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I'm plagued by mosqitoes who seem to love my blood, and they even seem to smell me through the DEET and other barriers.

Does anyone have any suggestions about what foods, spices, vitamins I can take in an effort to reduce the atttaction these blighters have for me?

Have been here 8 months and things not getting any better.


They say that some bacteria has developed resistance to some drugs to the point that the bacteria actually need the drug to thrive. Could mosquites actually be attracted to some repellents? Crazy I know. Just throwing up ideas. I remember Avon's Skin-So-Soft skincare product actually was good for keeping away mosquitos.

If a woman is taking birth control and gets bitten by a mosquito will the hormone affect any mosquito which bites her and stop it from producing offspring?


Just a thought planting these around the house would repell mossies ?

Is there enough of a market to sell the oil within Thailand? (Farming forum question.....)

I'm plagued by mosqitoes who seem to love my blood, and they even seem to smell me through the DEET and other barriers.

Does anyone have any suggestions about what foods, spices, vitamins I can take in an effort to reduce the atttaction these blighters have for me?

Have been here 8 months and things not getting any better.

There is no magic cure unfortunately. I've researched this one for some time hoping to find one and make millions. From my experience here and 3 years in Timor - the dengue fever capitol of the world, the following seems to help.

DO NOT - wear scented perfumes or deodorants.

- eat red meat, including pork

- plant a lot of trees near your house

- leave open water containers, old tyres etc, where they can breed, near your house

- avoid walking outside for about an hour after rain

- stand under low hanging trees

DO - try and eat a fish, chicken and green vegie diet with lots of garlic, and onions

- use DEET repellants. The best ones are BOOTS OWN in a grey plastic spray can, its 50% deet. expensive, but worth it

Second choice is RID from Australia. (Cannot buy it here) For both these get the tropical strength varieties. They'll shave a few years off your life expectancy, but so will a lot of other things. When you use them spray around all the joints. knees, wrists etc, the buggers love these places.

- Cover up, -difficult in the climate but it works.

- Citronella candles and coils help.

- Aircon is great, mozzies dont like the environment.

Hope this helps, Tim


Thanks all. I'll be trying most of these and monitoring any success or not.

Anyone know if citrosa geraniums are available to buy in Thailand?

Can anyone give me the Thai translation for those?


Lemongrass. Specifically years ago when I started to take a lot of Thai soupe, mosquitoes nearly left me alone. People I know who live here and eat predominantly western food have problems and I don't realy. Still get the occasional couple but no problem. So Thai food really.


Why do mossies like some people more than others ? a friend of mine and i used to share rooms on holiday and he would get bitten bad all the time, me ,nothing ! i was almost jealous,.he smoked and i didnt, maybe they like nicotine ? seriously though they love my 4 year old and i hate them with a passion, poor little soul gets it all the time,


I once tried eating Vegemite. I decided right then that it would make an excellent snake bite and mosquito repellent. Certainly no self respecting snake would try to bit through a layer of that stuff. I gave up on the idea because smearing it all over your body would be too messy. :o


I have just watched a program about mozzies they said mozzies are attracted to sweat and smelly feet and socks ?????

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