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There are many of us planning on retiring or already retired in the LOS.

This is a fine prospect while you are still fit enough and rich enough to enjoy a wonderful lifestyle.

But what will happen if/when you reach your mid 90s and become too frail to look after yourself?

Will you remain in Thailand or return to you homeland to spend your last daze in a western style nursing home?

What are the options in Thailand?

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Will you remain in Thailand or return to you homeland to spend your last daze in a western style nursing home?

You are quite right about that bit about spending your last "daze" in a western style nursing home as that's where most of the mums and dads end up.

How do you think they keep 'em sat in those wing chairs day after day watching TV? This costs over £500 a week in the UK and upwards if you want your parents in a half decent one.

Yup, slip some trank's in their tea won't here a peep out of the inmates.

What are the options in Thailand?

Pattaya high rise-building with low balcony railings?


Alternative, let it publically known, she who is with you when you come, (sorry, go)

will inherit the rest of your wealth.

Think about it.


Actually it amazes me when I see these old fellas walking around Pattaya.

Maybe they've been here years back. But it must take some bottle to retire in this country if you've never been before. And at a frail age. Fair play.

To the old folks back home, part of me says "You don't miss what you never had." And another part says "You will never know what you missed."

So conclusion, i dont really know. But I know there are a lot of old people in a miserable existence. And they cant do a thing about it usually. How many outgoing 65yr old fellas who are single do you know?


I can picture it... Right here in LOS, rocking chair, Chang in my lap, front porch (cord of wood behind the house, dry newspaper, remember?), flies and all. Hoping the soi dogs don`t start gnawing before someone realizes I`ve finally kicked the bucket.


I am actually thinkng to retire there in few more years....I really don't fancy the idea of ending up like pensioners here in farangland...considering I don't have nobody to return to I hope to pass out before having to feel so useless as not being able to make to the loo by myself :o


I know a couple of retirees, both from the merchant navey. They have a British pension, and go out every night.

One is 67 and lost the use of his cock at age 50.

The other is about 79, and was on the front page or one of the pattaya mart post (chevin gym). I dont know if he still shags, but he is all there!


this IS a very good question indeed!!!

(just in case you don't have any life-partner watching your last breath....what will be your options...what will you do?) .... reasonable comments please!


The cost of 'care' in Thailand must be a lot cheaper than in the UK, Europe or North America. The problem is that old people tend to run out of money at precisely the time they need it most for medical expenses - like when they get into their 80s.

I think people have two options when they retire in Thailand:

  1. Live in Thailand for 10-20 years then go back to the old country
  2. Stay in Thailand forever

The 10-20 year people will have enough cash when they retire, but may not allow for inflation and get gradually poorer as time passes. After 10-20 years they cannot afford medical insurance, but their health needs make them return to the old country for free care.

I have heard people say things like "my dad died at 67, I hope I don't live longer than that". These people have not heard that life expectancy is more then 75.

The Stay forever camp have a long-term plan. Their income is significantly more than they spend for the first 10-20 years, allowing them to put cash aside for their long-term health care when they are getting really old.

But it must take some bottle to retire in this country if you've never been before. And at a frail age. Fair play.

How much bottle does it take to stay in the UK with a woman who looks like your grandmother walking around supermarkets, freezing your nuts off because you can't afford the heating bills?

Go out with a bang, be a suicide bomber.

But it must take some bottle to retire in this country if you've never been before. And at a frail age. Fair play.

How much bottle does it take to stay in the UK with a woman who looks like your grandmother walking around supermarkets, freezing your nuts off because you can't afford the heating bills?

Go out with a bang, be a suicide bomber.

Never, ever Maerim, should you ask for a BJ in a Arabland ( lest they do blow you up :o )


There are women in Thailand more than willing to take care of someone on there last legs until they push up some daisey's. I know one lady who seem to hit the lottery so to speak with one old man who has an agreement with her. She takes care of him until he dies and she gets everything he has plus a green card. He is loaded too. After living in the states and she got her green card they moved back to pattaya. She hires people to take care of him with his money. The kicker is she met another old timer who is also loaded and he wants her to move to hawaii with him and take care of him until he kicks the bucket. She thinks this guy has more money than the first guy. When these guys cash in I would say she will probably be a very wealthy lady. Then she can move back to Thailand so the Thai guys can milk her dry.( I am just guessing on the last sentence)

anything is possible in Thailand


The last place I want to be when I'm all old and pinched up is in America. I'll be tending my fish ponds in the North East of Thailand with a warm and caring extended family. I wonder how many wives I'll have by then?

Never, ever Maerim, should you ask for a BJ in a Arabland ( lest they do blow you up  )

I don't think bj's are to be taken literally unless it's inflate your mate (mate as in partner,) week.


Will retire to LOS next year.

When I get older and need more help I think it will be possible to hire it in Thailand as labour costs are still low. By that time some other expenses will have disappeared such as membership of the golf club etc. My pension will be inflation corrected so I see not much of a problem to engage some extra fulltime nursing care.

The real problem is a future with a mind long gone and a body stubbornly refusing to die and a disturbing percentage of us will reach that stage.

But perhaps we can beat these odds, for me I am so “lucky” as to have some heart condition so I gather my end will come quick and merciful for you others perhaps it is necessary to manipulate the percentages.

Start smoking 30 a day again ? or perhaps be that overoptimistic motorcycle driver ?

We’ll see

I would like a sky-funeral....

My mate who lives in th P.I. is having one, you get chopped up and carried away by vultures over the South China Sea.

Heard it originated from tibet and is supposed to unite one with the sky.... COOL.


