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What's In Your Handbag/purse?

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My handbag/purse finally reached the point today where I could just not find anything, it was so overloaded with stuff. Having cleared it out now of old receipts, notebooks, pens, magazines, CD's, medicines, scissors, books, torch, comb, keys, mobile phone, make-up bag, pack of Kleenex, wallet and various other stuff, it is now useful again.

I flicked through a magazine, and saw Gerry Halliwell with her purse/handbag, and it is TINY. My wallet alone is bigger than that!

Does she go out without all the useful 'stuff' above? Wonder if this is a generational thing?

What is in your purse/handbag?

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a lot of junk really.....and some useful stuff.....


compact digital camera (battery needs charging)

business card from the place im currently staying

spare 1-2-call card (think goodness coz im out of credit)

lip balm


house keys



reading glasses


lots of coins floating around amongst the fluff at the bottom

thats about it really.

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I am the anal handbag queen i think. Or close to it.

I have a bit of a passion for bags and so my way around the junk factor is to have a couple of separate small zip bags inside my handbags for easy switching. One bag contains all the junk I like to take with me 'in case of an emergency' or 'just in case' (i wont list them as it would be endless and shameful!). The smaller zip bag is my bare essentials that i can take if i feel like going with a tiny bag. Also, i always buy mini sizes, like mini deodrant etc. All i then do is move my little bags between bags. If push comes to shove or for a night out Im happy with cash and a mobile phone.

If you ask for anything in my home, and i have it, i can tell you exactly were it is and what items are with it. God knows what Freud would make of me but dam_n i like to organise. Who can shout 'Anal Retentive' loudest?!

Edited by eek
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we've done this before girls. But just for the record...... Money, diary, keys, rain jacket, umbrella, pics, documents, tissues, lippy, roll on energising remedy, pens paper, two ceramic bowls, letters, a scarf, newspaper, postcards, local maps, GAWD I wish I'd never started looking !!!!!

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Brrrr, just another reason not to have a handbag.

I usually wear just a money belt with wallet, phone, pen, little piece of paper, keys and sigarets. Nowadays also eyedrops for the dogs and a syringe as I standard forget to take these things out after use :o

During training, two money belts, one with the above and the other one with pieces of sausage and the clicker :D

And on the very rare moments I'm dressed up and can't wear that belt, than a handbag big enough to put the money belt in :D

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OP: You could fit a magazine in yours!

Which Handbag?


coin purse,


hand lotion,

sanitary pad and tampoons

buisness cards, receipts,

2 pens, one mechanical pencil

I-pod, alleve


pocket calendar, comb, recipts for paid bills

spare earrings and bangles, pendants,


scraps of paper with directions, phone numbers, random funny thoughts, random not so funny thoughts and......

spare tissue for those "not again, another bathroom with no toilet paper" moments.

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Okay, you asked for it...


Mobile phone

Pack of tissues

Bank book


1GB portable USB drive

Address book

Random business cards

Pencil case

Mini bottle of Boots Botanics Revitalizing Body Spritz

Compact mirror

Spot concealer

An empty airmail envelope

A small notebook

The phone bill

Hospital patient cards

A pack of 'Uno' cards

The Book of Questions by Gregory Stock, PH.D

Motorbike and house keys


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Okay, again, since I have a new bag:



planner with pen

Thai dictionary

Thai phrasebook

map of Nakhon Ratchasima

map of Bangkok

another pen

passport photocopy

nail file

tissues, 2 packs


iPod and earbuds

extra passport photos

emergency inhaler

Leatherman tool

chewing gum

6 receipts, including one I was looking for the other day

2 marketing brochures

yet another pen

several packets of Splenda

BTS pass

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hmmmmmm..... could be a long list

daily planner

mobile phone



passport and work permit copies



nail polish





loads of tissue

pepper spray

breath fresheners (candy forms + mouth spray)

toilet seat disinfectant

World of Warcraft (game) manual

++++ shooters (if there's more room - :o )

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Here goes..............

hair brush


eye liner



face powder

body spray deo


facial wash

wet towels

a pack or two of tissue

mouth mint spray/breath freshener candies


super glue


mobile phone

memory stick


copies of passport and work permit

small toothbrush

small toothpaste


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Off topic: I saw pepperspray..just wondering where can you buy it? Better yet, anyone know where i can buy it in CM?

Not sure in CM, but my friend bought one in silom road (street market at night). He said I should have one im my purse especially when going out late night, but not quite comfortable carrying one!?!

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Off topic: I saw pepperspray..just wondering where can you buy it? Better yet, anyone know where i can buy it in CM?

Not sure in CM, but my friend bought one in silom road (street market at night). He said I should have one im my purse especially when going out late night, but not quite comfortable carrying one!?!

Me too hush. But, im of the opinion now its better to be safe that sorry. I would hope never to have to use it, but i think its a good idea to carry one. Ill have a look around CM, but if not ill get some next time i go to bbk. Tnx all, for the tips on where to go.

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I asked my wife about this one as handbags have always facinated me. She uses two types - large and small. The large has so much stuff in I bet I could ask her for a length of rope and she'd have one in there! :o The small is minimilist, phone, credit cards and some money.

I think it's an interesting 'sexual' difference that men use pockets!

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haha, very true! But, our revenge is when we ask if they can hold our bag for a while. Nothing like seeing a big butch man looking sheepish holding his girl's handbag. Oh sweet sweet image :o

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haha, very true! But, our revenge is when we ask if they can hold our bag for a while. Nothing like seeing a big butch man looking sheepish holding his girl's handbag. Oh sweet sweet image :o

If my wife asks me to hold her bag I do so with total conviction! It really fools the straight men who don't know how to respond and just doesn't fool the gay men who just know I'm holding my wife's bag. I wonder what that tells you?

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