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Farang With Thai Husband


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As i said previously - DISGUSTING :o

do you want some ketchup to go with that massive chip you are carrying round on your shoulder?

Or are you just a troll. A big fat sweaty one at that. He he.

I must agree - handsom, charming, and edumacated ferangies such as myself are thin on the ground :D However, we are generaly - as a race - more developed in the trouser dept. :D

Yes, waist size definately larger, ha, ha, ha.

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  • 10 months later...
Oh the joy of finding this forum!! I have been living in Thailand for 3 years, been married to my Thai husband for about a year and a half and living in the south of Thailand - unfortunately with the parents-in-law, but that's another story! In the whole time I've been in Thailand I have only met one farang woman married to a Thai man and one in a long term relationship with a baby. Needless to say I've seen thousands of farang men with Thai gf/wife.... I thought I was the only one with a Thai husband!!! I know on the islands there's a lot of foreign women that hook up with Thais for a holiday fling, but it's not really the same thing. So, it's a great comfort to me to know that others are experiencing similar situations to me :D

What I want to know is - are there any farang women living in an area with no other farang? I've read posts from people who are living on the islands that don't sound so remote...I think I'm the only farang woman in my whole province! and I've only ever seen about 4 other foreigners who are retired men and not really up for much conversation :) Anyhow, it's good to find you all!

Hey, i'm an Australian girl with a Thai husband from Krabi, we are currently living in Australia as i am finishing University. i worked in Thailand as a teacher for 3 years (small villages - Prachinburi/Bangsapan) and we will be returning to Thailand in the next few years to start a family. we have 60 Rai in Krabi and are hoping to build there, there are tourists around, however i have never come across another farang in the same situation as me.

learning thai languge really saved me and as i also did private english tutoring with local children, this helped foster relationships within the community. So looking foward to returning back to Thailand soon - had enough of classroom full of obnoxious, spolit, disrespectful western children. On a finally note, all i can say is thank god for UBC and 7/11 (as shallow and superfical as that sounds)

Would love to hear how you are going,

From Krystal

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Hey, i'm an Australian girl with a Thai husband from Krabi, we are currently living in Australia as i am finishing University. i worked in Thailand as a teacher for 3 years (small villages - Prachinburi/Bangsapan) and we will be returning to Thailand in the next few years to start a family. we have 60 Rai in Krabi and are hoping to build there, there are tourists around, however i have never come across another farang in the same situation as me.

Do you mean you haven't come across another farang with a thai husband teaching in Thailand? or Australia?

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HI Krystal,

I've been living in Krabi for 7 years with my Thai husband- when I arrived to teach on our Island I was the only farang in the village. Thats not the case anymore. There is an expat group in Krabi Town, mostly teachers. And many, many farangs out on the islands - PM me if you like and Welcome to TV!

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HelloHello my impression was that Krabi has a lot of farang women with Thai partners. We spent a few days there on holidays last month and everywhere we looked there were couples 'just like us'. Hubby was quite impressed as you don't see so many in Bangkok. One business owner even complained to my husband that every time he hires a young man they marry a farang woman and leave :)

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  • 2 months later...

I live in the UK now with my husband but for a couple of years we lived in a quiet village in Nonthaburi and I also spent a lot of time with my family-in-law in a village outside Udon Thani. I always found it quite hard being the only white woman locally, expecially at Songkran when some of the younger lads thought it was okay after a few drinks to chase you and rub powder in to your face. That said it is always nice to get positive attention and it always was positive. The staring did get me down but they are quite used to me now! Our poor little son is the one that gets the attention now and he does get quite sick of it. We only go back to Thailand for holidays and managed to get back last month so it isn't a big problem. I know that there are not a lot of us farang women with thai partners but I have always felt a real sense of unity with you ladies! It's is like we are in a unique club all of our own.

Take care

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  • 1 month later...