Hey guys what do you think about putting some money toghether and build a "old fart's farang house" including medical attention for when we need it? :o


I notice the older thai people are well taken care of by their children as they

get up there in age.

In the US they just throw you away.

I'll take my chances in Thai

I notice the older thai people are well taken care of by their children as they

get up there in age.

In the US they just throw you away.

I'll take my chances in Thai

I thought the same thing from a distance just walking by places. Up close it was another story it was the flies holding them up.

Will retire to LOS next year.

When I get older and need more help I think it will be possible to hire it in Thailand as labour costs are still low. By that time some other expenses will have disappeared such as membership of the golf club etc. My pension will be inflation corrected so I see not much of a problem to engage some extra fulltime nursing care.

The real problem is a future with a mind long gone and a body stubbornly refusing to die and a disturbing percentage of us will reach that stage.

But perhaps we can beat these odds, for me I am so “lucky” as to have some heart condition so I gather my end will come quick and merciful for you others perhaps it is necessary to manipulate the percentages.

Start smoking 30 a day again ? or perhaps be that overoptimistic motorcycle driver ?

We’ll see

There is an awful lot of attention about the last few years of life, which, to be blunt, are almost always the most unpleasant and worthy of skipping.

There can be some degree of choice in whether to hang around or not for the last, unpleasant parts.


It seems to me that there is also quality of life as well as quantity.

I have had the misfortune to, in the line of work in the UK, to see inside these "care homes" or in the worse cases "don't care homes".

Full of old ladies in wing chairs drugged up to keep them quiet, waiting to die and with any luck they get a visit twice a year from their family who once there can't wait to leave.

These places are all the same stinking of bodily waste now matter how much disinfectant they use to try to hide the smell.

So when your time comes and you stop reading "What car" and start reading "What colostomy socket" and adverts for incontinent pads instead of holidy brochures it might be time to reapraise the sistuation and invest in a lifetimes subscription of exit.


wherever i spend my twilight years wont be decided by the cost of the nurse to wipe my arse :o once all dignity is lost, i couldnt care less how much money i have or havnt got , i will exercise my right to die !


At 67 I find that living a good part of the year in Thailand to be a real tonic. I do things that I would never do in farangland: e.g. moter cycle riding, disco dancing, and scupa diving. I also have a beautiful 25 year old TG who helps keep me in good form.

When I am older, say 87, I plan to live in Thailand on a full time basis with a relay of pretty nurses in brief white uniforms on shift round the clock in my beach house to keep me in shape. The lucky lady that I marry with have to agree to this. However, I will first put my financial affairs in the hands of certain trust officers at my Swiss bank.

Of course, when my time finally comes. my remains will be cremated at the local Thai temple and my ashes scattered to the four winds. Those who have looked after me in this wonderful kingdom will benefit, as will my grandchildren, and a score of Thai charities. Thus it shall be.....for now and ever more.


:o One things for sure, no matter where one lives, we all end up in the same place one way or another. I have never met anyone come back and complain.

If you are happy here now, stay with it.

If you are with someone who genuinely cares, and you should know if thats true, unless you are blind and thick. She will take care of you better than an overworked nurse in a western nursing home. Who you leave your money to is up to you, but the one who takes care of me till the end, gets my nest egg.

I think worrying about it is futile. Preparing makes more sense. This will give you as much peace of mind as you can get. Get your house in order and enjoy today.

Hope you agree. :D

It seems to me that there is also quality of life as well as quantity.

I have had the misfortune to, in the line of work in the UK, to see inside these "care homes" or in the worse cases "don't care homes".

Full of old ladies in wing chairs drugged up to keep them quiet, waiting to die and with any luck they get a visit twice a year from their family who once there can't wait to leave.

These places are all the same stinking of bodily waste now matter how much disinfectant they use to try to hide the smell.

So when your time comes and you stop reading "What car" and start reading "What colostomy socket" and adverts for incontinent pads instead of holidy brochures it might be time to reapraise the sistuation and invest in a lifetimes subscription of exit.

These places are all the same stinking of bodily waste now matter how much disinfectant they use to try to hide the smell.

Now I understand just why people keep referring to the Uk as a 3rd world country.

It seems that that don't as yet even have access to any decent disinfectant. :o


""no access to decent disinfectant"", but a health service none the less ,not based on wealth, your ability to pay hugely inflated premiums to hugely inflated corporations, or your access to nancy reagan :o

""no access to decent disinfectant"", but a health service none the less ,not based on wealth, your ability to pay hugely inflated premiums to hugely inflated corporations, or your access to nancy reagan 

Oh how I wish you were correct but unfortunately you are wrong.

I know that money doesn’t buy good health sure as eggs are eggs it certainly pays the doctors bills.

Where do you think all the rich people go to in the UK for medical treatment?

The west Gorton medical centre or perhaps the Gateshead clinic ?

Yeah, well the next time you see a Rolls Royce parked outside will be the first, try Harley Street in London or if you are down to to the last couple of million Byrom st or John St in Manchester.

I am sorry you are living a dream these poor sods and all they are is a version of you and I in a few years are farmed off to a living ###### for their final days and you had better get used to daytime television quick.

Not me, sod that when I can't get to the bar unaided or the " hong nam" without help, pass the pills sweetheart and bye bye.

Now if you think this is cynical your right, let me tell you a story I knew a young man who had MS this is a deadful disease, a long lingering death sentance it took him years to die.

The last time I saw him he had limited use of his left hand and he was considering ending all but he dithered and he spent his final part on this earth plugged in to the machines that go "ping" until someone decided to pull the plug.

I tell you now, if I had had been there it would have been me that would have pulle the plug and bugger the consequences.

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