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Broadband Service Providers In Mahasarakham


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I'm taking a spare laptop computer to my fiancee's house in mahasarakham and would like to set up a broadband internet connection. The idea is to leave it there so we can skype each other when I'm back home. How do I go about in finding an internet providers there? Is there a telecom shop where one can purchase a broadband plan and a modem, take it home register online, as I would normally do back in farangland? or things are done differently over there, any advice and info is greatly appreciated. Thx

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yes there is a phone line, no problem there. Not sure how far is from the exchange though. She once had a dial-up connection there but the account has long expired and her computer is too ancient to cope with today demands. So, I'm starting from scratch and want to set up a modern ADSL connection with a new-ish computer. My question is there a telecom branch there (like True or whatever) where one can walk in, purchase a plan and a modem. Take it back home, plug it in and register online?

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... My question is there a telecom branch there (like True or whatever) where one can walk in, purchase a plan and a modem. Take it back home, plug it in and register online?

There's a TT&T office between the "samyaek" and "hayaek" (three-way intersection and five-way intersection, respectively) downtown that basically fits that description except it may take a while (days or weeks) for them to hook you up. If you happen to live in the Akkrachat-Thanee neighborhood near MSU, there's a neighborhood kid who can hook you up with a 512/256k DSL line through a company called TPR3 for a lot cheaper, though.

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