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With all the crazy things in this world sometimes it's hard to remain positive! I hear over and over again positive thinking is so important and I believe it, but honestly how do you stay positive? How do you get through all the crap? Life is great.....that's true...but what do you do to remain positive??!???

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With all the crazy things in this world sometimes it's hard to remain positive! I hear over and over again positive thinking is so important and I believe it, but honestly how do you stay positive? How do you get through all the crap? Life is great.....that's true...but what do you do to remain positive??!???


Don't try to reinvent the wheel. Lord Buddha taught us that everyone is suffering.

Some are just not aware of it, or don't know what to do about it. There are several logical steps one can take to become happy.

Check out the Buddhism section of the forum. I especially like the writings of Buddhasa Biku. You can Google some of his books on line.

Try not to take things to seriously. We are only here for a very very very short time. Even though it doesn't seem that way some time. Besides it is all temporary and illusory.

Really the only real things that are important right now are our dharma and our karma... :o

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With all the crazy things in this world sometimes it's hard to remain positive! I hear over and over again positive thinking is so important and I believe it, but honestly how do you stay positive? How do you get through all the crap? Life is great.....that's true...but what do you do to remain positive??!???

listen to everything ,believe only what you want,never worry about what happened today ,tomorrow it will be laughable,life short ,be happy :o

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One way to have a positive outlook, is not to bury the negative stuff. Face it. Otherwise it may blow up in your face one day. If you can face any difficult issues head on then you know that you can survive what life throws at you and will make you stronger and happier.

Personal strength gives you a positive outlook..and vice versa.

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Just be aware that everybody in this forum (and on a computer elsewhere) is incredibly priviledged. And live according to that. Yes, not dwelling on negatives is definitely a key to being positive. I am also aware (and that every second of my life) that everything ends; the good, the bad. And last but not least: you cannot help but seeing good things and forgetting bad by being thankful for all the interesting people you meet and for the good friends that share your life.

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With all the crazy things in this world sometimes it's hard to remain positive! I hear over and over again positive thinking is so important and I believe it, but honestly how do you stay positive? How do you get through all the crap? Life is great.....that's true...but what do you do to remain positive??!???

Sing this song...

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens

Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

Brown paper packages tied up with strings

These are a few of my favorite things

Cream colored ponies and crisp apple streudels

Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles

Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings

These are a few of my favorite things

Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes

Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes

Silver white winters that melt into springs

These are a few of my favorite things

When the dog bites

When the bee stings

When I'm feeling sad

I simply remember my favorite things

And then I don't feel so bad

totster :o

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Many years ago an American called Pelman wrote a short book in which he suggested that to achieve your goal in life, you say to yourself over and over "I can and I will".

It worked for Pelman. He made a fortune out of what he dubbed 'Pelmanism'.

Try it. Good Luck.

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Concern yourself about those things that directly affect you and, in particular, those you have control over. Having done that act to change the things you don't like and can change. Learn to live with those you cannot change.

Yes, the middle east could erupt into a dirty or even nuclear war, bird flue might mutate into a human to human transmissable desease, a massive earthquake could collapse your condo block but there's nothing you can do about them.

Global warming might spell the end of days for mankind but, short of doing your little bit to save energy, there's nothing any of us can do directly to avert it. We can lobby our politicians but, as we know, they dance to a different tune these days.

We all have limits to our power to effect change, learn those limits and be content with living life within them.

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With all the crazy things in this world sometimes it's hard to remain positive! I hear over and over again positive thinking is so important and I believe it, but honestly how do you stay positive? How do you get through all the crap? Life is great.....that's true...but what do you do to remain positive??!???

Sing this song...

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens

Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

Brown paper packages tied up with strings

These are a few of my favorite things

Cream colored ponies and crisp apple streudels

Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles

Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings

These are a few of my favorite things

Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes

Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes

Silver white winters that melt into springs

These are a few of my favorite things

When the dog bites

When the bee stings

When I'm feeling sad

I simply remember my favorite things

And then I don't feel so bad

totster :D

One of my personal favourites too. :o

Just let your karma run over your dogma, maaan. Stay focussed on the positives of your life / situation, and if all else fails; write down 12 options on a piece of paper, then throw a couple of dice and follow that option, however stupid it may seem.....

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In this crazy world how do you stay positive?

by trying to avoid this crazy world as much as possible. not easy for many, quite easy for me.

As a Doctor, you maybe have access to better pharmaceuticals and psychotropics than most? :o

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At times it is easy to slip when misfortune hits, but I always remind myself That if my actions effect others & vice versa , The world & my world is much nicer to live in. A smile is easier than a frown-takes less muscles to use. Helping some one takes minimal effort & hating someone or something takes up all your time. When I kicked cancer 13 years ago. the Doctors thought I was a goner! They told me positivity was the best course of action. & 75% of the treatment.

I find my life is so much more enriched if I remain positive & the effects on others is a magnet it is hard to resist positive charm. Don't get me wrong I have my days to & remind myself that my actions not only affect me , but the others I am around or cross paths with it effects as well.

Just being alive & in good health is reason enough & a constant reminder of how good we have it!

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I think things are just so much different than what they were when I was a kid. Besides the possibility of total nuclear annihilation there just didn't seem to be the problems we see today.

