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What Do You Think Of The Expat Club?


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My heart bleeds for those sad old farts who cannot find anything in Pattaya better to do on a Sunday morning, than going along to the incredibly boring Expats Club.......unbelievable.

AH THE GOOD OLD EXPATS CLUB; I went along once was like watching Arsenal , a bunch of old geezers with empty lives waiting for death pretending to be interested listening to a salesperson loving his minute of fame.I'D rather cut the grass.......I am English and do not have a negative attitude to mr COLOV feathering his nest he does alot of good for charity etc and he has stood up to the powerful BKK PATTAYA HOSPITAL in the recent death of a young American friend when ALL other media groups in Pattya kept stum and were s*** scared.

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The Pattaya Expat clubs can be great for socializing and there are some great speakers, different each week. For example, last time I went to the Pattaya City Exapt Club Christopher G Moore was the guest speaker, and even did a book signing. It was the best way I could spend my Sunday. You can even check who will be the guest speaker before going each week.

Some of you trolls are on here are too much.

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The Pattaya Expat clubs can be great for socializing and there are some great speakers, different each week. For example, last time I went to the Pattaya City Exapt Club Christopher G Moore was the guest speaker, and even did a book signing. It was the best way I could spend my Sunday. You can even check who will be the guest speaker before going each week.

Some of you trolls are on here are too much.

The meeting with Chris Moore was the last one I attended.

The guy was as boring as his books.

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It can be interesting depending on the speaker .I enjoyed the Thai Motorcycle taxi guy,he is very funny ,giving his point of view .Also the Thai owner of the Pattaya flying club ,gave a talk ,last time i was there a few months ago .

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It can be interesting depending on the speaker .I enjoyed the Thai Motorcycle taxi guy,he is very funny ,giving his point of view .Also the Thai owner of the Pattaya flying club ,gave a talk ,last time i was there a few months ago .

Ok Ok Lets be fair Gents. 10% of what goes on every Sunday at the Grande Sole Hotel meeting of the Ex-Pats Club is NOT BORING!

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The Pattaya Expat clubs can be great for socializing and there are some great speakers, different each week. For example, last time I went to the Pattaya City Exapt Club Christopher G Moore was the guest speaker, and even did a book signing. It was the best way I could spend my Sunday. You can even check who will be the guest speaker before going each week.

Some of you trolls are on here are too much.

I must agree .........with luckydog!! i was pondering the option of going to the expats club with a fellow troll friend for the Christopher G Moore or having all my teeth pulled out ( i chose the latter) my friend however did attend the meeting , his verdict.....wished he'd gone with me. Trolls need protecting your comment upset me and other trolls remember The Rude Offer Life Little

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A lot of Colov-bashers here I see. Bet you're all English.

The English are known for knocking anyone who has even a little success. No matter that the success has been gained by hard work and endeavour, the English (well, the type who've criticised Niels Colov in this topic) will show their black hearts and knock, knock, knock.

Didn't you understand the question? The poster wants to know what you think of the Expats CLUB.

Give it a rest.

Try being magnanimous for a change. Credit where credit's due.

I think that you're a relative newcomer to Pattaya and, by your sycophantic reply, it's obvious to me that you don't know this person.

Yes, I do understand the question and my answer is that I would never patronise any organisation that deems to have this person as its Club President & CEO. The club and the man are one and the same, I think that people are saying what they think of this Expats Club. I could write more about him but he's not worth the time nor the effort.

“….relative newcomer”…. Relative to what? Here on and off since 1997, have lived here for the last few years.

“…sycophantic reply…” Sycophantic because I mentioned an individual and said that many English like to knock the successful!!!! Give over!

“….but he's not worth the time nor the effort.” But it was worth the time and the effort to knock him here again, eh!

It wouldn’t surprise me if readers have got the impression that this topic gave some the opportunity to have a go at a particular individual, and/or to be darned rude to people who do go to the Pattaya Expats club. The volunteers who help the club deserve praise; they give their time and energy freely week after week. The people who go are entitled to respect, not insults.

There are some polite replies here, well done to you.

I go to the club quite regularly, sometimes the topics are interesting to me, sometimes they are not. As far as I’m concerned, sometimes the speakers are good, sometimes not. I am sensible enough to know that I cannot have everything in life. I know many people at the club who have been helped in one way or another by other attendees. Many charities and deserving individuals have also been, and are being helped.

Finally, I am an Englishman born and bred. But not totally proud of it.

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A lot of Colov-bashers here I see. Bet you're all English.

The English are known for knocking anyone who has even a little success. No matter that the success has been gained by hard work and endeavour, the English (well, the type who've criticised Niels Colov in this topic) will show their black hearts and knock, knock, knock.

Didn't you understand the question? The poster wants to know what you think of the Expats CLUB.

