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Banned Dvd!


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I have obtained a copy of the banned DVD taping of the Foreign Correspondents Club talk from last Tues. The DVD was banned by the FCCT, which normally distributes them freely. After reviewing the contents, it is very clear why the FCCT wants to supress this tape. It has the FCCT moderator (who is also the club's treasurer) going berzerk at an audience member. Not to mention the speaker dodging questions and changing the subject. One audience member was a bit out of line asking a question then went on for far too long however.

This tape is a bombshell.

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dont you think there are enough farrangs giving bad reputation.

do we realy need to show the thai people the ugly side of farrangs. :o

spoken like a true censor. the less people know the better.

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dont you think there are enough farrangs giving bad reputation.

do we realy need to show the thai people the ugly side of farrangs. :o

spoken like a true censor. the less people know the better.

Check out this letter in the BKK Post, Sunday. This issue seems to be getting worse and worse. Word is the Israeli embassy is holding another event on Tues at the FCCT.



The ban on the release of DVD on the event funded by the Israeli embassy at the FCCT is a shameful act.

Prof Barry Rubin wouldn't address the questions from the floor. The speaker was playing the same rhyme for every question. The moderator, instead of bringing the speaker in line, rather scolded one questionnaire and threatened to throw him out. The speaker had to end his speech abruptly amid great uproar.

The speaker refused to talk about human rights abuses, violations of UN resolutions and continued occupation of the Palestinian territory. He came with his mind set and uttered at the end that if the Palestinians do not accept the peace agreement, this war would continue for another hundred years.

If the Israeli government wants the agreement on their terms, the world should not expect peace.

The FCCT's refusal to release the DVD violates the club by-laws. The club has stood for freedom of speech for the last 50 years and this action is deplorable. A full and official explanation is needed from the FCCT. It would even be better for the club to release the DVD and let the people make their own judgement. A CLUB MEMBER

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dont you think there are enough farrangs giving bad reputation.

do we realy need to show the thai people the ugly side of farrangs. :D

spoken like a true censor. the less people know the better.

Check out this letter in the BKK Post, Sunday. This issue seems to be getting worse and worse. Word is the Israeli embassy is holding another event on Tues at the FCCT.



The ban on the release of DVD on the event funded by the Israeli embassy at the FCCT is a shameful act.

Prof Barry Rubin wouldn't address the questions from the floor. The speaker was playing the same rhyme for every question. The moderator, instead of bringing the speaker in line, rather scolded one questionnaire and threatened to throw him out. The speaker had to end his speech abruptly amid great uproar.

The speaker refused to talk about human rights abuses, violations of UN resolutions and continued occupation of the Palestinian territory. He came with his mind set and uttered at the end that if the Palestinians do not accept the peace agreement, this war would continue for another hundred years.

If the Israeli government wants the agreement on their terms, the world should not expect peace.

The FCCT's refusal to release the DVD violates the club by-laws. The club has stood for freedom of speech for the last 50 years and this action is deplorable. A full and official explanation is needed from the FCCT. It would even be better for the club to release the DVD and let the people make their own judgement. A CLUB MEMBER

it will be brushed under the carpet like everything else in thailand :o

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Barry tried to serve up a Neocon crap sandwich for the FCC only to have them choke on to much BullShitt, at which point he was evacuated for his own saftey.

Sorry Barry ole boy, This aint Kansas here in Bangkok!

A few choice words by the Professor

Rhetoric repeats. Both the United States and Israel are demonized. There is expectation of imminent revolution and unprecedented Arab-Muslim unity. As there is also no victory but total victory, diplomatic compromise is treasonous. Conspiracy theories blaming "the Zionists" and "arrogant powers" run supreme.

Both the Arab nationalists of a half century ago and the Islamists today justify almost any violence. Both legitimize terrorism as just, especially when directed against a satanic foe. Both seek Israel's destruction and an expurgation of Western influence to create a just and even utopian society.

For anyone thinking this has nothing to do with Thailand you may want to do a little background check on the situation. Thailand has now becone the #1 tourist destination for Arabs and other Middle Eastern Muslims in the world. America and Europe have both shut that door and Thailand was more than happy to open it.

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Heres Rubin's version of a pitching a softball after the FCC incident, this was published in the Bangkok Post. From his writing it seems that Terrorism is being exported to Thailand from the Middle East and every single killing in the South was a Muslim killing a Buddhist conveniently eluding the fact that the majority of those killed were Muslims. Mr. Rubins speech was sponsored by the Israeli Embassy, all the pictures and his basic info is hot linked from the Israeli Embassy Official Website.

Then there is another Middle Eastern export: terrorism and radical Islamism. At first glance, it is surprising this has become a major problem in Thailand. But the country’s Muslim population is 10 percent, mostly concentrated in the far south. To compound the issue, there is an ethnic distinction involved, as well. Ethnic Thais are about 70 percent of the population, while the Muslims are Malays, the same community as the one dominating neighboring Malaysia.