What an awesome site! :D

I've been married to a Thai national for more than 15 years now and been totally oblivous to these kinds of forums! What have I missed! :D

No, seriously, during this time I have know only 1 other foreign lady married to a Thai man (even though they are now divorced), and for a long time before I met her I really thought I was all alone... :)

So many things you ladies say, I can relate to, but there are also so many things that I find totally different since my husband is actually Thai-Chinese (3rd generation of Chinese born in Thailand, Thai nationals, speak Thai as mother tongue but retain A LOT of Chinese traditions and other extra Chinese-related "baggage"...).

The reason why I found this forum was because these past few months I have been adamantly defending Thailand's and Thai people's reputation on an other forum (in my own country's language) where the common opinion is that Thailand is only full of sex industry and all Thai women are bargilrs. - That is so not true and frankly my fingers are getting tired of typing otherwise since "those" people who believe this will never change... :D

A question to you all ladies with Thai husbands: have you encountered any type of "racism" from your own countrymen/-women because you are married to a Thai? - I ask this because I have, a lot of it, constantly, since day one, whether we live here in Thailand or in my country (we lived there for about 7 years in between), and I all the time have to behave like Miss Goody-Two-Shoes as not to give any impression of frivolousness. (Especially when people hear the town we live in!)

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What an awesome site! :D

I've been married to a Thai national for more than 15 years now and been totally oblivous to these kinds of forums! What have I missed! :D

No, seriously, during this time I have know only 1 other foreign lady married to a Thai man (even though they are now divorced), and for a long time before I met her I really thought I was all alone... :)

So many things you ladies say, I can relate to, but there are also so many things that I find totally different since my husband is actually Thai-Chinese (3rd generation of Chinese born in Thailand, Thai nationals, speak Thai as mother tongue but retain A LOT of Chinese traditions and other extra Chinese-related "baggage"...).

The reason why I found this forum was because these past few months I have been adamantly defending Thailand's and Thai people's reputation on an other forum (in my own country's language) where the common opinion is that Thailand is only full of sex industry and all Thai women are bargilrs. - That is so not true and frankly my fingers are getting tired of typing otherwise since "those" people who believe this will never change... :D

A question to you all ladies with Thai husbands: have you encountered any type of "racism" from your own countrymen/-women because you are married to a Thai? - I ask this because I have, a lot of it, constantly, since day one, whether we live here in Thailand or in my country (we lived there for about 7 years in between), and I all the time have to behave like Miss Goody-Two-Shoes as not to give any impression of frivolousness. (Especially when people hear the town we live in!)

Welcome to the forum, great to have a few more ladies involved. :D

You don't say where you live that there are no farang women, but I must admit, it is unusual. When my husband and I travel together most Thai people often wondered if he was really Thai. :D

But as far as racism in my home country, no very little to be honest. Any issues we ever encountered in the US were few and very far between and usually involved some sad white man who couldn't fathom that a woman would prefer a brown guy. I know it exists, but I can't say I have ever had more than one or two actually ever be blatant about it.

We have encountered negative comments from Thai women in Thailand tho, so clearly bigotry exists everywhere :D

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Hi NamNam! :)

Ive only been dating a Thai man for just under 2 years..so have little experience of possible racism. Might be different up here in Chiang Mai that where you are, but ive not sensed anything like that. The only thing that i can say ive felt self-conscious about in the beginning of our relationship was if i were to pay for something. Sounds dumb i know. He usually is the one who will pay for things we have like dinner etc..but i feel its only fair to treat him back too. So, of course there are times that i will pick up the bill for dinner of coffee or whatever (as in any relationship). In the beginning i didnt want other westerners to somehow look down on my bf in that he gets the farang to pay. Very silly thinking on my part. Now if any person were to judge us negatively like that, i just couldnt give a rats arse. :D

But...thankfully i havent experienced much negativity, but we havent been together very long. At times there has been curiosity..but usually from other Thai than westerners though.