Give it a rest.

Try being magnanimous for a change. Credit where credit's due.

hey sherlock, why have a go at the english??????? Im english and i made an earlier comment which i thought is a fair answer, if 90% of this thread dont like this person who runs this club havent they a right to express that cos that was the question!


Didn't you understand the question? The poster wants to know what you think of the Expats

instead of having a go why dont YOU READ the the poster and say what YOU THINK about it, and for what reasons that you know off that he is a good guy! CREDIT Where CREDITS Due is a good start!

I hope you read this with the outcome that maybe this forum is what its all about mate!

Dont forget the english are known, remembered and thanked for a lot more!

to you!

Yes your earlier comment was a fair and polite answer.

Your recent post said “instead of having a go why dont YOU READ the the poster and say what YOU THINK about it, and for what reasons that you know off that he is a good guy! CREDIT Where CREDITS Due is a good start!” Funfun, there was no need to shout. I think the charitable works in which he has been, and is, involved answers your request far better than I can.

As for “Dont forget the english are known, remembered and thanked for a lot more!”, what’s that got to do with it?

“to you!” ?????????

By the way, I’m English born and bred. But not totally proud of it

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The Pattaya Expat clubs can be great for socializing and there are some great speakers, different each week. For example, last time I went to the Pattaya City Exapt Club Christopher G Moore was the guest speaker, and even did a book signing. It was the best way I could spend my Sunday. You can even check who will be the guest speaker before going each week.

Some of you trolls are on here are too much.

They have the same Speaker over and over again. But as you get older you tend to forget the Stuff, so you at least can remember, or will be remembered :o

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The only thing I have against Neils Colov is that he pays his staff such low wages that they can't pay their debts!.

I lent a senior member of his staff 5k last xmas and he can't pay me back he says 'cos his take home pay is too low!

"Never a borrower or a lender be" The Bard.

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The only thing I have against Neils Colov is that he pays his staff such low wages that they can't pay their debts!.

I lent a senior member of his staff 5k last xmas and he can't pay me back he says 'cos his take home pay is too low!

"Never a borrower or a lender be" The Bard.

Oooooh! it's Sunday.........nearly 11am. Think I'll go along to the Grande Sole for a kip. NAW only kidding.

My Pal is doing some decorating. I'll go over and watch his Paint Dry!!!!!

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I've only been in Pattaya for about 12 years so I probably don't understand a lot of the workings and social dynamics involved. I don't attend any expat club, never saw any reason. I think that everyone is entitled to spend there time here anyway they feel fit. I'm happy ignoring the self promoting expat community. I was brought up to be charitable and kind. I give donations and charity work without any hooplah, it is just my way I guess. I don't affirmation about myself and I wake up happy most everyday. Oh look a lovely bird is singing outside my window. A gentle breeze blows it is wonderful. I'm just so happy.

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Lot of good info for old farts like me.

Weeeeell Gary don't get TOO excited, but Neils has just announced some very exciting NEW things that are going to go on at the Grande Asole Hotel soon.

Are you ready for this, Pal?

Each week an 'Expert' will be on Stage to answer questions from the assembled (dozing) Farangs!

Do me a favour will you old bean? Ask where I can get a high speed Zimmer Frame...........TA.

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  • 3 weeks later...
My heart bleeds for those sad old farts who cannot find anything in Pattaya better to do on a Sunday morning, than going along to the incredibly boring Expats Club.......unbelievable.

Luckydog, my sentiments exactly. If they were really serious about having an expats club that was representative of the people that are here, it would never be on a Sunday morning. Who the hel_l gets up to go to a meeting on a Sunday morning anywhere in the world? Closest I would be is meeting the mates in the pub at 11!

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Supposedly the insurance is worth having.

Been living/coming to pattaya nearly a decade - Never been, that's what I think of it and Neils Cocklove. Does this man ever get tired hearing himself speak?

there is another club with a similar name.

I often thought I should start an expat club - Youd have to be living on less than b30k a month, 2 yrs min in pattaya and have info to contribute 'secrets' of pattaya we all have aquired and allow people hook up - as pattayas nutjobs increase it's as though I dont want to talk to anyone in the street anymore.

As for charity - I might think more about my tiem and money when Thai govt is more charitable w/ visas!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by theseveredhead
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I have lived in Pattaya for 3 years now. I'm a member of both Expat Clubs, I was a little dissapointed when the Pattaya Expats Club(Grand Sole) decided to move the meetings to Sunday same time as the Pattaya City Expats Club( J Beans) which was the firtst Expats Club in Pattaya. Why the "COMPETITION". The Pattaya City Expats Club has a great website created by Richard Smith, [url="www.pattayacityexpartsclub.com" Please visit it, there is much useful information posted. What I enjoy about the Pattaya City Expats Club is the variety of specialized meeting groups that meet within the week and the breakfast is "much" better. No matter which one you attend, there is a great deal of work done behind the scenes by the officers and if you are not happy, STOP COMPLAINING and offer to take an active part in the organization. Any Club is only as good as its members. Sometimes the speakers may be boring, but try and find some interesting topics and speakers for the club.

