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Accident With A Drunken Thai

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Last week there was a topic about "blood donors" for Achim Krämer.

Here is the story about his accident, even more cruel then the usual "the driver fled the scene":

He drove in the night on the ringroad in Bang Po area. A drunken Thai on the other lane overpassed another pickup and hit him on his motorbike. As the nice fellow thought Achim had died already, he threw him on the pick up and drove to Ban Saket where he left him beside the road. Achim was lucky to call his wife who finally found him after a long search.

Beside other fractures his right thighbone was pushed through the pelvic.

Thats why they had to bring him to Bangkok, the operation was last thursday, hope it will be successful. I have called the german embassy, they will probably help him.

A resort guard in Bang Po watched the accident, now guess what the police did.

Take care when you drive in the night!

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Because I responded to the appeal for blood for this unfortunate fellow, I was very interested to hear of the circumstances leading up to his need for blood. We did not know the individual concerned and were a bit confused as to whether he was a Samui resident or not because there was a lot of confusion about whether the guy was in Bangkok or Samui. I am disgusted to hear about the actions of the ----- who caused the accident and would love to hear of any update as to whether he receives any punishment for his actions. Maybe we can start some sort of groundswell of opinion to put pressure on the police to investigate this matter more thoroughly. Maybe all those on the forum who are such fans of the "farang tourist police" can use their influence with them, to use their connections with the local police to start some sort of investigation into the incident. Surely this must be an area where these "heroes" can prove to us all that they are doing a great job!

Although I don't know the victim of this accident, I feel terribly sorry for him and his family that not only was he hurt in an accident. but then he had to further suffer the callous actions of the total - - - - who caused him the initial injury. This ----- should not be allowed to get away with it!

I dearly hope this guy makes a good recovery, and wish him and his family the best of luck. I would greatly appreciate any future updates on both his condition and the fate of the ------ who did this to him. Cheers.

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Because I responded to the appeal for blood for this unfortunate fellow, I was very interested to hear of the circumstances leading up to his need for blood. We did not know the individual concerned and were a bit confused as to whether he was a Samui resident or not because there was a lot of confusion about whether the guy was in Bangkok or Samui. I am disgusted to hear about the actions of the ----- who caused the accident and would love to hear of any update as to whether he receives any punishment for his actions. Maybe we can start some sort of groundswell of opinion to put pressure on the police to investigate this matter more thoroughly. Maybe all those on the forum who are such fans of the "farang tourist police" can use their influence with them, to use their connections with the local police to start some sort of investigation into the incident. Surely this must be an area where these "heroes" can prove to us all that they are doing a great job!

Although I don't know the victim of this accident, I feel terribly sorry for him and his family that not only was he hurt in an accident. but then he had to further suffer the callous actions of the total - - - - who caused him the initial injury. This ----- should not be allowed to get away with it!

I dearly hope this guy makes a good recovery, and wish him and his family the best of luck. I would greatly appreciate any future updates on both his condition and the fate of the ------ who did this to him. Cheers.

Yes , whats the story in the local news ????????

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Last week there was a topic about "blood donors" for Achim Krämer.

Here is the story about his accident, even more cruel then the usual "the driver fled the scene":

He drove in the night on the ringroad in Bang Po area. A drunken Thai on the other lane overpassed another pickup and hit him on his motorbike. As the nice fellow thought Achim had died already, he threw him on the pick up and drove to Ban Saket where he left him beside the road. Achim was lucky to call his wife who finally found him after a long search.

Beside other fractures his right thighbone was pushed through the pelvic.

Thats why they had to bring him to Bangkok, the operation was last thursday, hope it will be successful. I have called the german embassy, they will probably help him.

A resort guard in Bang Po watched the accident, now guess what the police did.

Take care when you drive in the night!

What dd the police do??

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Need to be carefull. really.

Samui is dangerous in the daytime too.

In my opinion about 50% of people that live there don't respect the basic driving-code. It is so wild and dangerous.

Some Samuian source says that there are about 5 deaths / day for drive-accidents. That's really frightening !


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His operation took place last week, he tries to recover with a high dose of morphine. Police did nothing as far as I know.


Samui Newspaper is closed until they will have a new editor. Samui Express? I don't know and I don't like them for several reasons.

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Samui Newspaper is closed until they will have a new editor.

They had an editor? :o

Think of Samui as an outpost on a distant planet where central command is so far away that the local authorities hold sway at the behest of the warlords, who tolerate them as long as they do as little as possible.

By the way, this story of the guy who allegedly hit this fellow is hearsay at best and rumor at worst. Nothing here is even remotely substantiated.

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Samui Newspaper is closed until they will have a new editor.

