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Revelations in Court Filing Shed Light on Gateway Pundit's Credibility Concerns

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In a defamation case brought against the site by Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, election workers from Georgia, a court filing has exposed internal concerns among Gateway Pundit staff regarding the credibility of its contributors and the veracity of its content. Lawyers for Freeman and Moss revealed in a court filing last month that employees at Gateway Pundit expressed apprehensions about the credibility of certain contributors and raised alarms about potential plagiarism.


Text messages obtained by the plaintiffs' legal team from Gateway Pundit's director of operations and associate editor highlighted concerns over a contributor engaging in plagiarism and making unsubstantiated claims. The filing shed light on the professional skepticism within Gateway Pundit's ranks, particularly regarding Jordan Conradson, a 22-year-old writer for the site. Conradson, known for his coverage of the controversial "audit" of Maricopa County's 2020 election results, has been a prolific contributor to Gateway Pundit, frequently publishing stories containing false information about elections. Two articles penned by Conradson in 2021, cited in the lawsuit, falsely accused Freeman and Moss of fraud.


Gateway Pundit has vehemently denied publishing defamatory statements about Freeman and Moss. Despite the revelations in the court filing, Marc Randazza, Gateway Pundit's legal representative, expressed full confidence in Conradson's reporting, emphasizing his ethical standards and journalistic integrity. However, the court filing also raised questions about the reliability of Gateway Pundit's sources. John Burns, an attorney for the website, reportedly cautioned against relying on Kevin Moncla, a source in Georgia who provided information on Freeman and Moss, including their non-public personnel files. Burns labeled Moncla as "a known fabricator" and warned against publishing his claims.


Moncla, in response, defended his work and refuted Burns's allegations, asserting the accuracy of his reporting. He also provided evidence of his public records requests related to Freeman and Moss's employment records. Another source, David Cross, vouched for Moncla's credibility, despite Burns's reservations.


Cross, a vice-chair in the Georgia Republican Party, has been linked to the Election Oversight Group, an organization known for spreading false claims of election fraud. Moncla, on the other hand, has a controversial past, including a voyeurism charge in 2006.

The revelations in the court filing offer a glimpse into the behind-the-scenes dynamics at Gateway Pundit and raise broader questions about the credibility of its reporting. As the defamation case unfolds, the scrutiny on Gateway Pundit's practices and its impact on public discourse surrounding elections intensifies.


For Freeman and Moss, the legal battle represents a quest for justice and vindication against the damaging falsehoods propagated by Gateway Pundit. Despite facing vicious harassment and threats, they remain steadfast in their pursuit of truth and accountability.

The case also underscores the broader issue of misinformation and disinformation in the media landscape, highlighting the responsibility of news organizations to uphold journalistic integrity and adhere to ethical standards. As the public grapples with the consequences of false narratives, the pursuit of truth remains paramount in preserving the integrity of democracy.





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  • Haha 1
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I hope the 2 lady’s are amply rewarded for what they have been put through and gateway pundit ruined the same to all news outlets that knowingly publish lies

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