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Dear friends


When I was quite new in my recovery from alcoholism, I noticed a quote in the AA literature which I found very unsettling. It is found in the "Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions," On page 53 in the chapter on step 4, is the following quote:


"The primary fact we fail to recognize is our complete inability to form a true partnership with another human being."


Was it true? In my case it certainly was. In recovery, I tried one relationship after another. Sooner or later they all fell apart. It was not a pleasant experience. Then I went through the twelve steps with a sponsor.  Gradually, I began to learn how to have more honest and functional relationships. I came to see that codependency was just one aspect of my untreated alcoholism. I hope you enjoy the blog I wrote about it.








The opinions expressed in this blog do not necessarily represent AA's beliefs, opinions, and practices. What I have shared with you are my own experiences of recovery from alcoholism. The suggestions I became willing to take have led me, an agnostic alcoholic, to a contented and meaningful sobriety.

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