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Hey guys,

Well me and my fiancee are still in Australia visiting my family, we fly back to Thailand in 12 days, We have just found out my fiancee is pregnant, and i am unsure wether she should give birth to the baby in Thailand or here in Australia? Whats are the main differences as far as the baby's future is concerned ie - citizenship etc? As we do plan to settle in Australia eventually. She is obviously a Thai citizen and i am an Australian citizen...any advice would be greatly appreciated.

One more thing im worried about is the quality of care in Thailand...do they go to the same lengths as we do here during the pregnancy to ensure the baby is healthy...for example regular ultrasounds and checkups...Where she comes from they seem to all jhave the baby's at home in theyre village...maybe im just worrying over nothing?

Thanks in advance guys.

P.S - i forgot to add she is currently in AU on a 3 month tourist visa which runs out in 2 weeks...does she need a full visa in order to give birth here? if so then there is the case of exposing the baby to an xray in order to apply for the fiancee visa..?


Congratulations daddy. :o

If your child is to be born in Thailand, he/she will be Thai. Changing your childs citizenship will require paper work. Not too difficult.

I suggest you have a read of the Thai Nationality Act.

As far as proper care for pregnant women in Thailand, it must be OK, there seems to be a lot of healthy looking children running around.

The decision of the birthplace is your decision. If you choose Australia, you may need to apply for a spouse visa. Another tourist visa will have time constraints which may conflict with the birth date.

A Spouse or Fiance Visa will require a medical clearance. The hospital is the best place to get advice on any dangers that may be caused by X-ray machines to the unborn.

You will need to move quickly if you decide to apply for a spouse visa as flying and pregnancy don't always compliment each other.

Most airlines permit pregnant women to fly until the end of the 35th week of pregnancy, whereupon expectant mothers are strictly advised not to fly.

Exact stipulations from airline to airline vary, and it is well worth contacting airlines in advance of flying to confirm their regulations. Some airlines may request a medical certificate specifying the expectant date of delivery.


Consider too your fiances feelings...she may want her family around for the birth....some parts of Thailand have some pretty deep seated traditions...

Pre natal and post natal care in Thailand is fine...as MM has said there are a lot of healthy kids running around...Giving birth is a natural thing...so long as all are healthy then she will be fine.

check some of the Oz sites regards citizenship also

otherwise as MM said.


We had one child in Oz and one in Los.

It would depend on several things, will it be easy for you to stay in Oz to have the child, work business etc, or will you have to make decisions that need major effort.

If easy, I would stay in Oz, your child can get the thai passport from Oz, in fact it is easier from there if born outside of thailand, I have still not found a proper way for it to be done from here, they all say has to be done from Oz where he was born. No rush as he is on a serious overstay visa for now.

It is also very easy to get the Oz citizenship and passport from here, just as long as you have the correct documents and the most important is the birth certificate with your name correctly on it and get the hospital to provide in both thai and english originals.

Also where in Los would you be living and having the baby, if upcountry, I would say stay in Oz, if inBangkok, then hospitals here are fine, some hospitals and doctors are very keen for the knife when delivering, you just have to make it clear this is not what you want as first preferance, this is not a 'convenience' delivery for you. Our doc was told this from the start and all went well.

I would never have a child away from Bangkok. The previous psoter said "so long as all are healthy then she will be fine." ....well it is when things are NOT fine that you will be regretting it.

Ultrasounds were the same as when we were in Oz and checkups monthly until the last month, then weekly.

As for the visa in Oz, I am ot sure but would think you could get some kind of extension for it. Proof obviously required, but certainly not an X-ray, to soon for ultrasound, but certainly a doctors authority would be needed, probably a recommended doctor by them to verify. Go to immigration and ask is usually the best way.


Firstly congrats..

We've had our baby here in Thailand, though on balance, if you guys are pregnant already I'd have the bubs in Australia as it would all be covered by Medicare. If you are coming to thailand, I'd presonally recommend that your wife has private heath insurance, but at this point, no insurer will cover the costs of preganancy if you apply while already pregantant. Depending on what you are looking for, at one of the top of the line private hospitals here, you'll be looking at roughly 35K to 120K for a no-complications birth. There are good government hospitals about, but I don't know which ones to recommend.