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well, where i live, there is racism but not absolutely because he is thai but because he is not jewish (obviously, since he is thai) and also, most thai that are here are immigrant field workers on five year visas; so yes we get looks, comments, and twice already, stopped by the police for full body search (my son, in army, fortunately was with us, so it helped a bit-- thats another story for an other time) since husband is dark, was wearing sun glasses, and they arent used to this kind of mixed couple. here the mixes are usually a male with filipina or thai woman- in whih case every one assumes she is in it for the money.

in thailand i got strange looks in the home town, and people in the beginning had high (financial) expectations, but that wore off really quick as i dont dress up, and i speak thai so i answer back.

for me, the problems are more here in my country; and the very anti foreign worker /anti non jewish foreigner attitude is getting amplified as our economic situation gets worse...



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Thank you ladies for the welcome! :)

Just added my "hometown" into my profile - you may draw your own conclusions from that one! :D (I think one of the only reasons why we live in Pattaya is because we deal with tourists... It's not because we want to be here. This is not my husband's hometown, it's not his family's hometown, it's just for business.)

Anyway, as for the racism, yes I've had my own countrymen (and actually mostly my countrywomen!) tell my quite bluntly to my face that I'm a traitor to my own country for having married a squinty-eyed Asian man instead of an Aryan male! (Trust me, this made my hair stand up when I heard it!) And my fellow countrymen, of course, enquire about weird sexual preferences that are none of their business but they assume that since I'm married to an Asian, I'm obliged to answer anything! - They regard me as stupid (because an intelligent white woman wouldn't marry an Asian man, right?), or they assume I must have worked as some sort of bargirl to have come to Thailand in the first place... And the list goes on... :D And if I dare to say something back, like that they are prejudice and have no idea what they are talking about, then all hel_l breaks loose and they attack me with full verbal force!

I have really lost all faith in my countrymen and -women.

When we were living in my country (a miserable excuse of a living...) our children were also subjected to some racism. Since most of my "people" are white with blond hair and blue eyes and our kids have Asian brown eyes and brown hair, an old lady asked me if my kids were Mongoloids???!!! (I nearly hit her!) - The onther question I get often, is if they are adopted and when I answer that no, I actually gave birth to them in Thailand, people look at me like I'm totally mad and quickly walk away! :D

I have very little family left in my own country, so perhaps it's a blessing. :D But my Thai family is very nice! I love them all and I thank goodness they have accepted me into their family. (As you might know, Chinese social circles are rather closed to outsiders...) My mother-in-law is simply the best!!! She is an absolutely fantastic cook and she blesses us with her mouth-watering dishes every now and then... (Lucky for me, she lives just in the opposite house to ours... :D Babysitter problem solved also! - Although our kids are reaching teenage-years and detest the word "babysitter"...)

Gosh! I just love venting here! I hope I don't bore anyone... :D

Throw me something to chew!

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Hi NamNam,

I'm in Pattaya, too but I honestly love it here. Don't know why, but when I first came here, it just felt like home. Have been to other places in TH, and around the world, but never felt the same way. Only thing I don't like is that some foreign men must think that when they're here, *all* women suddenly find them sexy -? Middle eastern men especially, but last night I was out and a guy with an accent like Borat asked me if I wanted to see his room. :D What's with that? (Mind you I dress conservatively - jeans, t-shirt and sneakers.) Pattaya is just a crazy place.

So what country are you from so that I can take that off of my list of places to visit? :D

I'm originally from the US and have only had one really negative reaction to finding out my BF was Thai. He was an older guy, and just reacted like it was the worst thing in the world. "They don't even speak English over there." And then proceeded to tell me he's got a jacuzzi in his house and I should be with him instead. Ugh!

Eek, I had that same issue too when I first started coming here, that I didn't want people to think I was paying for everything. (Though my BF does not come from a rich background, so technically, I *was* paying for pretty much everything.) To the point that I would just give him our budget money and he could carry it in his wallet and pay for things when we were out. I'm sure all the trolls will all be so disappointed that he never once ran off with the cash, and is very responsible with the finances. :) But I've pretty much gotten over it and don't bat an eyelash anymore if I pay for something when he's with me. They don't know us and can assume whatever they want.