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I have attended both groups and yes they can be boring at times but I have picked up some valuable information from them. Learned about the group health care plan which I now have and is very useful especially if one is getting old like I am. Also met the International Officer from Samitivej Hospital in Sriracha which is a great alternative to high cost Pattaya hospitals. (see my thread on the hospital and how they helped my GF). The group at the Grand Sole also contributes to many charities from the dues collected. Met Pastor Fred from Mercy Mission and the Grand Sole group contributes over 100,000 baht plus matches all medical expenses. And about Neils he hardly ever speaks at the meetings as the meetings are run by the members. Say what you may but these groups do help the community.

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  • 1 month later...

Sent an email to Brian Maxey relating to a mobile phone issue.

It took some time for Brian to research it but got back to me today with the information on the subject.

He,s not only kept it in mind but had the courtesy to reply.

The expat clubs are useful for a variety of reasons and while they do not suit the Cynical types, they are an asset to many.

I,ve never been asked for money and the services provided are optional and not a proviso of being an active member.

There you go O.P.

Now what was the point of the thread apart from obviously getting rid of a bit of the chip you have on your shoulder / and

SHIT stirring.

( What a load of unwarranted criticism and baiting your posts / comments provide )

Live and let live, it,s your choice to not be part of the groups, it is also the choice of many others to be active members

Boring, seems to me you ought to look in the mirror and reflect.

Unless of course your just pulling our legs :o

marshbags :D


have a nice dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy nowwwwwwwww

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The only thing I have against Neils Colov is that he pays his staff such low wages that they can't pay their debts!.

I lent a senior member of his staff 5k last xmas and he can't pay me back he says 'cos his take home pay is too low!

"Never a borrower or a lender be" The Bard.

Ah, now we have an insight into your possible motives behind all the acidity.

Perhaps you should take it up with the borrower of your loan as it has nothing to do with the expats members, only him.

As for the title of your thread perhaps you should have headlined it " What do you think of Neils Colov ???"

By the way Thai Visa could also be classed as an expat association and you are therefore indirectly having a go at our membership.

How you have escaped the attention of others in this context is very Lucky indeed luckydog

5k, perhaps you should mark it down to experience and learn from it, instead of slagging innocent groups / individuals off.

marshbags :o

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  • 1 year later...
Full of geriatrics and visa/insurance/realestate conmen

I would be interested to know of anyone who has been subject to conmen working out of expat clubs

Please don't bring the problems you have had with the CM expats club (personel) into the Pattaya forum.

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Weird isn't it. These people have worked the majority of their lives and have now found paradise, then they try to make it like it was back home. Now stop me if I am wrong however there is something fundamentally wrong with people like that.

Just an off topic note did anyone see the address of Pattaya by Nils over the festive period. Oh! Who does he think he is??

Anyway you can stick expat clubs where the sun don't shine.

Weird isn't it. These people have worked the majority of their lives and have now found paradise, then they try to make it like it was back home. Now stop me if I am wrong however there is something fundamentally wrong with people like that.

Just an off topic note did anyone see the address of Pattaya by Nils over the festive period. Oh! Who does he think he is??

Anyway you can stick expat clubs where the sun don't shine.

Gosh the replies here have made me feel good.......

Is he the one doing the address with his kids sitting in shitty suits at the table looking bored and embarrassed as hel_l while he does it.

Saw one in 2005 which was repeated ad nauseam but it kept the girls amused laughing at the farang and his kids.

And just about every pic in his newspaper.

Those who want to do good things because they believe it's the right thing to do, stay out of the spotlights.

Then there's the other ones, well you get the point :o

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I know you can get all sorts of free (so called) advice, but you can get better here on Thaivisa, I find.

The 'experts' who are supposed to give free advice on Sundays when they meet, are really only looking for punters.......and the Speakers are either Boring as hel_l or trying to

sell their products or services.....The SS Sausage Co showed a slide show of different types of sausage that went on for ever!

You pay a few Bht to get in and they 'give' you a free 'iffy' breakfast.....

It's obviously a nice little earner for the everpresent Niels Colov.

Well there are two exFat clubs here in Pattaya.

Both seemed like geriatic meetings to me.

Guess if I were an old fart it would be a grand way to kill a Sunday morn.

<h1 class="results">


what an idiotic reply, what has somebody's age got to do with it. if you can only mix with your own age group. im not sure if Pattaya ex pats has a meeting each week for people with a brain the size of a pea :o
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