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How Many Lodge Members Are Here?


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I've turned two guys away from interviews who gave me the funy handshake.

You want to be very careful as the Duke of Kent (thats the one who after so much inbreeding has his receeding chin on the back of his neck) is the grand master of the mother lodge in London.

So watch it!

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Pilot said:

Are there any Lodge members out there? Any lodges in Thailand. Please feel free to contact me by PM.

What do I get in return?

If I email you.

The right to go to your lodges?

Dying to try.

Your phone number, please,...

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Totster said:

Secret handshake ???

Don't really need the handshake,,just flash that ring with the A frames on it and you are in,,maybe be a senator next week, or a judge,could even be a PM,sure never will be without it.

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Freemasons huh? Knights Templar, Rosicrucians, Aleister Crowley, Order of Skull & Bones, Council on Foreign Relations and secret socities..........along this lineage? Can you say, all powerful NEW WORLD ORDER!!!!!

Where do I sign up?

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