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Yes we haven't had much racism and not from other foreigners. The main people that feel free to comment on our marriage are lighter-skinned Thais who often wonder out loud why I married such a dark-skinned man. Ummm, cos he's a genuinely happy guy with a lovely calm demeanour who adores us (wife and kids) to bits...is that a good enough reason :) In the village I'm still a bit of a novelty but mostly because our lifestyle is just alien to everyone there.

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WaatWang - nice to know there is someone here! :)

I am originally from a Scandinavian country but have lived most of my life abroad and can't really relate to Scandinavian mentality. I don't feel it's my home, never has been and never will be. Perhaps that is the reason why I can't understand its people either, and they can't understand me. - Nature is beautiful, the four seasons are great, the cold and the people I could live without...

As for Pattaya, I can't say we hate it, it's just a place where we live now. We don't really call it "home", although we do have here a home, a permanent one, and most likely are going to stay here if not forever then at least for a very long time. - Confusing, huh?... :D

Back in the early days when we just got married and were going out with my husband, we were looked at weirdly. Most of the time he was assumed to be my driver. :D In a restaurant I was given the bill to pay (I had no money, he had all the money, always!) and the waiters looked very confused as I pushed the silver platter to the Thai man opposite me who took out of his pocket a huge bundle of money! :D:D:D

When we travel abroad, my husband is often mistaken for Japanese - which we both find very amusing since we don't think he looks at all Japanese, much more Chinese, but then again, perhaps all Asians look like Japanese in white people's eyes. :P

What you WaatWang say about the foreign men here in Pattaya is SO true! Gosh, they seem to have a split personality when they come here! - That's why I avoid going out after dark... Well, actually, since I have thought for a long time that I'm more or less all alone here (as a foreign woman married to a Thai) I don't really go out at all, even at day time. I just go to BigC for food and back home. My social life consists of... lets see... um, nothing. Occasionally, perhaps once every 2 months I might see a friend, but that's about it. - Sounds rather pathetic, doesn't it? :D I live in a bustling city like Pattaya and all I do is stay at home... "sigh"... (I'm not a very good "people-person", never have been...)

The internet keeps me from going gaga. :D

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I know the feeling :)

I do believe that there are a fair number of women on this board who live in your area. You might consider, if you were feeling social enough, posting a meet up thread. And lots of the guys who post on here from Pattaya are just lovely, might do you good to get out and realize Pattaya has some nice people too. :D

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Argh!!!! No men!!!! :D (Isn't there an emoticon of "utter horror"?) - No, my husband is rather possessive and would get very jealous if I ever went out to meet with other men. Besides, I have never ever in my life been interested in any other man than my husband (sounds corny, huh?). I only meet those men whom my husband knows and are considered as "friends". :D

But the idea of a thread to meet other women here in Pattaya is not a bad one... As long as I would be able to keep my end of the bargain: I only have my feet to get me from place to place here and if they decide a meet somewhere far, I won't be able to make it. :D (I do NOT drive in this country!!! :) ) Besides, I can only go during the morning and early afternoon, after that I have to be home because the kids come back from school! :D:D:D

And I spend most of my time playing on FB. - An other way to keep me sane... oh, wait, is that actually making me nuts?... :D

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Ladies, How refreshing it is to hear about your side of things. Being a male I hope you don't mind if I say something. I am a white male from New Zealand who has been to Thailand a few times and never been in a bar. I have a lovely Thai g/f [ divorced ] whom I have visited in the Northeast. She is a school teacher with two lovely children. I am retired and seperated. On my first visit to Thailand I felt at home. When the time comes [early next year ] I will move to Thailand and we will marry :) We are taking our time.The attitude of some people here is that I am crazy. Sadly we go through life worrying too much about what others think and say. Please carry on with your postings as I will look foreward to reading them. It would also be great to see some input sometime from Thai women and men. Take care and all the best.

