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In Case Anyone Is Applying For A Sv Uk For Child

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I have today been informed by several staff at the UK Embassy BKK & VAC Regent House that in order to get wifes son SV you must get the custody letter from the applicants local Amphur. This can be a problem as the Amphurs generally want to see the parent in person. As in my case! She's already in the UK.

I have been informed that without this document a visa will be declined. This is the only acceptable proof.

Staff at the Embassy have actually told me it is now impossible to get the visa without it!!!!


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As sometimes occurs, there appears to be a clash between what the embassy staff believe to be required for their own purposes and what the Immigration Rules actually say.

The line of least resistance is to supply the document that they ask for, although if they were to refuse such an application solely for the lack of the paper from the amphur, and sole responsibility was otherwise demonstrated, it is likely that the decision would be overturned at appeal.

Indeed, it is common in Thailand for one parent to assume sole custody for a child without going through legal proceedings, and essentially assume parental rights through custom rather than law. In such a circumstance, it is not possible to get a legal document attesting to the parent's sole custody. What can be obtained in such circumstances is a statement from the amphur that the parent has sworn that s/he has sole custody for the child, but this does not have the same force as an actual legal order awarding sole custody, and the visa officer can then maintain, if he is so inclined, that such a statement is self-serving; i.e. of course the parent would make such a statement as s/he is aware that sole responsibility is a requirement of the Immigration Rules.


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Done this in May this year daughter issued a settlrment visa 3 days flat here is what you must do:

Put your wife on the next plane and she must go to Ampur office there is no easy way around this we tried everything in the end your wife may as well go get the paper sign it and submit it herself its very quick turn around process.

Add to file marriage cert also we added letter from previous father at no cost as well, we also put in there her new school in the UK acceptance forms and proof of phone calls financial support and pictures of family hols.

I hope this is of help to you.

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No way the Mrs is going alone as she has no idea what the hel_l she is doing! We are going for a month in January but gutted as have all paperwork ready apart from the Amphur doc.

To be honest i have looked at what Scouse has advised & really wonder if i should submit without? The the staff i have spoken to if & but about every question almost as they are not sure. However under pressure they then say it will be declined.

Seems the rules change as & when really, typical goverment crap! Emailed the Embassy several days ago. I think they do not want to comment as its an unspoken rule. Vac have replied now saying they have forwarded my email to the Embassy, again almost as though they will not commit to saying its a No Go.

I cannot find anywhere that this document is a must?

It was all going so well :o

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Been there and done it, its not hard she flies home and visits Ampur took 15 mins thats all do you not trust her or something ?

It really is easy to do we put file in on Tuesday on Friday passport was stamped but it had visa to match her mums around 14 months left on it.

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Its nothing to do with trust. I have stated my wife has not got a clue what she needs to get & does not want to go alone.

There is also considerable costs involved as she would have to take our 2 year old son with her.

Thanks for your advise.

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Hi my advice is just to be thorough!!

Me and my wife had my stepdaughters first visa refused and then refused again at appeal, the judge then basically said he was happy all bar a letter from the social saying i was not a sex offender. We then re applied actually obtaining sole custody which we never had before and the bastards refused again, and we are waiting for another appeal date.. Nightmare its causing alot of strain.. Anyhow I hope you have more sucsess then we have had...


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Your wife simply takes the file your the sponsor she just adds the docs takes 5 mins and goes to Regent house its not rocket science believe me,we sent the sister with them.

My wife shot over on Thomson Fly 289.00 pounds into Phuket went home visited the Ampur signed the Docs then came home i collected the daughter in May after the end of school term.And stayed a week in Pattaya on my own bliss a weeks mongering thrown in.

She submitted them 2/3 days later we had 2 year visa and if i adopt her daughter in October she gets to apply for a UK passport straight way....

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I have today been informed by several staff at the UK Embassy BKK & VAC Regent House that in order to get wifes son SV you must get the custody letter from the applicants local Amphur. This can be a problem as the Amphurs generally want to see the parent in person. As in my case! She's already in the UK.

I have been informed that without this document a visa will be declined. This is the only acceptable proof.

Staff at the Embassy have actually told me it is now impossible to get the visa without it!!!!



dont know if this will help but my wife was in the same predicament as you, she was required to get a por kor 14 ( a document stating her former relationship and who takes care of the child now etc) from the local amphur for the aust embassy, and she was in aust at the time, her sister who had been taken care of the daughter for the last 5 years with the father just seeing her on weekends etc, he originally did not give permission for her to travel when my wife migrated but relented finally. as she was not officially married to him in thailand no custody docs were available which is why the immigration dept wanted the por kor 14.

Originally my wifes sister enquired at the amphur but was told also that my wife had to do the form, she then went back to the amphur with the father and a family friend and they did the por kor 14 for us asking all three parties questions about the former relationship, when it finished, children born of this relationship and who takes care of them, contact each parent still has with them etc. and the form was done

it should be noted that when presenting the por kor 14 to the aust immigration dept at the oz embassy that they were not really interested in which parent completed the form as long as they got one, the case manager did state that it was the first time she had seen one from a father of a child

i dont know if the father is still on the seen or who takes care of your child but if your situation is similar to mine it might be worth a try even if you have to slip the father a few sheckels for his time and effort.

if he is still on the scene then you would of had to get his permission for the child to migrate and as he would have filled out the required docs to allow this for your application so if he was willing to do this you might be able to get him to help with the custody docs or por kor 14 at the amphur

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