In recent years, Thailand has played unwilling host to what is probably the most mysterious Islamist terrorist movement in the world. There is no group, no apparent leadership, no demands, and no clear evidence of external support. Yet Buddhists in the south are being murdered on a regular basis in particularly gruesome ways, including workers at rubber plantations, peddlers bicycling down lonely roads, and students walking to school.

The death toll is already between 2000 and 2500 and the situation has gotten so bad that Buddhists are starting to leave the area, presumably one of the terrorists’ main goals. There have been a few terrorist attacks even in Bangkok, the capital where 20 percent of the country’s 68 million people live.

The army rules Thailand in a military junta and plans are just starting for a return to civilian rule. Yet this is by no means a repressive or militaristic system. XXXXX XXXXX XX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXXXX Sentence Deleted To Not Break The Forum Rules. This military wants to avoid any impression that it is “occupying” the south and so is going very cautiously in dealing with the problem. It is not yet considered to be a war but that time may come in time.

What are some of the characteristics of Thailand that makes it so difficult for its leaders and intellectuals to understand the Middle East? They are actually virtues, though some might open them up to suffering as a result. One is the clear sense of pragmatism that animates the country.


Tues, July 31 - Is the Middle East a threat to Asia? by Professor Barry Rubin (8:00 pm)



Middle East expert/analyst Prof. Barry Rubin will hold a special lecture at FCCT on July 31, 2007

Lecture: “Is the Middle East a Threat to Asia?” by Professor Barry Rubin

Prof. Rubin is taking a look at the conflict between radical Islamism – those who control Iran, Syria, Gaza and many movements – and the rest of the world and offering his thoughts on whether the growth of radical Islamic movements in the Middle East poses a threat to this region. - FREE ADMISSION -

Date & Time: Tuesday July 31st, 2007 at 20.00 hours

Venue: The Foreign Correspondents' Club of Thailand

Penthouse, Maneeya Center

(BTS Skytrain: Chidlom Station - MAP)


More information about Prof. Barry Rubin

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Dean Barrett offers the other side of the story on his website.

Take it with a large pinch of salt, because - well, it's Dean Barrett...

All hel_l breaks loose:
The Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand in the Maneeya Building near Chitlom Skytrain Station offers lots of interesting talks. If you are not a member, maybe you should be; and you do not have to be a journalist or correspondent to join. The other night there was a lecture by Professor Barry Rubin entitled "Is the Middle East a Threat to Asia?" As you might have guessed, the anti-Israel leftists were out in force shouting and demanding to talk (rather than ask questions) and attempting to hijack the speech about the Middle East in Asia to a talk about Israel and the Palestinians. In the right hand picture you can see the moderator demanding that one of the rude idiots sit down and shut up. He even threatened to have another ###### escorted out. Another idiot began babbling about colonialism and the Crusades apparently forgetting that the Christian Crusades were simply a response to Muslim Crusades which had begun in the 7th century and which had wiped out Christianity in the Middle East and Northern Africa. But there is no reasoning with leftist <deleted>. Nevertheless, the FCCT is well worth joining and is cheap, food is good, and it is a very convenient and congenial place to have dinner with friends.

After I wrote the above, I saw that the Muslim fanatic writing for the Bangkok Post every other Sunday had completely distorted the event and so I wrote the following:

Dear Sir, In his recent column Imtiaz Muqbil very much distorts what actually occurred and why it occurred at the foreign correspondents club when a lecture was given by Professor Barry Rubin entitled "Is the Middle East a Threat to Asia?" As you might have guessed, the anti-Israel leftists were out in force shouting and demanding to talk (rather than ask questions) and attempting to hijack a speech about the Middle East in Asia to begin an argument about Israel and the Palestinians. The moderator and the vast majority of people there were appalled at the lack of manners on the part of three or four individuals and the moderator even threatened to have one escorted out. One somewhat unbalanced individual began babbling about colonialism and the Crusades apparently forgetting that the Christian Crusades were simply a response to Muslim Crusades which had begun in the 7th century and which had wiped out Christianity in the Middle East and Northern Africa. Even more ludicrous than his dishonest distortion of the facts is Muqbil's attempt to relate a speech at the FCCT in Thailand as part of some conspiracy "to prepare global public opinion for an attack on Iran." But anyone who has read Imtiaz Muqbil knows that distortion, exaggeration and misrepresentation is what he specializes in.

Dean Barrett

Needless to say, the Bangkok Post refused to print my letter although they printed one from a guy who doubted Muqbil's version of events and wished he could hear from someone who was there. As I said before, the Bangkok Post has become more and more leftist and more and more pro-Islamist. And for several months got down on its knees to Taksin and even fired their editor (by kicking him upstairs and installing a more pliable one) when he wasn't pro-Taksin enough. If you want the news as it is in Thailand, read the Nation.


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