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Associates Degree

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hi, all...

just wondering if anyone knows if a 2 year associates degree(available in canada, applying towards 1/2 of a bachelor's degree), can qualify me for a work permit?

also, is a degree required to apply for a work permit in any line of work, or only teaching english? thanks for any advice...

chok dee ka

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It is not so much the degree that matters,

but whether you are better qualified for the job,

than the Thai applicants. Experience is also important.

Your prospective employer has to convince the Labour Dept

that there are no Thais suitable for the job!!

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It is not so much the degree that matters,

but whether you are better qualified for the job,

than the Thai applicants. Experience is also important.

Your prospective employer has to convince the Labour Dept

that there are no Thais suitable for the job!!

Some professions (Like the teaching profession) require at least a BA, no BA means no workpermit, no visa.

If I were you I'd further my studies first in Canada and after that plan to visit Thailand.. Your degree will be worth more back home and here then...Spending too much time in Asia without any relevant qualifications will not do you CV any good is the second thing..

Good luck!


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Actually Dutchy it is possible to get work permit to teach here without a degree, the exception rather than the rule. Not so much in Bkk, but certainly provincially.

You may be able to swing it with an Associates Degree, but you'd need your school to really push for you.

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still on the topic of an AA degree.

I too only have an AA degree from a technical school in the USA.

However, I already received a Non-b visa and will apply for the workpermit.

I'm waiting for my degree to be sent as I did not have a copy here.

The company I work for makes eductional videos (mostly english) and I have been hired as script consultant / nararrtor. Will this be a problem?

Also, from this company I will only work a few days a week and make only about 10 or 15K baht per month. The owner said I need a workpermit so she does not get in trouble. What is done in this case?

I do have income from the USA as I work a sales agent for them and make about $1500 USD per month does this help?

I look forward to your help

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Well it kind of depends on what they're employing you to do (or what they're saying). There are ways around the degree thingy if they sign you on as a consultant (which it sounds like they may be doing). For example if you taught at a government school you may well need a proper Ba and a TEFL. But that's not to say if a hotel hired you to teach their staff you'd need this paperwork, as quite often they can get around it by employing you in a different way (sorry for my vagueness I don't know 100% the ins and outs, but I know people that have managed it). Bottom line is if the employer wants you to be legal, they can quite often sort it out.

You don't need a degree to get a Non-imm B or work permit per se, but if you're a 'proper' teacher you (generally) need the degree (and soon possibly a TEFL) to obtain the teachers licence AND THUS a work permit!

Your wages from the States (as far as I know) shouldn't factor in to it either.

The ownder really is the person to speak to, it's as much in their interests to get you legit, as it is in yours! Good luck!

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For a few years, I was a DoS in Bkk..

A university degree is required for a teaching license from the Ministry of Education. Anything less than a Bachelor's is not acceptable, according to their rules.

But, the system is not perfect, and I have seen other kinds of school diplomas sneak through the process.

TiT :o

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During my first two years in Thailand I taught English in the north. My work permit was based on a AA Degree in Criminal Justice. Only 6 semester hours away from a Bachelors Degree in Computers Sciences but just never finished, but they never knew about that.

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During my first two years in Thailand I taught English in the north. My work permit was based on a AA Degree in Criminal Justice. Only 6 semester hours away from a Bachelors Degree in Computers Sciences but just never finished, but they never knew about that.

Man, you should have applied for the PM position! :o Immigration laws would have been way better than they are now!

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Have you all forgotten that we are talking about Thailand here? If a potential

employer wants to hire you and get you a work permit, it can be done without a degree, it's as simple as that. Money does wonders for getting wheels to turn in

Thailand. Who ever heard of 'going by the book.' The book may say you can or can't do this or that, but reality is on a different page altogether.

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I know someone who's just bought an associate degree over the net, it was a degree issued on "life experience".

But I hear that these are dodgy and not recognised.

####! If you're going to buy a degree, why would buy an associates degree?

Go the whole hog and buy a Phd or at least an MBA!

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