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A Tribute To The Beauty Of The Thai Woman


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Many things have been said about Thai ladies and Thai people in general, but in here I just was to make tribute to the beauty of this people. I love woman, but I guess that those who love man also have a parallel feeling.

Some farangs claim that they are in here because of the cheap sex. But this is far from the complete truth, as the optimum reason because those men come to this country is because women are beautiful in the first place, and beautiful in abundance. Even if sex would be cheapest in their countries they would not use it anyway, because their women are not as beautiful, desirable and attractive as in here.

No other country in the world has such a high percentage of beautiful ladies in the lowest socio economic classes, like in here. Wherever you go in the city, the market, the shopping center or in the country areas always is possible to see beautiful woman, charming smiles, tenderness and attractiveness.

I want for a moment to forget the unpleasant, in there is any, and just acknowledge the meaning of their presence, their smile, their look, their charming and their courage on my eyes and my senses.

I have been privileged in this life to witness and experienced their beauty. Many, many man in this world would give an arm for that, if only they could image what it is like. I am grateful and humble for that.

Edited by torito
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Oh i dunno about the "no other country" bit tbh. There is an abundance of attractive women per square mile in other countries too: Argentina for example. I know some men who dont find asian women beautiful, just as i know some men who adore them. I think there are indeed many beautiful women in Thailand, but boils down to what your own perception of beauty is.

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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

And it pays not to be too selective.

Then you have the bonus of a much wider choice.

There are beautiful and graceful women everywhere.

So I don't get overexcited about Thai beauties.

I enjoy sitting in the sun over here too with a coffee at lunchtime, watching the Nordic beauties walk by.

And I never forget that a beautiful face and body do not guarantee a sincere and worthy person.

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Oh i dunno about the "no other country" bit tbh. There is an abundance of attractive women per square mile in other countries too: Argentina for example. I know some men who dont find asian women beautiful, just as i know some men who adore them. I think there are indeed many beautiful women in Thailand, but boils down to what your own perception of beauty is.

South American women........mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! :o

Edited by BADBRAD
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Some farangs claim that they are in here because of the cheap sex. But this is far from the complete truth, as the optimum reason because those men come to this country is because women are beautiful in the first place, and beautiful in abundance. Even if sex would be cheapest in their countries they would not use it anyway, because their women are not as beautiful, desirable and attractive as in here

And most of these men could not pull a woman elsewhere!


aren't you happy you found your way here to Thailand? :D:D:D:D

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i do honestly think the unfortunate looking ones do have to sell something other than their looks. and they very good at it.

ps i don t think proportionatly, or per capita wise , los is different than anyn other country in the amount of good looking chicks.

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Having traveled all continents and many countries, I tend to agree with the OP. There is no other country than Thailand and there is no other city than Bangkok where you see so many lovely, beautiful girls.

Of course there are beautiful women everywhere, from Buenos Aires to Stockholm, from Lagos to Moscow, from Malibu Beach to Shanghai but the number of beautiful women here is just unbelievable. No other place comes even close. And, coming from Europe, I notice that most of them really seem to enjoy to be beautiful and take care of their looks.

In Europe it seems to me, women just take pride in being ugly and badly dressed, no nice hair done, behaving like men ...

Do I sound like a male chauvinist pig? Well, that's what these above mentioned women want you to believe, so they can go on and so I am guilty as charged.

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Many things have been said about Thai ladies and Thai people in general, but in here I just was to make tribute to the beauty of this people. I love woman, but I guess that those who love man also have a parallel feeling.

Another guy with his opinion :o

Some farangs claim that they are in here because of the cheap sex. But this is far from the complete truth, as the optimum reason because those men come to this country is because women are beautiful in the first place, and beautiful in abundance. Even if sex would be cheapest in their countries they would not use it anyway, because their women are not as beautiful, desirable and attractive as in here.

Wrong, as other poster said that beauty is in the eyes of beholder. Beauty is very subjective term and you cannot define beauty as universal. Something that is beautiful for me, may not be beautiful for the others or vice versa. Most of the time when I see a dark, thin, long hairs lady with any farang, who is so proud to hold her hand, even though she is a hooker, I feel disgusting, if I were that farang.

Frankly speaking I am not interested in Thai ladies due to only one reason, they lack brain, in general. However, I met some incredibly sharp ladies.

No other country in the world has such a high percentage of beautiful ladies in the lowest socio economic classes, like in here. Wherever you go in the city, the market, the shopping center or in the country areas always is possible to see beautiful woman, charming smiles, tenderness and attractiveness.

I want for a moment to forget the unpleasant, in there is any, and just acknowledge the meaning of their presence, their smile, their look, their charming and their courage on my eyes and my senses.

I have been privileged in this life to witness and experienced their beauty. Many, many man in this world would give an arm for that, if only they could image what it is like. I am grateful and humble for that.

Edited by ajarnmark
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The ironic thing is when a bloke who is less than adonis-like (beaten by the ugly stick) sits on his fat bahooky making judgemental comments about a womans physicalities. The mind boggles on that one!

