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Baox - The Strain for Pain Relief Without Feeling Off your ****

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Anyone tried Baox strain which is about 22-24% CBD and 7-9% THC for pain relief ?

Am not looking to get so much totally off my tits with paranoia added in, but more for chronic injuries....chilling rather than mind-bending high THC levels.


300 Baht going rate per gram.


These ratios above of CBD/THC are inverted from the other strains.

Meant more more pain relief/inflammation control/insomnia/anxiety....URL below mis-spells it...BaOx not boax



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6 hours ago, wombat said:

Where does one buy whatever it is that's used to tell these %.


I don't think its that straightforward.

            Firstly I think the only way of actually testing the % of a specific sample would probably require the use of a mass spectrometer an expensive piece of kit beyond the reach of most people. Any such testing would need to be done in a lab.

             Secondly it would only give the results specifically for the actual sample tested, I would imagine this could vary significantly depending on exactly which part of the plant was sampled, Its not like testing a sample from a bottle of scotch, where the alcohol  is effectively in solution and therefore  would be indicative of the rest of the bottle.

            Thirdly the % of THC within the plant varies depending on several factors, Its stage of maturity , how well it was looked after and the general growing conditions all play a part.

             Fourthly the make up of Cannabis is a complex science there are many other compounds present which no doubt all contribute to the lovely effects of ingestion, Its not just about the THC  so I wouldn't give too much importance to quoted THC percentages, most of which are probably made up by the growers / sellers (and soon to arrive advertising agencies).

             At the end of the day  another major factor in how it affects one , is the mood one is in when one smokes, I'm sure you know what I mean

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