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Teachers Who Get A Freebie ?


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No such thing as 'a freebie'.

You always pay one way or another.....Teacher or not!

No that is tottaly incorrect, "a myth". I've picked up hookers on and around Sukhumwit Rd, out of bars, and taken them home bonked them, sent on there way in the morning as I need to go to school and teach. Sometime I've only had a taxi fare to get to work as I hadn't been to the bank yet, and the BG has even been nice enough to pay for breakfast. One day a cheeky BG asked for a taxi fare home, so she took 2 packs of Mama noodles to compensate.

I've needed had any ongoing communication with most of them, just when I go near there workplace the next time and they want to return to my home again for another round of bedroom olympics.

I also have the opportunity to wear a hood.

So where is it that I will be paying?

Low life.

Thank you!, I didn't know it was called that!

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Compman, I'm sure you're a decent chap and all, a nice bloke. Be careful though;

by not paying you could set yourself up for disaster in the future. In their minds

this 'relationship' you have with them seems meaningful, but in your mind it's just another free shag with a sucker. Bar girls are not as stupid or docile as you may think. This road you're taking always ends over a cliff.

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Compman, I'm sure you're a decent chap and all, a nice bloke. Be careful though;

by not paying you could set yourself up for disaster in the future. In their minds

this 'relationship' you have with them seems meaningful, but in your mind it's just another free shag with a sucker. Bar girls are not as stupid or docile as you may think. This road you're taking always ends over a cliff.

Yes "sucker" is right!.

I have a right to live and breath.

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Compman, I'm sure you're a decent chap and all, a nice bloke. Be careful though;

by not paying you could set yourself up for disaster in the future. In their minds

this 'relationship' you have with them seems meaningful, but in your mind it's just another free shag with a sucker. Bar girls are not as stupid or docile as you may think. This road you're taking always ends over a cliff.

Yes "sucker" is right!.

I have a right to live and breath.

Another teacher into public relations.

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But the saddest part about reading this post (urban myth or not, but closer to reality), is the fact that that it is even talked about that a teacher can <deleted> their students in the kingdom for grades. Even worse I would say that some of the so called teachers/scumbags are not really interested in teaching but here to support their nightery habbits.

Where else but can this be done except for your basic backwater country? Would this subject be even talked about the US or Europe?

INDEED! THis subject is talked about in the West. Makes the newspapers from time to time, in fact. There are fairly regular scandals, rules in the University about havng liasons with students fo any reason, etc etc.

While it is a sad thing, it is not limited to LoS nor is it because of income level.

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The media doesn't do much to help with the image ... about the only Thai coverage you see on TV concentrates on the Patpong/Nana/Soi Cowboy/Pattaya club and bar scenes.

Actually, the last 10 articles I've seen in the US papers about LoS have been political in nature, like talking about the rising terrorism in the south, Thaksin buying his own football team, etc.

Not to say that the image of Thailand as the land of sex isn't overblown- it most certainly is. And while the problem of prostitution is not limited to LoS, - widespread prostitution seems to be fairly common is the poorer countries w/o strong religious objections to it - LoS does have a reputation for it.

I have noticed a lor of the same things. Some people you mention LoS and they say how great, how bueatiful it is, the food, etc. And for some people the only reason you could possibly go there is for the bar girls.

Given the nature of the system in LoS, it is not likely to have major changes to the way things work any time soon. IMHO, the best way for LoS to shed its image of the Land of sex is to accentuate the positive- figure out some way for the beaches, temples, etc to make the news. The more you mention the other great stuff, the less people factor in the girls.

There are ALWAYS going to be guys who only care about the girls, and they talk about them whether they go to LoS, Japan, Germany, Brazil, etc. Just yesterday I heard something about South Africa. This is part of human nature and isn't something you are going to be able to stop without the Taliban.

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Yes "sucker" is right!.

My first reaction to reading poists like these is always "This guy *can't* actually be serious. I hav a few friends who really are nice enough, but like to say things like this just to piss people off. But then i have to remind myself that I have met plenty of people who think just like that, too. *sigh* What to do, what to do?

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No such thing as 'a freebie'.

You always pay one way or another.....Teacher or not!

No that is tottaly incorrect, "a myth". I've picked up hookers on and around Sukhumwit Rd, out of bars, and taken them home bonked them, sent on there way in the morning as I need to go to school and teach. Sometime I've only had a taxi fare to get to work as I hadn't been to the bank yet, and the BG has even been nice enough to pay for breakfast. One day a cheeky BG asked for a taxi fare home, so she took 2 packs of Mama noodles to compensate.

I've needed had any ongoing communication with most of them, just when I go near there workplace the next time and they want to return to my home again for another round of bedroom olympics.

I also have the opportunity to wear a hood.

So where is it that I will be paying?

Low life.

If I may comment...

My guess is that mbkudu called you a low life in response to the way you wrote/said what you did.

It doesn't exactly convey a decent attitude.

Try re-phrasing the whole lot.

You got that in one p1p when you wrote.....

Must admit to being stunned by these posters, calling themselves teachers, who make the most basic grammatical and spelling mistakes.

Surely our beautiful language deserves better than this?

They (some of these so called teachers) haven't mastered the english language themselves and yet then they come here and con Thais into parting with money to learn the language.

They (the students) would be as well off with a Thai teaching them english and we all know how successful that is / would be. :D

And yes, scampie, he should go back to the beginning and start again. :o

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I know a few teachers from a very well known english school.

I can even say British school :o

And they get quite a few freebies from Thai students.

But these are really freebies.

It does not affect the way they rate the students.

But of course, the students are "adults" (18+).

And I'm not sure the students expect anything back.

Just the experience, I guess,...

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