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Travel Insurance?


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In September I am off to the DPRK for a wee jaunt but need travel insurance. No UK company will insure me as I am not counted as residing there.

Will any Thai company be able to help?

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In September I am off to the DPRK for a wee jaunt but need travel insurance. No UK company will insure me as I am not counted as residing there.

Will any Thai company be able to help?

Many companies, including mine, have a ban on any travel to DPRK. No insurance is possible.

It's all your private adventure.

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And you think it will insure anyone travelling to North Korea?

This doggy site may resell what can be bought at any airport in the world with much more warnings and instructions - criss-cross between the countries listed.

If you fell ill in NK, what claim would you have against someone who sold you a 80$ insurance over the net?


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Thanks for the replies. I checked out a couple of companies today who told me they would give me accident cover only. Any condition [heart attack, etc.] requiring hospital treatment elsewhere was out of the question.

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Thanks for the replies. I checked out a couple of companies today who told me they would give me accident cover only. Any condition [heart attack, etc.] requiring hospital treatment elsewhere was out of the question.

Really, how could they possibly do that? Their underwriters would deny any money claims from the "banned" areas.

Algeria, Afganistan, Iraq, North Korea, Yemen.

Well, if you are happy, go and feel secure and looked after in those places. I just would not.

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And you think it will insure anyone travelling to North Korea?

This doggy site may resell what can be bought at any airport in the world with much more warnings and instructions - criss-cross between the countries listed.

If you fell ill in NK, what claim would you have against someone who sold you a 80$ insurance over the net?



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