They had an editor? :o

Think of Samui as an outpost on a distant planet where central command is so far away that the local authorities hold sway at the behest of the warlords, who tolerate them as long as they do as little as possible.

By the way, this story of the guy who allegedly hit this fellow is hearsay at best and rumor at worst. Nothing here is even remotely substantiated.


What proof do you have that this is hearsay.

Personally I know of too many similar stories, where an accident happened and the driver takes off, either on foot or in his car, without caring about the person being hit. Let alone the MiB will do anything about it.

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go ahead and do your job - interview the hospital and the police, then let us know the real facts.

Everytime you post here it is just about getting a story for free to sell it to your newspaper.

Correct, and on top of that mostly incorrect.

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go ahead and do your job - interview the hospital and the police, then let us know the real facts.

Everytime you post here it is just about getting a story for free to sell it to your newspaper.

Correct, and on top of that mostly incorrect.

e.g. From a recent article:- http://www.samuiexpress.net/?q=node/632

"During the event there will be flower-arrangement, cooking, fruit-craving and .......... :o:D

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go ahead and do your job - interview the hospital and the police, then let us know the real facts.

Everytime you post here it is just about getting a story for free to sell it to your newspaper.

Correct, and on top of that mostly incorrect.

e.g. From a recent article:- http://www.samuiexpress.net/?q=node/632

"During the event there will be flower-arrangement, cooking, fruit-craving and .......... :o:D

Here one more:

The drawn Dutch was a German

SamuiExpress, did you wrote this story?

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Samui Newspaper is closed until they will have a new editor.

They had an editor? :o

Think of Samui as an outpost on a distant planet where central command is so far away that the local authorities hold sway at the behest of the warlords, who tolerate them as long as they do as little as possible.

By the way, this story of the guy who allegedly hit this fellow is hearsay at best and rumor at worst. Nothing here is even remotely substantiated.

I believe the story implicitly based on experience. Samui is the most unsafe place I have ever been to drive. Combine the drunk tourists driving motorcycles who rarely or never have elsewhere and think they are invulnerable because they are on vacation....the Thais, who in general don't seem to be required to know much about traffic safety to get a license (if they have one) and who seem to become different behind the wheel, like they almost have take out all of that repressed aggression under the greng-jai/mai bpen arai exterior on the one car in front...just HAVE to pass that one car!...and the construction workers (cement trucks the worst!) who probably are encouraged to drive as fast as possible -- safety be dammned -- by more kilometers = more pay and you got one hel_l of a dangerous place to be on or cross the roads. Drivers on Samui seem, for the most part, to consider driving on the left to be mere guideline rather the law or even a rule. In a car they will consider the opposite direction traffic lane theirs especially if the on coming traffic is a motorcycle which they seem to believe must edge to the very side of that lane for them to go by, never mind that there might not be space enough, a big pothole (and PLENTY of those on Samui!) the bike will hit if so forced, etc! It makes me laugh though that the signs around the ring road warn "Plesae remember to drive on the left" only in English! 99 times out of 100 its THAIS! improperly and dangerously driving on the right!

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go ahead and do your job - interview the hospital and the police, then let us know the real facts.

Everytime you post here it is just about getting a story for free to sell it to your newspaper.

So F&%#king what...........let him have the free story.......Im sure Samui Express is limitid what they can write about........I know we all have alot of stuff we would like to write about.........but Im sure, it would all be to negative to print......

Now S E is up on his toes, and want to write about this terrible case about your friend ClaudeFeller....how come you attack the guy then ?? makes no sence to me.

S E I hope someone will tell you some contacts ....... it will be a BIG help to all of us , if more people ( hopefully some Thai's up the ladder ) get to know about it and that someone is trying to find out what really happend........that hopefully will make others think twice ( even I doubt ) before they try to cover up, or run away.

It can be a big help for all of us.......since we dont know who's next ! I surely hope you all will try to get the guy somehow if it ever happends to me :o

Chuck dee

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go ahead and do your job - interview the hospital and the police, then let us know the real facts.

Everytime you post here it is just about getting a story for free to sell it to your newspaper.

Correct, and on top of that mostly incorrect.

e.g. From a recent article:- http://www.samuiexpress.net/?q=node/632

"During the event there will be flower-arrangement, cooking, fruit-craving and .......... :D:D

Here one more:

The drawn Dutch was a German

SamuiExpress, did you wrote this story?

No, sorry, I did not WROTE it. :o

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Oh, and Claude, be sure and tell your friend because of you his story will not receive any press coverage. Good on ya! :o


Being a reporter is not the easiest jobs in the world.Some people like your paper & some don't, so what ? You guys are supposed to be thick skinned report the facts as they arise & as you see them.Investigative reporting means just that,you surely have the resources & contacts to be able to help.