The other bonus for having bubs in Australia, is you'll get the $4K baby bonus, and the follow up immunisations etc etc will all be free (though admittedly, there is nothing to stop you moving back to OZ within 26 weeks of birth, and you'll still be eligiblle as long as you move back permanently).

From the citizenship perspective.

Thai Nationality: Thai nationality is passed down by blood. So the baby will automatically be Thai wherever they are born. The paper work will differ slightly though. If born in Thailand, you'll get automatically get Thai birth certificate from the district in which the baby was born which states the baby is Thai. If the baby is born in OZ, although the baby is technically Thai, you'll have to apply to the Royal Thai Embassy in Canberra for the Thai language birth certificate. The BC is essential for establishing nationality, and all Thai related paperwork, you name it, Thai ID cards, Thai passports, Thai bank accounts etc flow from this one document. If born in Australia, the BC is only available from the Thai embassy in Canberra. You can't come back to Thailand and try and get one from the local version of the birth, deaths and marriages office here.

Australian Nationality: If born in OZ, the baby will automatically be an OZ citizen at birth given that one of the parents is an OZ citizen. If born in Thailand, your baby won't be Australian automatically at birth (technically), you'll have to go to the embassy in Bangkok and apply for Australian citizenship via descent. Paperwork is a bit of a pain, as you'll need to get the babies Thai birth certificate translated into English and then get the translation certified by the Thai ministry of Foreign Affairs (Consular Division).

It take about 10 days to issue and costs a bit of money (about $100 if I recall) to apply for after which your child will be issued an "Extract from Register of Australian Citizenship by Descent" certificate. Once you have this, you can then apply for the passport (another 10 day wait) and more paperwork. Not hard, but it is at least a months wait from end to end for everything.

Your bubs will be allowed to hold both citizenships for the rest of his or her life. No probs with that, despite what people will tell you. I've got both and have never had a problem. Always travel in and out of Thailand on the Thai passport, and in and out of OZ on the OZ passport and you'll never need visa's and the pissing around involved in that.


She doesnt need a spouse visa to have a baby here, but.....

If she is on a tourist visa....

I doubt travel/health insurance would cover the cost so you will probably be up for the full medical costs.

She would not be eligble for the $4K as she is not a citizen or resident.

As MM said there could be flight restrictions, although I believe most airlines have a restriction of 1 month before and after impending birth.

If she is on a "no Further stay" condition on the visa, having a child or the impending birth will not allow for an extension of the visa. Chances are that if she is too close to the birth date, they may not grant a tourist visa.

If she can get a spouse visa...

Then she would have the benefits of any resident however....

She wont get a visa without an x ray, the main reason for the x ray is TB...they cant detect that without an x ray.

The idea that hospitals outside of BKK are substandard is really a lot of rot....while sometimes the facilities may not be in line with the more expensive tourist area hospital and by that I mean private rooms etc...the care given is equal. If there was a major problem than the patient would be moved to a more suitable facility, which is line with the hospital system here in Oz.

Dont sweat on the citizenship issue....it can be sorted after the bub is born...sure there will be paperwork to fill out and fees to be paid...but that is par for the course no matter where the bub is born.



All of the advice above is very sound.

My Wife and I have just been through the same thing.

We were in Australia when she fell pregnant. She was my girlfriend at the time, and was in Aus. on a tourist Visa.

We chose to come to Thailand for the birth.

We came up here about 12 weeks after she fell pregnant.

We chose to use Bangkok Phuket Hospital in Phuket, and found the standard of care to be equal if not better than anything in Australia.

Our daughter was born 3 weeks ago.

Where ever the baby is born is will be entitled to dual citizenship.

I do not believe that you will be covered by Medicare for any of the costs in Australia, as your fiancee is there on a Tourist Visa.

Whatever decision you make on location, do take your fiancee ito account.

Depending on her level of English, it may be stressful for her if she is not able to communicate in her own language when she is giving birth.

Having her mum about at the time is also invaluable to some people.

Anyway, enjoy the next 9 months.

It is a wonderful time.

Feel free to PM with any questions.


Wow thanks for all the great repsones guys, definatly alot of very useful info on there...seems im not the only one donig this :o Ive just gotten home and skimmed over the posts but i will have a good read through shortly and posisbly send out to PM's...thanksd again for all the information, much appreciated!


