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When A Man Loves A Woman?


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I am challenging his assertions and views on certain things because I believed they are flawed, not because of his beliefs.

And just what do you think my beliefs are from the few posts I've put on this thread?

You seem to have made a whole house out of two bricks.

The two points I have tried to put across, which you have totally missed are:-

1. Love can come after a marriage, in other words we can grow to love the person we are with, love is not a prerequisite.

2. Too many people have been influenced by the media that there is that perfect some one out there, that the perfect romance and marriage is possible and we shouldn't accept anything less. This, I think is bullshit and that overly high expectations result in divorces.

Anything alse you have read into my posts is a product of your own imagination. Yes, I do judge success in the romance stakes if I have a loving partner that I love and my love is returned. Anything wrong with that? Try looking at the title of the thread.

Oh, and that is two women now who have cast aspersions on my marriage, which I really don't appreciate. Must have touched a nerve somewhere for women to start hitting below the belt.

SB, you don't really trigger my imagination, and there's no need because I have a good memory, and remember your posts. Some of these dialogues are a continuum, which is why I alluded to your animal kingdom remarks.

It's a bit premature and duplicitous to start issuing cries of victimization. No one has cast aspersions on your marriage, but merely addressed your rhetorical question with another.

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So much to say…

We are family…

I’ve got all my sisters with me!!!

Sir Burr.. what ever did you do.. to illicit such negative responses? Granted I do not know your views on other topics.. but, you sure are catching a lot of flack here.

However, I must admit, I do agree with your views on love, and marriage. It all boils down to how we all define love and relationships.

For some, true heart breaking, “will die without you” love occurs instantly, and for others, you may love a person, but the true, deep down , I can look past the skid marks, and you do not look a day over the moment I met you.. comes a little later..

The media.. plays all too big a role on how people view themselves and what they think is ideal. It is entertainment and sometimes we need it to get away from the harsh world we live in, but then we also need to know when to step back into reality.

Perfection comes with true love. When you are in love with a person, that person becomes perfect in your eyes.

Canadian Girl.. my sistah’ did you see the words “bitter” because that is what you think? It is like, no matter how many times you read what he wrote, your mind threw in that word. Interesting.


Actually I am a little ashamed that I do not have a clue about the things you mentioned. Did not know it existed.

There's no need for shame, or condescension.

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hmmm actually Kat, I was not being condenscending. I read what you wrote and thought about it.. and I realised that I know only so much. I ACTUALLY felt the need to apologize.

Unless you are referring so something else, and not my reference to my response to you.. in which case, I would love to know what you feel I said that is "condenscending".

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An interesting twist that this thread has taken - have enjoyed reading/ evaluating/ pondering all the responses.

It's fascinating how strong people can have their energy quickly stolen away by another and before we know it, our self-worth is in question. That is what I have experienced of late with a not-right-for-me relationship. Fortunately, I have some wonderful galfriends, and wise guy friends too, who are helping me regain my perspective.

Thanks all! :o

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An interesting twist that this thread has taken - have enjoyed reading/ evaluating/ pondering all the responses.

It's fascinating how strong people can have their energy quickly stolen away by another and before we know it, our self-worth is in question. That is what I have experienced of late with a not-right-for-me relationship. Fortunately, I have some wonderful galfriends, and wise guy friends too, who are helping me regain my perspective.

Thanks all! :o

I know what you're talking about Khall. Give it some time.....hopefully, that feeling won't last. Hanging out with your friends is a good start. And yeah, friends are a big help. Also, it's impt. to look inside you, find out who that person deep down inside is. Identify your strenghts and weaknesses and develop your strengths. ") Try to do things that you enjoy and live a happy life.

Don't let him make you feel unpretty. Don't let him steal your happiness. Don't give him that satisfaction.

It's unfortunate when these things happen, but remember..... What goes around, comes around. I believe in Karma. Let karma take care of it.

There's this saying in the Philippines. A man has to pay 10x for every tear that falls from the eyes of a woman.

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Yeah, and you're a good writer, too. Don't worry, not only lovers can make you feel bad. I have a female boss that is doing quite a number on me right now.

Language evolved to service basic needs not express complex emotions or feelings. All this thread illustrates is precisely that, interesting but ultimately merely a diversion since the main antagonists plainly do not understand what each other is saying. I agree with most of the posts, Kat gives a good account of women whose sexuality is brokered by others. Only thing I would say to kat is the idea that you are not susceptible to all the pressures Sir Burr aluded to and somehow you have some mysterious inner urges that operate in a vacuum with outside influences is frankly impossible. If it were advertising would have died out years ago. The words "No man and Island" spring readily to mind...............Brits will see the Angus Deayton influence there.........we can't help it we are of the world and made by it in its image. If anybody can't understand any of this just proves Wittgenstein was right ...........words are ephemera.

Edited by ratchabuild
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Yeah, and you're a good writer, too. Don't worry, not only lovers can make you feel bad. I have a female boss that is doing quite a number on me right now.

Language evolved to service basic needs not express complex emotions or feelings. All this thread illustrates is precisely that, interesting but ultimately merely a diversion since the main antagonists plainly do not understand what each other is saying. I agree with most of the posts, Kat gives a good account of women whose sexuality is brokered by others. Only thing I would say to kat is the idea that you are not susceptible to all the pressures Sir Burr aluded to and somehow you have some mysterious inner urges that operate in a vacuum with outside influences is frankly impossible. If it were advertising would have died out years ago. The words "No man and Island" spring readily to mind...............Brits will see the Angus Deayton influence there.........we can't help it we are of the world and made by it in its image. If anybody can't understand any of this just proves Wittgenstein was right ...........words are ephemera.

"All mankind is of one author, and is one volume; when one man dies, one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better language; and every chapter must be so translated...As therefore the bell that rings to a sermon, calls not upon the preacher only, but upon the congregation to come: so this bell calls us all: but how much more me, who am brought so near the door by this sickness....No man is an island, entire of itself...any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."

- John Donne

What exactly what was your point Ratchabuild?

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