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In this crazy world how do you stay positive?

by trying to avoid this crazy world as much as possible. not easy for many, quite easy for me.

As a Doctor, you maybe have access to better pharmaceuticals and psychotropics than most? :o

i'm not a medical doctor but acquired a doctorate in science (physics).

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thats a real easy question mate,

i just read the posts that some of these punters make ( especially the whinging and moaning ones ) and piss my undies laughing. :D:o

<deleted> easy mate, so give it a crack. :D

anyway, its still hot in hua hin but im going to drink a few shandies tonight to cool down and thats got to be positive. :D

thank you very much.

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I think things are just so much different than what they were when I was a kid. Besides the possibility of total nuclear annihilation there just didn't seem to be the problems we see today.

JR Texas: Anthony Robbins wrote some good books on this (got his information from psychologists and interviews with successful people). Basically, here are some tips for us all (including me):

Do not totally ignore problems.......that is part of life. BUT

Spend 10% of your time/thinking on problems and 90% on solutions (important)

Realize that many people have it a lot worse than U do

Avoid TV and the mainstream newspapers........they focus on problems and virtually never present solutions.........psychologists (like Dr. Martin Seligman) have long known that when a person focuses constantly on problems they fall into "learned helplessness." That is not a good mental state and it often leads to depression and apathy. I personally think this is why most of us have not taken the political action needed to create a better world........we have, under the influence of the mainstream mass media, drifted into the state of learned helplessness.

Realize that your mind does and believes what it is told to do/believe. If you constantly use that voice inside of you to beat yourself up or to tell yourself things like "I am sad,"....well, your mind will obey and you will be sad. What we tell ourselves is extremely important (that voice in your head)

Eat healthy foods and exercise (very important)............avoid alcohol

Meditation helps (just clear the mind........I do it when I run)

Helping other people can also make people feel good

Realize that we have not been contacted by aliens simply because we all have turds for brains........in the grand scheme of things it is very likely we are not that important......in other words, try not to take yourself too seriously like JR Texas does from time to time :o

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A Prayer for the Stressed

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.

the courage to change the things I cannot accept,

and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill today because they got on my nerves.

And also, help me to be careful of the toes I step on today

as they may be connected to the feet I may have to kiss tomorrow.

Help me to always give 100% at work....

12% on Monday

23% on Tuesday

40% on Wednesday

2O% on Thursday

5% on Fridays

And help me to remember...

When I'm having a really bad day,

and it seems that people are trying to wind me up,

that it takes 42 muscles to frown,

28 to smile

and only 4 to extend my arm and smack someone in the mouth.

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Great posts!

I try to steer clear of people who drain me of energy so I'm not in a difficult situation to try to remain or be positive. A good example of this is a situation with a girlfriend I had. Although she had some fantastic points she wasn't the most honest person in the world, unfortunately. Going through that crap was painful even after the relationship ended. I realized that I had to be rid of her completely (no emails from her, etc) to be able to try to regain a positive attitude.

Now, I do my best to surround myself with positive people (I think this is so important). One of my best friends is this beautiful girl (beautiful inside and out) who recharges my batteries rather than zapping my energy. She has goodness coming out of her. A story I like to tell about her is regarding a particular occasion when I met her for dinner and drinks and we talked and talked. By 11pm she needed to go home as she had work in the morning. My plan was to go out on the town after I met her, but when I said good night to her I was so content that I knew that no matter where I would go for drinks it wouldn't match the great time I had with her…Now that was one positive experience.

These days I'm starting to feel much more positive than before and I'm interested in finally going out with a new girlfriend. She's Australian-Japanese, beautiful and has a super personality. I don't know how things will turn out but even if we ended up as great friends that may be just fine with me. Great to have friends, that's for sure. :o

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With all the crazy things in this world sometimes it's hard to remain positive! I hear over and over again positive thinking is so important and I believe it, but honestly how do you stay positive? How do you get through all the crap? Life is great.....that's true...but what do you do to remain positive??!???

I totally agree with the buddhist advice other posters have given. Apart from this, I have a little thing I always do when bogged down by neg stuff..... I imagine I am about to be executed for a crime I did not commit and suddenly all the minor inconveniences blend into nothingness. Works for me!!!!

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Many years ago an American called Pelman wrote a short book in which he suggested that to achieve your goal in life, you say to yourself over and over "I can and I will".

It worked for Pelman. He made a fortune out of what he dubbed 'Pelmanism'.

Try it. Good Luck.

Ive got Pelman"s booklets 1-3 on Memory Training but I can't remember where I put them!!! :o lol Honest!......

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Pin this over your computer - it works for me

Go placidly amid the noise and the haste and remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.

Speak your truth quietly and clearly, and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant, for they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit.

If you compare yourself to others you may become vain and bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.

Keep interested in your career however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery.

But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself, especially do not feign affection.

Neither be cynical about love for in the face of all aridity and sentiment it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.

Nurture the strength of spirit to shield you in sudden destruction and misfortune.

But do not distress yourself with imaginings.

Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars: you have a right to be here.

And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive him to be;

and whatever your labours and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace with your soul.

With all its shams, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.

Be cheerful.

Strive to be happy.

Max Ehrmann

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