One more thing, does anyone know of any websites or forums in Thai language that would be good for my fiancee to log on and have a browse around, all the pregnancy info sites i find are in english which she cant read...id love to find some sort of pregnancy info website in thai or even a mopthers to be forum where they can do what we do here at thaivisa...but in regards to pregnancy issues....any ideas guys?>


Yes and if you decide to have it upcountry....best of luck with the emergancy transfers and helicopter medivac to bypass bkk traffic. Ever seen an ambulance stuck in traffic going nowhere.

Simply for your childs sake and if it is possible, choose a bkk hospital or equal, by this I mean hospitals of same standard in phuket or Pattaya that you would be happy with.

I went to a hospital out of bkk recently, a doctor was recommended there as best in his field....I left, it was a joke really. Mind you it is all about choices and how many you have, if you have no choice, then you have to go with what you get.

When my children are concerned, I like to go where I feel the best will be available if the worst was to happen.

One more thing, does anyone know of any websites or forums in Thai language that would be good for my fiancee to log on and have a browse around, all the pregnancy info sites i find are in english which she cant read...id love to find some sort of pregnancy info website in thai or even a mopthers to be forum where they can do what we do here at thaivisa...but in regards to pregnancy issues....any ideas guys?>

Try http://www.sanook.com/

This a search/info site, she may have to follow a few links to find what she wants


All of the advice above is very sound.

My Wife and I have just been through the same thing.

We were in Australia when she fell pregnant. She was my girlfriend at the time, and was in Aus. on a tourist Visa.

We chose to come to Thailand for the birth.

We came up here about 12 weeks after she fell pregnant.

We chose to use Bangkok Phuket Hospital in Phuket, and found the standard of care to be equal if not better than anything in Australia.

Our daughter was born 3 weeks ago.

Where ever the baby is born is will be entitled to dual citizenship.

I do not believe that you will be covered by Medicare for any of the costs in Australia, as your fiancee is there on a Tourist Visa.

Whatever decision you make on location, do take your fiancee ito account.

Depending on her level of English, it may be stressful for her if she is not able to communicate in her own language when she is giving birth.

Having her mum about at the time is also invaluable to some people.

Anyway, enjoy the next 9 months.

It is a wonderful time.

Feel free to PM with any questions.

That is correct,no medicare,no child bonus of $4000,and no chance of any insurance company touching you AFTER she falls pregnant. Could you possibly tell me approx.how much the birth cost in Thailand?As in Australia,the costs start to become a little scarey,and never seem to end.... :o

Yes and if you decide to have it upcountry....best of luck with the emergancy transfers and helicopter medivac to bypass bkk traffic. Ever seen an ambulance stuck in traffic going nowhere.

Simply for your childs sake and if it is possible, choose a bkk hospital or equal, by this I mean hospitals of same standard in phuket or Pattaya that you would be happy with.

I went to a hospital out of bkk recently, a doctor was recommended there as best in his field....I left, it was a joke really. Mind you it is all about choices and how many you have, if you have no choice, then you have to go with what you get.

When my children are concerned, I like to go where I feel the best will be available if the worst was to happen.

If the patient was in an Amphur hospital then the transfer would be to a Provincial Hospital, these are as well equipped as any BKK or tourist area hospital. For instance If she was in an Amphur such as Prakhonchai in Buriram....she would be taken to a hospital in Muang Buriram....If in an extreme case it was required that the patient needed to be taken to BKK then it would be done by an escorted ambulance or possibly a helicopter and I aint seen on of those in a traffic jam.

Lets not scare the guy when there is no need to.


Regards the Baby Bonus....

It is usually paid to the mother unless a shared care agreement is in place.

The claimant must have legal resposibility for the day to day care, welfare and development of the child amongst other requirements.

Thanks to Samran for the link...I read it.... :o

Tritex......sorry I cant help with that.

Wow thanks for all the great repsones guys, definatly alot of very useful info on there...seems im not the only one donig this :o Ive just gotten home and skimmed over the posts but i will have a good read through shortly and posisbly send out to PM's...thanksd again for all the information, much appreciated!

