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Waxing For Ladies


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Yep. I'm taking one for the ladies here and posting for a 'friend.' Where can I tell her to get a good wax job done in town where they are familiar with Western Standards? And where they are familiar with how n where a Western lady needs hair removal... it's just so different from what most Thai ladies need after all. Might as well dish on all the types and where...ie Bikini, Brazilian, etc. If you know how much it is, include that too, eh. THanks.

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Yep. I'm taking one for the ladies here and posting for a 'friend.' Where can I tell her to get a good wax job done in town where they are familiar with Western Standards? And where they are familiar with how n where a Western lady needs hair removal... it's just so different from what most Thai ladies need after all. Might as well dish on all the types and where...ie Bikini, Brazilian, etc. If you know how much it is, include that too, eh. THanks.

Sounds simply disgusting. Big, overweight, hairy european women. Armpits, legs, whiskers, nether regions , etc. etc. Yuk :D:o

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BB flies in a team of sheep shearers from Queensland for his monthly defoliation. Probably not much help to a svelte young Western lady requiring a minor touch-up! (Or should that be freshen-up? Touch-ups may be a bit too common around here.....)

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Now guys ,,,,, in fairness to those trying to learn the English Language..... Please use the spell check...

I've noticed some typos in the above few posts....

BB .... nether ...... should be corrected to neither,,,, as in neither the front nor the back

P1P .... svelt ....... shoud be corrected to smelt... as in smelt Roses.....whoever she is


to be continued I'm sure....

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If you can't give the OP an informative answer then suggest you take your offensive attitudes elsewhere :D

Besides, I do believe he wasn't asking your opinion, unless you've recently transformed into a woman :o

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If you can't give the OP an informative answer then suggest you take your offensive attitudes elsewhere :D

Besides, I do believe he wasn't asking your opinion, unless you've recently transformed into a woman :o

In my travels over the years I have met many males, and definately not attracted to any of them, who have enjoyed wax jobs.

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Yes, but he was asking who did a good job waxing for ladies, and all you could come up with was offensive stereotypes with no answer.

Again, if you don't have an informative answer then keep your attitudes to yourself.

May I suggest you read the forum rules before posting?

Do not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or any attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants. The word, or its derivative, "trolling", is used to describe such messages or the act of posting them.

3) Religious or racial slurs, rude and degrading comments towards women, or extremely negative views of Thailand will not be tolerated.

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Now guys ,,,,, in fairness to those trying to learn the English Language..... Please use the spell check...

I've noticed some typos in the above few posts....

How about that p1p used the correct spelling and context for nether as in REAR ie the nether regions?

Back to the original post. In central plazza there are several beauty salons that have female farung customers and while they are not specialists in western girls they are certainly aware of the differences.

Suggest you send the g/f there and check out some of the more upmarket places.


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Besides, I do believe he wasn't asking your opinion, unless you've recently transformed into a woman :o

So where in the post did HE ask for ladies only to reply? If he wanted to have it segregated to females only the OP (who is a guy) posted it in the Ladies Section although I am not sure if they do a XX XY chromosome check at the door in case some guy wanders in either with intent or by accident.

I accept that some of the posts were off topic so why not pull them up on that? However in my reply I did at least attempt to make a reasonable suggestion, unlike yourself of where he might find a suitable salon.


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My mistake, he was asking for informed replies, not just those of women. Of which, you were the only poster who managed to make one, albeit after I already, acting as a moderator, had to ask posters to mind their manners and try to keep on topic.

Satisfied now, Crow Boy?

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My mistake, he was asking for informed replies, not just those of women. Of which, you were the only poster who managed to make one, albeit after I already, acting as a moderator, had to ask posters to mind their manners and try to keep on topic.

Satisfied now, Crow Boy?

Always :o


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There is opposite restaurant 'the Boat' on Huay Keaw road a Nail cafe. And another one on the Faham road close to the Hollanda Montri Guesthouse. Both have had their training with Dasydesign.com of wich the onwers are foreigners and she is an international intructor on naily stuff and waxing.

It seems that the one on the Huay Keaw road is pretty competent.

You or your g/f could check it out.


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There's also a place on Moon Muang that advertises waxing. It is south of the Thapae Gate, on the inside of the moat, a few doors down from Jerusalem Falafel.

Now, as I approach 40, I notice more hair on my back and shoulders, and have been considering getting it waxed off, in preparation for my upcoming mid-life crisis. I insist that I am all man, and not foppish in the least, and am simply trying to preen myself for those near and dear to me, and those who are far away but observant. Any of you other fellas do something like this yet? Come on now, tell the truth...

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i was in Dalah Rachivithee Massage yesterday and there were 3 western women in there getting 'a wax'. when they left one of them actually did say, 'I'll be sure to tell my friends...'.

the place is located on Chang Moi, on the moat and just across from Mike's Burgers.

the massage is pretty good too.

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> Now, as I approach 40, I notice more hair on my back and shoulders, and have

> been considering getting it waxed off, in preparation for my upcoming mid-life crisis

Too early; this is Thailand, mid-life crises only hit at 70, if ever.

But while on the topic, any thoughts on places you can go to have your scrotum waxed?

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But while on the topic, any thoughts on places you can go to have your scrotum waxed?


I know a place that "bleaches" *********, maybe they could do your scrote as well, i know they do Brazilians. :o

I am wonding why someone would want to bleach you? You are an ar%ehole mate but surely you don't need to be bleached. :D

CB who is ticking off the seconds before being modded <sigh>

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But while on the topic, any thoughts on places you can go to have your scrotum waxed?


I know a place that "bleaches" *********, maybe they could do your scrote as well, i know they do Brazilians. :o

I am wonding why someone would want to bleach you? You are an ar%ehole mate but surely you don't need to be bleached. :D

CB who is ticking off the seconds before being modded <sigh>

I have never done it myself but i thought it may help the OP. :D

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Bleaching ??? Who came up with that twisted idea? :D

Anyway, fascinating I am sure but not exactly the thing the OP was looking for.

I suspect the OP has carefully and purposly walked away from this thread which is probably a very good idea

Bleaching? Where did that come from and WHY? A cotton wool bud and abottle of White King?



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Bleaching ??? Who came up with that twisted idea? :D

It's not twisted. In these regions, not everyone is born with pink nipples. Most are not, actually. Even among mixed Thai-Western people, only half seem to get handed out pink 'uns, as a highly informative poll I started a couple months ago in the family forum clearly demonstrated.

So when someone raised the bleaching issue, the following stuff might help.


To be whiter and all day confidence

The text on this site has an almost Borat-esque unintentional humour about it: http://www.thejamushop.com/nipple_cream.htm

The all time favourite of sensuous South East Asian women. The Aloedeam effectively lightens dark unattractive nipple into delicious pink. It comes in a set of a cream and lotion. One to be used in the day, and the other at night. This combination ensures that the shortest time is required to develop one of the most sexiest part of a woman. Formulated with Aloe Vera and Vitamin E, it is gentle on the sensitive nipples.


Edited by chanchao
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:o is about the only response I have for that post chanchao. Learn something new every day.

And yes, CB, I suspect the OP has walked away from what has evolved in this thread :D

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