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Apology Because I Lost My Temper


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Somwhere in the middle of the very long thread about the warning note about my dogs, I lost control and started complaing and rambling on about the lack of respect I feel I get as a women here in Thailand and other stupid things.

I have a very bad insomnia problem, don't take medication for it 98% of the time, because it only makes it worse in the long run, and this is why I am often on TV all night long. Lately I have not slept more than 2 hours a day, for about 2 weeks, and have been going crazy from the heat, as my aircon hasn't been very effective with the high heat and humidity we have been having. (Also I worked nights for many years and I guess since I have lived here have not found it easy to change back to daytime hours.)

I was angry and shocked by the attacks I got calling me basically a reckless dog owner who doesn't care about my neighbors, attacking my b/f as being an idiot in the mafia, who may or may not have power, but who is going to get me killed, who is ripping me off, when I talked very little about him and you had very little to base that on, other than he tried to protect me, the dogs, our maid and our property and himself, in pretty standard ways for Thailiand.

My b/f is a very nice guy, who has whatever power he has mostly because he is a popular well-liked person here, who has lots of freinds, he has lived in this city almost all the years of his life, and so has his family, without getting killed, or beat up, or killing or beating anyone else. He showed that he had a permit for his gun, so that nobody could try to call the police and get me, a farang in trouble for having an illegal gun, a serious problem here. He also never leaves it alone at home with me for this reason or in my car. He has a gun because he owns some businesses, closes some of them late at night, and takes home the money. He has been robbed before.

Even the mafia guy who went and talked to the guest house, the guy owns a business nearby, he went over there nicely and told them my b/f was like a brother to him, and to please take care of him. He didn't go over there and say he was going to break there legs like maybe some of you imagined.

I am sorry that I sometimes say stupid things here, sometimes also off topic, usually because I am wound up, have been awake way too long, have caved in and taken a sleeping pill, still can't sleep, and have stupid issues that bother me over and over again that some others can't relate too. I also can't relate to everyone else here but I don't attack you and flame you and try to make you look like a fool.

My biggest crimes here are that I was ripped off numerous ways because I got hooked up with dishonest people who were making money off of me, that I didn't know about it, that nobody would tell me about it (I would refer you to threads about "should I tell the farang he's getting ripped off?" and the numerous answers stating you might get killed if you do as well as ask you to consider how many Thai people will do it rather than just jump on the bandwagon or just ignore it.)

When I have realized it and did something about it, I am laughed at by some of you for the way I went about it, even though my ways worked out for me. Well, none of you were there to help me so now that it is after the fact, your insults really aren't needed. When I say I am getting some of my money back now, same stupid comments, and I must be doing it wrong and should just kiss off the money.

I guess if I just stuck to one sentence comments making a joke, saying good luck, or insulting others, there wouldn't be too much people could say back to me and nobody would know much about me to give you ammunition. I realize not all the posters are like this, and I thank those who are kind or even reasonable and try to thank you all pretty often. I also realize I am not the only person who gets this kind of treatment but it seems to be getting rather extreme.

Anyway, I am sorry for my part of the crazy writing sometimes, for too much pity party sometimes, and I will also try to calm whatever part of me that is obviously annoying so many of you out there.

Have a good day.

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I wouldn't worry about it, if I were you. I'm back on TV after a few days & can't believe some of the responses I'm reading on many threads. Is there something in the water in Thailand at the mo? (I'm in HK, so just wondering...) There seems to be a lot of members who are feeling more than a bit mean at the present time. Ignore it. Live your life & have fun. :o:D

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To quote a line from the Peter Sellers film, Being There, written by Jersey Kosinski,

"A man's past can cripple him,

his background turns into a

swamp and invites scrutiny."

Keep writing and telling us about your adventures. Whatever heat you get on this forum you are still braver than everyone else who won't post their stories and expose themselves to ridicule.

I for one, may criticise you on occasion and even have a joke, but don't confuse that and good intentions. I think most of your critics here have good intentions too.

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What do you apologise for ? No need to in my opinion .

And everybody can have an offday sometimes , is not a bad thing , it is just in the way it can be .

But I am just curious what kind of tablets are you taking , hope they are not red ones ?

If yes , it will be the wrong medication I guess , and will be the answer why you can't have a decent rest at night. :o

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I didnt read all of that thread yet MTW, but regardless, we all lose our tempers sometimes, esp if being taunted.

Take in only the advice you feel will serve you well, and ignore the rest if you can when things said upset you. Some TV members make jokes without meaning harm, just their tongue in cheek approach, and some are plain ignorant and seem to enjoy taunting and bully antics. It only hurts if you allow it to, and although its hard to ignore cutting comments esp if are feeling vunerable, nasty comments cant affect your life so try not give them a second thought.