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Hi NamNam! :)

Ive only been dating a Thai man for just under 2 years..so have little experience of possible racism. Might be different up here in Chiang Mai that where you are, but ive not sensed anything like that. The only thing that i can say ive felt self-conscious about in the beginning of our relationship was if i were to pay for something. Sounds dumb i know. He usually is the one who will pay for things we have like dinner etc..but i feel its only fair to treat him back too. So, of course there are times that i will pick up the bill for dinner of coffee or whatever (as in any relationship). In the beginning i didnt want other westerners to somehow look down on my bf in that he gets the farang to pay. Very silly thinking on my part. Now if any person were to judge us negatively like that, i just couldnt give a rats arse. :D

But...thankfully i havent experienced much negativity, but we havent been together very long. At times there has been curiosity..but usually from other Thai than westerners though.

I don't think it's a big deal at all and you should not worry about it. I've had Thai girls demand to pay my meal several times, usually my girlfriend, but still, it was no big deal.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi girls,

I've been reading this topic with interest and its nice to know there are women with thai husbands out there. I have a bit of a dilemma and was hoping some of you could give me your opinion.

I never wanted to go to Thailand, I was intimidated by it but on my 'round the world trip' i had to have 10 days there as that was the only way my flights would work. I ended up staying for 10 months and fell in love with the country but had to move on 10 days ago as I had a visa for Australia and had to use it.

I'll have to try and keep this brief because it a long story...! Basically I met this thai guy and i started seeing him. It wasnt meant to be a big deal but i ended up falling for him big time.

At first he was difficult (i.e it was hard to tell if he liked me or not cos he didnt seem that bothered and wouldn't want to see me as much as I did him) and after a few weeks I found out he had a Thai lady staying with him, who he said was his sister (i later found out she isn't and i have no idea who she is). The whole time she was there, he'd flirt ridiculously with me but he'd make excuses that he couldn't come out with me or that I couldnt come over for dinner for various reasons. Then I went away for 2 weeks and when I returned, I had an accident. The lady was gone and he looked after me which was sweet. He seemed really cautious at first and a few days later things were almost back to normal but then he had to go home to his family because his Dad had had an accident. He's really poor so i gave him some money for the transport etc (he didnt ask for it, i offered it and it wasnt a huge amount but obviously significant for him). While he was away he called me up to 3-4 times a day. One day he calls and asks for more money and he seems desperate so i transfer it to him (again not a huge amount...it was apparently for his dads medical fees).

He came back a few days later and things are better than ever. We started hanging out a lot more and people started knowing that we were a couple. Then a little while later he starts being stand offish and making excuses again... I kind've figured that maybe he just wanted some time out from me so i backed off. I then had to go away for a night and he calls me and he is with his friend who i know is from near where his family live. He tells me that his friend has come to visit him for 5 days. The next day he calls me and tells me hes not at work and he's out drinking with his friends but refuses to tell me where. I then have to find out that he has gone back home from his friends (he had been saying before that he really wanted me to go with him). So basically he went without me, without even telling me and lied about being there.

Later he calls and straight out asks me to travel across the country to visit him at home (and go to his sisters wedding). I was reluctant but the following day i found out he'd been fired and wouldnt be coming back so i decided to go. I had the most amazing 5 days in rural Thailand with him and his family (but we didnt stay together and i found out that he hadnt told his family we were together...surely thats a little obvious?!) and then i left believing i wouldnt see him again because of me moving on to Australia. A few days later he calls and says hes coming back but has no money for transport, the next day he cant come anyway because of high waves. I eventually convinced him to come to Bangkok with me for my last few days and transfered him money to get the train (i went early just to meet him). He seemed really keen but he didnt show up and didnt even call and i was heart broken. He finally calls the day before i leave to say hes coming because hes got work but it turned out he wouldnt arrive in time to see me... I was gutted.

Anyway im now in Australia and missing him like crazy. I called him the other day and he was so happy to hear from me and wanted me to come back.