Congratulations...! Don't fret too much about some of the angst-ridden posts - gosh, started to stress me out! I'm an Aussie girl married to a Thai man and we had our baby here in Chiang Mai. Complicated emergency C section delivery due to impending uterine rupture and baby heart stress - lots of after care required and a week in Chiang Mai's #1 hospital with my husband and baby rooming in - total of only 39,000 for everything from the natural birthing suite (26 hours!) to the surgery to the private room to the newspapers. The citizenship through the Aussie embassy was a breeze - not expensive and we had it three weeks after lodging the paperwork. Our little girl will be 3 on Mother's Day (Aug 12) this year and all our visiting Aussie friends are envious of the care and life was have been able to provide for her here. Do your wife a favour and encourage her to stay near friends and family - she will need all that support, not for the birth but for the months and yeras afterwards. PM me anytime - happy to help and am fluent in Thai if your wife needs a chat.

  • Like 1

All of the advice above is very sound.

My Wife and I have just been through the same thing.

We were in Australia when she fell pregnant. She was my girlfriend at the time, and was in Aus. on a tourist Visa.

We chose to come to Thailand for the birth.

We came up here about 12 weeks after she fell pregnant.

We chose to use Bangkok Phuket Hospital in Phuket, and found the standard of care to be equal if not better than anything in Australia.

Our daughter was born 3 weeks ago.

Where ever the baby is born is will be entitled to dual citizenship.

I do not believe that you will be covered by Medicare for any of the costs in Australia, as your fiancee is there on a Tourist Visa.

Whatever decision you make on location, do take your fiancee ito account.

Depending on her level of English, it may be stressful for her if she is not able to communicate in her own language when she is giving birth.

Having her mum about at the time is also invaluable to some people.

Anyway, enjoy the next 9 months.

It is a wonderful time.

Feel free to PM with any questions.

Just a thought.

My dad, a New Zealand citizen, lived worked died in Ausrtralia from 1955 - 2003.

He would not give up his NZ citizenship to be allowed the top rate of veterans entitlement.

Austalia would not recognise dual cirizenship.

Being a proud Kiwi, he went with a lower rate.

Another note,

New Zealand will NOT, give citizenship to a child born to a person from another country, unless one parent has citizenship, residency or is a legitimate refugee.

There had been an influx of people from abroad taking advantage of the free pre natal care, free hospitalisation and the NZ citizenship the child obtained through birth in NZ. Being NZ citizens the children were entitled to free medical care and schooling.

I have a Thai significant other, she says she would want her baby born in NZ. :o:D No problem, NZ recognises multiple citizenships.

Regards all

Kiwi Pete


All very good advice mines 2 months away,

just to give u an example my son's wife is 2 months behind mine in OZ,,, he paid $600 for the ultrasound and full checkup,no refund.

at satahip pattaya,it cost us 500 baht,

and they always want family around them around birth.my wife is doing the fire thing where there sleep outside with the baby for up to 10 days near the fire,[to make them both strong] yeah thai tradition, and all up only 10 to 15,000 baht for the birth. and do a great job on educating the wife on nutrition and health for both wife and baby.

goog luck and best wishes.




We had our little girl here in Thailand, she was born in the Isaan area. We took her to the Local private hospital (I also heard that the government hospital is very good there). Our little girl had a few complications at birth, but nothing that the doctors at the hospital couldn't handle. I can't remember the exact cost of the bill, as ift was almost 5 years ago. but with private room and having to stay in hospital for at least 8 days by memory it was around $350.00 AUD.

We dicided to have the child in Thailand mainly because my wife had limited English and we thought if there were complications that she could comuticate to the doctors in her own language, this was important in my books, the welfare of my wire and child to be. And secondly as others have pointed out, it's important for wife's mother and family to be around, and to do the fire thing.

As with citizenship, it's just a matter of paperwork which is a breeze to do. Just need your docs in order and translated into English, I think we also had to have a photo of her and signed on the back by the doctor (the latter may have been for the passport).

As for the baby bonus etc, if you intend to live in Australia, once you, wife and child are there pernamently you can then apply.

Good luck what ever you decide.


Thanks for all the great replies guys! its all a very big help!

Cat - my wife will be doing the Fire thing aswell, where she lays beside the fire for almost 2 weeks in her home village. Very intersting culture!

It really is sounding like having the baby in Thailand is the way to go....

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