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The Tv Xbox360 Leaderboard!


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This goes out to all the Xbox 360 gamers out there:

Everyone post their gamerpoints score in this thread! As they go up and up make sure you update the thread when possible!

At the end of the month we can see who has got the highest score and they will become the TV Xbox guru of the month!

Until next month that is!

Make sure you list your gamerpoints AND gamertag and be honest about your score (afterall the gamertag never lies :o)

Alright I'll start the ball rolling with mine:

Gamertag: Ulysses 3000

Gamerpoints: 4280

Moddys, can we make this a sticky thread pse.

Edited by JimsKnight
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Ho there!

Moz, how the heck did you get banned from XBL!? You either musta been really pissng off people or up to tricks eh :o

Thanks for replying, I was almost convinced chronic shyness had stricken the Xbox TV members! :D

DiRTs a ripper game, check out the double act who narrate all the way through it, quirky doesn't even begin to describe them!

Thats a good scene from bloodsport on your Avatar! Although it does look a bit dodgy! :D

Edited by JimsKnight
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I had a bunch of points (about 3000 I think) from offline gaming, mainly Double Agent, Oblivion and R6 but when I joined live I couldnt figure out the sign up and ended up using my email (davejones76) as my gamertag so cant have all my points online...b*gger.

All I play at the mo is Call of Duty 3 which is awesome, cant play R6 cos I get huge lag....just got Halo 2 but cant seem to be able to get online, something about not having the maps (can anyone help with that?).


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Ho there!

Moz, how the heck did you get banned from XBL!? You either musta been really pissng off people or up to tricks eh :D

Thanks for replying, I was almost convinced chronic shyness had stricken the Xbox TV members! :bah:

DiRTs a ripper game, check out the double act who narrate all the way through it, quirky doesn't even begin to describe them!

Thats a good scene from bloodsport on your Avatar! Although it does look a bit dodgy! :bah:

Hahaha.. Thats a good question Jim! But i believe its becuz Microsoft has banned all XBL accounts if you have a 'CHIPPED' :o X360.. No tricks Jim.. :D

My avatar does kinda look dodgy now that i think about it.. :D


ps. kinda p*ssed off that GTA IV is delayed till April 08'

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Davyjones and Mozi,

I hear you on the points rub-out thing. I had it happen to one of my old gamertags. I couldn't figure out how to migrate my old Gamerpoints to my new Gamertag. Live and learn eh?

Yo, I'm in no rush for GTA IV, Bioshock and PG4 are gonna be taking up all my time!

Come on Xbox folks, don't be shy show us your points :o

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