OK so i met the guy in touristy thailand and im pretty sure he must have had flings with farang girls before, but am i naieve in thinking that i was different because he wanted to take me home to meet his family? I guess its stupid because i wasnt even seeing him for that long. Also i have to add that he has 2 children (i didnt find this out until way after i started seeing him), i really do not know where their mother is, he said she went away to work and im assuming theyre not together anymore (particularly as his friends said he has no ladies). I dont know, maybe i was just a 'bit on the side' for him...

I really want to go back but dont know if its a stupid idea. He'll probably just mess with my head. It doesnt help that his English isnt great and my thai is pretty poor...! It seems to me that thai guys are so different so i just dont understand why he does the things he does sometimes (like once he made an excuse not to go out with me then i found out he went out with his mates...its stupid but i couldnt explain to him that i was ok with him going out with his mates and he didnt need to lie about it)

What do you suggest, is it a lost cause and should i forget about it or should i go back and give it a go? I think i know deep down that i should move on but i miss him so much and cant stop thinking about him!

Be honest! (and thank you for reading my whinge!)

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Honestly? It sounds like he's playing you, the fact that you didn't stay together at his sisters wedding is significant, if he really wanted to see you when you left he would have come. The game playing he did is totally unnecessary if he were serious.

Move on, because I would bet he already has.

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Forget him & stay well away, He sounds like he is still married, was playing you for money & you fell for it hook, line & sinker. There are plenty of decent thai men out there but sadly you didn't meet one.

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a player for sure.

every time u give him money he suddenly doesnt show up, cant go out, he's playing for sure although he doesnt soudn an expert in that profession yet. it sounds like his friends are coaching him along.... trust me, if a thai guy was interested in u for sure, he would stick to u like glue. and if he really wants to see u, he would borrow money from friend or family to see you.... run away or enjoy the fling; dont lose your heart over it.



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a player for sure.

every time u give him money he suddenly doesnt show up, cant go out, he's playing for sure although he doesnt soudn an expert in that profession yet. it sounds like his friends are coaching him along.... trust me, if a thai guy was interested in u for sure, he would stick to u like glue. and if he really wants to see u, he would borrow money from friend or family to see you.... run away or enjoy the fling; dont lose your heart over it.



I have to agree. He is not worth it and sounds like he is really playing you. As for going to see his family, I know a Thai guy who brought girl after girl back from the beach to meet his family, each one feeling "special" as he had brought them home, not knowing she was one of many.

I also know guys who have brought their farang gf back and they definitely stay with them.

Like Bina says about glue, when I met my now Thai husband, he did everything and anything to be around me every minute he could... He lived in a village 20 minute (drive) away from me and he used to show up on a different motorbike everyday cause he did not have his own and would beg and borrow bikes from his village. He was off work at the time, didn't have much money and never ever asked me for a cent. He would also be considered poor.

My first Thai boyfriend...if you can even call him that, would show up when it worked for him, also stood me up in BKK once, he came but arrived a day late with some lame excuses. Asked me for money etc. I was new to Thailand and didn't know better. But thanks to him, I returned to Thailand ended up breaking up with him within a month and 3 months later met the love of my life. There are good Thai men out there but sounds like this guy is not one of them.

I found this forum after my first Thai bf experience. I often wonder if had found this forum and read all the warnings and stories, if it would have let me see my the first guy for who he really was, but honestly I think sometimes we need to learn the hard way. Either way i think there are some wise women on here who have a lot of experience in Thailand and do offer some very sound advice.

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Please read your post and pretend as if it's not you writing it...and someone else is....

You can totally see what is going on without even a second thought....

Sometimes people don't wanna believe that these things happen to them...but they do. I'm sure you can find someone who truly cares about you, be it thai or whatever kind of guy... I'm sure you are old enough to know that feeding someones greed isn't worth a broken heart, it is losing x2 =/

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Read all of the answers above again - they are correct - take it for what it was - a fling.

I am pretty sure that most of us have been there done that AND got the T-shirt. Enjoy Australia (there are nice guys there too!)

In fact just enjoy every minute of your travels.

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