But to answer in that manner,ignoring a vital story because of whatever personal beef you have with Claude. Mate I hope you are just having a knee jerk reaction, we are all human after all.

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Oh, and Claude, be sure and tell your friend because of you his story will not receive any press coverage. Good on ya! :o


In april I have asked you if you want to write a story about another topic. Your answer by PM:

Yes, but meeting not too far from Bangrak, only between 12 and 5, Sunday not possible.


You gave wrong informations about Achims case already.

Thats why I dont believe you are a serious reporter.

But I will ask him if he agrees! Not me to decide.

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Oh, and Claude, be sure and tell your friend because of you his story will not receive any press coverage. Good on ya! :D


In april I have asked you if you want to write a story about another topic. Your answer by PM:

Yes, but meeting not too far from Bangrak, only between 12 and 5, Sunday not possible.


You gave wrong informations about Achims case already.

Thats why I dont believe you are a serious reporter.

But I will ask him if he agrees! Not me to decide.

Claude..........I wonder where you can meet during your working hours ???? If you dont work, thats maybe why you forgot about schedules etc...

Anyway.......how many reporters write wrong infos in their first report in a new case.....?? after some days and more info........they try to clear the story out.....it happends everywhere in the world...

If S E wrote wrong info before.........tell him the right info...and he's ready to print it........to help your friend !!

S E Roo is absolutely right in her last mail..............be a good boy and do your job......dont worry.....most people who gives other people a hard time about their doing on the job........are mostly , the ones who has a hard time in their own job......... :o

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This is Samui. Live with it.

Or die with it as the case may be.

I certainly wish Jochim/Achim good luck and a proper and speedy recovery up there in Bkk.

In the last 8 years:

I had 3 friends, all dead now, all hit and run here on Samui with them on motorcycles. One hit by another motorcycle on purpose and all money, wallet and papers stolen before they rolled him, still dying, into a trench.

I have another 3 friends, not dead, but one brain damaged, one with ongoing internal injury problems and another won't walk properly again, all were victims of hit and run and again, one was intentional robbery by side-swiping a bike with another bike and then robbing the victim as he lay bleeding.

In none of the above cases am I aware of the police even doing a basic investigation. They came, they looked, they saw, they went back to their bowls of noodle soup. End of story - end of case.

I myself have had 2 blatant attempts at killing me on the road for no apparent reason, certainly no accident. In both cases me on bike and a ###### in a pickup, didn't like my face I guess. Just the old "run 'im off the road" routine, maybe they were drunk. I was very lucky both times to simply run off into the bushes and not actually hit anything terribly solid.

Once I was on a Kawasaki 900 and this guy walked out in front of me near Nathon, around 6PM, just getting dark, nearly collided with oncoming traffic when I tried to avoid hitting him. When I went back to hassle him he picked up a really big stick and whacked me across the face with it, removing a few teeth, before I knew what hit me. I knew who he was, went to report this to the police and was told, quite simply, in English, "not interested, he says he didn't hit you". End of story. At least the old lady in Nathon who makes cheap dentures got some work from me. :o

This is Samui, live with it.

Don't expect the police to do their jobs, that is simply not realistic given the pathetic salaries they are paid and the very poor conditions under which they must work.

cheers and big good luck Jochim!

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Samui Newspaper is closed until they will have a new editor.

They had an editor? :o

Think of Samui as an outpost on a distant planet where central command is so far away that the local authorities hold sway at the behest of the warlords, who tolerate them as long as they do as little as possible.

By the way, this story of the guy who allegedly hit this fellow is hearsay at best and rumor at worst. Nothing here is even remotely substantiated.


What proof do you have that this is hearsay.

Personally I know of too many similar stories, where an accident happened and the driver takes off, either on foot or in his car, without caring about the person being hit. Let alone the MiB will do anything about it.

Ditto, limbos

I personally witnessed two hit-and-runs, both by tuk-tuk, one farrang victim, one thai victim, both on motorbikes. A close friend's mother became a paraplegic because of Thai motorcycle rider slammed into her while she was buying food from a stall at the open air market. And, yes, he did make a successful get away.

Scream hearsay all you want and wait till your own a*s is in the sling.

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In Achims case, the police told him to come back and make a report after he has recovered from his accident.

Why on Samui the police is so terrible lazy? Why they only check driver licenses and helmet wearing once a month?

Why they cannot make regular speed checks and earn a lot of extra money? Why they don't do their job even when people are terribly hurt? Why always the victim is wrong?

Me and my wife too, we almost got killed by a crazy pickup-driver - and we have three children to take care.

I never saw such a complete lack of responsibility like here on Samui.

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