Dont worry about it and gl with the situations with your dogs.

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I can't see why you would need to apologize for that...? Everyone has their own personality and opinions and are entitled to that - isn't that the whole point with discussion forums like this?

Do you want to poison the forum as well ? :o

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Good to hear from you again MTW.Don't worry yourself none,try to brush off any jibes.At least, you are getting many perspectives, to your adventures.Sit back and benefit from them.When getting taunted try to ignore it.Above all keep the posts coming they are probably a great outlet for you,and interesting reading for me.Apologize for what?

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Nothing to worry about MTW. In fact George should give you a bonus one of these days because your threads get a lot views so in theory should generate a lot advertising revenue for TV.

Anyway best of luck.

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My biggest crimes here are that I was ripped off numerous ways because I got hooked up with dishonest people who were making money off of me, that I didn't know about it, that nobody would tell me about it

Maybe some people ARE trying to tell you about it - getting hooked up with and ripped off by dishonest people, I mean - but you won't listen.

By the way, do you pay your monthly 35,000 baht rent (for your noisy house down the narrow soi next to the grotty guesthouse) to your boyfriend, or to your landlord? And have you seen the rental agreement? :o

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Oh I've been having sleeping problems for years, I know how bad it feels. Hope it gets better for you.

MTW, don't be too affected by the replies. It is a forum and people come here to have fun. Saying nasty things are good fun sometimes for some people. As you said, people can actually quite different when you actually meet.

Wish you all the best!

By the way, I think poor judgement could be the reason for some of your problems here in Thailand.

You seemed not very capable of understanding the minds of people. Well that is from what you have posted.

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I really think this is a thread I should not be responding to, other than to say thank you to the many nice reponses. But I can't resist a few of the idiots, my b/f pays the rent, I pay for my maid, and the utilities and a few other things that are directly because of me. And we got a discount because we got rid of the broker, who was the broker in my last house, where the owner was a CM Uni prof, and took all the funiture and the water pump out of the house, and the broker didn't do a ###### thing for me, and paid a year's rent in advance for a discount here. But the price asked was 35,000 and that is not far out of the range if you knew where my house was located and the size of my house.

Would you like to tell me the financial arrangements between you and your lovers?

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And jetset, the stories I told were already more than 2 years old when I told them, some three years old or more, other then the dog warning letter, so I don't think anyone here was trying to help me or warn me. I didn't even know about this website when these things were going on. If you would try a little harder to believe what I say, rather than automatically not believe everything, you might get the jist of the stories straight as well as get to heart of the matter better.

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And the amount of rent that this house goes for isn't really relevant to me as far as if I should make noise or not, because I am polite no matter where I am or how much I pay, however, it is relevant to Thai people and their sense of status and who has more power, and when they don't see themselves as being wrong, and they see farangs who pay 80 baht a night acting like they have the power to MOVE them out of their homes, they bring up how much rent they pay, because they see this out-of-balance power as being wrong. I brought it up to show that we are not obviously living in a small apartment, keeping our dogs on a balcony, next to a 5 star hotel.

But I don't want to get dragged into this anymore. I should have just not responded at all.

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Good you have the guts to tell us, you feel yourself, that you may have been a bit over the top in some posts. :o

But I still say you should disarm your BF, it is not acceptable behaviour under any form, to run over and threaten people with a gun because of a piece of paper you dont even know who sent, and your BF did not understand fully, it is lunacy.

You claim in a post that your BF has never broken the law in Thailand, well let me tell you, gun licence or not, he is on the ragged edge as far as the law is concerned with that action, and by the way, first he covers up behind a licence issued by the Police, next he sends a Mafia friend around with a message that your BF is his friend and they should treat him good, that is dear MTW, just how Mafias issues threats, and as the Mafia guy acted on behalf of your BF your BF already has broken the law in this case, although it properly is impossible to prove.

The point being that your BF don't care to much about the law (the written one) but only the law of the jungle, you should make a mental note of that, don't fool yourself, it is all very TIT but has nothing to do with law as it's written.

Quote MTW:

And I have been treated with disrespect based only on my gender that I wasn't treated with even when I was 12 years old. And this is when I have more education than 99% of the population and have more money than 99% of the population. I don't have this much more education and money in my own country but I am treated lower here. This is hard to deal with. And I am not treated lower by people who have Ph.D.s and 10 million dollars in the bank, but I am treated lower by people who have no college degree at all, who are manual workers, who make what I make in a day, in 5 years, or even if they have a degree, make what I make in a day, in a year or more, and have had the same job for 10 years.

End Quote.

I still think you have issues, being insecure and unable to read your surrounding's in a comfortable way, and I am not going to apologise for giving you my opinion, I hope it somehow can help you.

Kind regards :D

Edited by larvidchr
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