturated

with synthetic industrial chemicals which look like estrogen to the body

and which cause estrogenic changes.

Be aware that this is occurring on a truly global scale. A typical young

man of 25 today has half the sperm count which his grandfather would

have had at the same age 50 years ago. That's everywhere. No country

shows an exception.

I would bet that we will see more complaints of low male libido, and

more complaints of other diseases linked to excess estrogen, unless

and until the estrogenic pollution issue gets sorted out.

And even if the production of the chemicals stops, they are long-lasting,

so the next couple of generations are going to have to find adaptations

and therapies.



What do you think Gents?



dot.gifThe survival rate for all stages of prostate cancer combined has increased from 67 percent to 92 percent over the past 20 years, primarily because more men are being diagnosed at an earlier stage than in years past. With the combination of our herbal treatment, many patients have enjoyed a prolonged time with less side effect of radiation and hormone, such as impotence.

............................................................know more about prostate cancer

dot.gifCanelim Capsules, the medicine we recommended here, is the only Chinese anti-cancer medicine listed in Class A of the National Basic Insurance Catalog, China. It is of high efficiency in killing cancer cells, boosting immunity and thus reducing cancer body, inhibiting cancer growth and metastasis, alleviating clinical symptoms and pain, prolonging life expectancy and improving life quality. It fits for all stages of prostate cancer, either be applied alone or in combination with standard treatments:

  • <LI class=word6>as forerunner of surgery to shrink the cancer, so that it is easier to be removed. <LI class=word6>To be applied together with surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. <LI class=word6>as maintenance in the inermission of treatment or after surgery, or
  • as the main treatment when the cancer comes to a terminal stage that none of conventional treatments is applicable.

dot.gifFor anyone who has radiation or chemotherapy or both, additional A-L Tonic Capsules is recommended

canelim.jpgCanelim CapsulesPermission No.Z61021330DescriptionCapsuleMain IngredientsRadix Curcume, Herba Agrimonia, Fructus Aurantii etcMain function1. Kill the cancer cells and inhibit the growth of tumor, has significant therapeutic effect on common solid carcinoma

2. Strengthening body resistance, raising body immunologic function

3. Ideal complex effects:

a. specially enhance sensitivity of anoxic cells to chemical medicine and radiotherapy.

b. rapidly release the side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

4. Raising patient's living quality and prolonging patient's lifeTherapeutic RangeProstate cancer, esophagus cancer, lung cancer, gastric cancer, etc Administration & Dosagetake orally, 6cap*3 times/day 33days/course

generally, a total of 3 courses needed, long term useage encouraged.Adverse Reactions1. No toxicity and side effect, can be used in a long term.

2. Slight stomach upset occasionally seen. No need to stop. Stands on TCM Theory1. Resolve mass and swelling

2. Remove the phlegm and detoxicate

3. Promote blood circulation to stop pain

4. Exert tonic effect on the heart and strengthen the bodyAnimal Test1. Tumor inhibition--S180 tumor

2. Life extension--H22 tumor

3. Immune enhancement--S180 tumor

4. Pain reliefClinical ReportsA. A statistical data of 24771 patients with different types of cancers show that total effective rate varies from 53.2% to 89% respectively.

B. Review--therapeutic effects of Canelim Capsules on malignant tumors PriceRMB2088/course (100 cap*6 bottle for 33days), US$268Buy now!



There is a happy blend of both western produced medicine and more traditional herbal medicine. I just hope I live long enough to see that day. Western medicine is driven by money and profit, where there is little money to be made on more natural medicines. My advise it not to panic as you appear to still be in the preventative stage. Without seeing the results from a full work up any medical advise is foolish at best.

There are mineral that do accumulate in the prostate such as zinc, and you should be aware of what foods do what.

I would be a bit concerned about what comes out of China. In recent days toothpaste was recalled because it was found to have antifreeze in it.

If you are concerned about the accuracy of diagnosis, you can always forward your test results to a doctor of your choice.

Being a hypnotherapist you should know that your mind can make you better or worse, so I would start with some positive self hypnosis suggestions while you are searching for options.

Western medicine is driven by money and profit, where there is little money to be made on more natural medicines.

That is just pure nonsense. Every "natural", "traditional", "herbal" blah blah blah "medicine" on the market cost 3-4 times more than the proper medication.

"100 cap*6 bottle for 33days), US$268"

That's almost 10,000 baht for 100 pills. Come on!! That kind of money can only be taken from those completely gullible and ready to believe anything.


Western medicine is driven by money and profit, where there is little money to be made on more natural medicines.

That is just pure nonsense. Every "natural", "traditional", "herbal" blah blah blah "medicine" on the market cost 3-4 times more than the proper medication.

"100 cap*6 bottle for 33days), US$268"

That's almost 10,000 baht for 100 pills. Come on!! That kind of money can only be taken from those completely gullible and ready to believe anything.


Yes you are correct about that, I was thinking more along the lines of their natural form and not processed and concentrated. I think I have spotted a few Chinese shops around Bangkok that offer it in the traditional way of mixing a custom blend. The advantage and disadvantage between natural and processed is consistency in the processed version.

Western medicine is driven by money and profit, where there is little money to be made on more natural medicines.

That is just pure nonsense. Every "natural", "traditional", "herbal" blah blah blah "medicine" on the market cost 3-4 times more than the proper medication.

"100 cap*6 bottle for 33days), US$268"

That's almost 10,000 baht for 100 pills. Come on!! That kind of money can only be taken from those completely gullible and ready to believe anything.


Yes you are correct about that, I was thinking more along the lines of their natural form and not processed and concentrated. I think I have spotted a few Chinese shops around Bangkok that offer it in the traditional way of mixing a custom blend. The advantage and disadvantage between natural and processed is consistency in the processed version.

Many modern medications come from plants and herbs. However, the traditional natural products don't have the concentration of the effective compounds that the modern medicinal versions have. Of course their may be a few exceptions to this rule. The operative term their is (FEW).


Having failed to find where they sell Snake Oil as recommended by the one and only (thank God!) PHIL,

I decided to give Terrapin Shell Powder a try. It cost 1200 for 60 capsules.

Been taking them for about a week aaaaaaand.......something is happening Guys!

Now when a lovely fem passes by in Walking St there is a stirring in the old loins!

Could this be the start of something BIG?

I know I know Phil.........save it Mate.


Belief can often work miracles as evidenced by many double blind medical trials.

See also PLACEBO

Having failed to find where they sell Snake Oil as recommended by the one and only (thank God!) PHIL,

What do you mean by this? You asked for opinions. Mine was simply "I think it sounds like snake oil." Do you think your comment is fair just because you didn't like it?

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