But before i come across as too cynical, good for you torito for feeling so inspired by the beauty around you! Im glad for you. :o

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The ironic thing is when a bloke who is less than adonis-like (beaten by the ugly stick) sits on his fat bahooky making judgemental comments about a womans physicalities. The mind boggles on that one!

But before i come across as too cynical, good for you torito for feeling so inspired by the beauty around you! Im glad for you. :o

Torito is a connaisseur of dark eyed beauties, listen to him!

Eeek, you're talking about me when you mention ugly stick and I don't judge anyone on their looks (or lack of them).

My only plus point is, I'm not fat, otherwise I could represent England in the ugly olympics and win at least bronze.

But I have observed in life that the market in insincerity is dominated by vain, beautiful people.

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Im doubt anyone is really beaten by the ugly stick qwetz, so dont be so harsh on yourself! :D

I just wished to point out that for the men who make derogatory comments about women really aught to take a good a good hard look in the mirror. :o

Its lovely if the exterior of a person makes you weak at the knees but it really is (no matter what people say) the inside that counts..esp for longevity of a relationship. I often find for me its the expressions a person makes that i find physically attractive. The way they smile or the way their face looks when they are pondering how to answer something ive asked. Makes me grin. Love it !

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It's a truism that beauty is everywhere, one can find attractive women in 193 out of 194 classified countries in the world. The odd one out has NO women, not as we know them anyway. I am fond of Latinas, they're sexy and coquettish but for charm and finesse stakes Asians and Thai in particular are hard to beat. Being in BKK is like being in a candy store, high concentration of attractive and well dressed girls. Just when I thought I saw a gorgeous sexy little thing, a better another comes along, and another, and another, and another ......

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Disagree!! The beautiful women are a big plus for this Counrty, which goes without saying, however I think it is the friendly, easy going, gentle nature of the Thai people themself, that bring farang men and women back again and again. :D:D:D:o:D

Edited by BigSnake
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I am always amazed at how quickly these kinds of threads become cliche. Someone who wants to discuss or accentuate the positive :

Many things have been said about Thai ladies and Thai people in general, but in here I just was to make tribute to the beauty of this people. I love woman, but I guess that those who love man also have a parallel feeling.

No other country in the world has such a high percentage of beautiful ladies in the lowest socio economic classes, like in here. Wherever you go in the city, the market, the shopping center or in the country areas always is possible to see beautiful woman, charming smiles, tenderness and attractiveness.

I want for a moment to forget the unpleasant, in there is any, and just acknowledge the meaning of their presence, their smile, their look, their charming and their courage on my eyes and my senses.

I have been privileged in this life to witness and experienced their beauty. Many, many man in this world would give an arm for that, if only they could image what it is like. I am grateful and humble for that.

is immediately replaced by someone else who has no better idea than to slag off an entire population of women:

Having traveled all continents and many countries, I tend to agree with the OP. There is no other country than Thailand and there is no other city than Bangkok where you see so many lovely, beautiful girls.

In Europe it seems to me, women just take pride in being ugly and badly dressed, no nice hair done, behaving like men ...

Do I sound like a male chauvinist pig? Well, that's what these above mentioned women want you to believe, so they can go on and so I am guilty as charged.

It happens every single time. Its a pity some men can't figure out that it is possible to praise Thai women without resorting to nastiness to Western women.

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I won't get into the debate about whether or not Thai women are on general more attractive than other women, but I will posit that there are far fewer downright offensive looking women than you would find in other countries. In other words, it is unusual to come across a Thai woman that makes you cringe. Now, before I get accused of being a sexist, which I will cop too, this phenomena may well be true for the men here too, but that is not something that interests me.

As for the post that irks SBK, I think the only thing wrong with that is that he didn't include men too. I don't think there is any question that the average Thai takes much more care in their dress and appearance than the average person back home. I do see that this has been slipping somewhat, sadly.

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Women, black, brown, white :D thin women, big women, small women :o

Cant do without them :bah:

Sounds like you're as unselective as me. :D


... and me. They're all beauties.

Must admit though, I do find our hosts slightly more easy-going... and those slender black 'n whites :D

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Frankly speaking I am not interested in Thai ladies due to only one reason, they lack brain, in general. However, I met some incredibly sharp ladies.

I must have been very lucky! All the thai ladies I met struck me as being very sharp!

sometimes the smart one's are smart enough to know who to avoid :o (not meaning you james)

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The women here are very easy on the eye. :o My sister was here a few months ago.I asked her why her hubby doesn't come up here for a holiday to see me.I think her words were something like "god no!"When I asked why,she said that she had never seen so many good looking women in her life...and wouldn't trust her hubby as far as she could throw him... :D

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A friend once told me beauty is in the eye of the beer-holder.

Beholder or beer-holder either way they are both a matter of taste. boom! boom!

(ok ok..lame joke ..i kno.. :o )

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