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The ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) has claimed that the legitimacy of the election is in the hands of Cambodians and does not rely on recognition from the western countries amid the Kingdom preparing to hold sub-national elections in June and National Election next year.


CPP spokesman Sok Eysan said his party is confident that the June 5 Commune Election will be held in a free and fair manner with 17 political parties including the main opposition Candlelight Party (CP) having registered with the National Election Committee to contest for a total of 11,622 commune council seats.


He said even if there is no support from any western countries, both elections will remain as scheduled. “No democratic countries recognised the results of the 2018 General Election but they still have ambassadors here and continue diplomatic relations with the newly elected government,” he added.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/1042180/cpp-claims-poll-legitimacy-not-up-to-wests-approval/



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