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Best School (parents Consent) Vaccination Program


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You will c from my many other posts iam not a serious person when on tv i like a joke trying to bring a bit of humour into often sterile topics. I am not a teacher when on tv neither r u a construction worker HB we are here to offer fair ,balanced,truthful contribrutions to a forum i want to do it quickly and move on.

Tell me HB we all need humour in our lives when u worked on your construction site did u like to joke and have a laff ? u know like nailing your chums boots to a plank of wood or shitting in their packup boxes ??(sorry showing my misspent youth) or were u a pen pusher or safety officer and if so y did u feel the need to show tho top part of your bottom thats the bumcrack i believe

Did u know that 40% of the letters in a sentence can be scrambled and its meaning still can be understood example : Slapkin uff simomens akility iin tker accaptian iz nap vexy mice,my fotber wiz a cuntractian werker plese dont b a bear with a sore head.

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My daughter, who teaches Spanish and French in a secondary school in UK, frequently corrects my e-mails to her and my grandchildren. And I take far more care over those posts than anything I write on TV.

(But you'll also note that I edit a good few of my posts after submitting them, when I see the howlers that have slipped through).

Sorry, but I cannot accept your explanation (excuse?) - quick responses may cause the occasional typo, but not the other faults.

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I doubt that anyone at this school is going to be charged with assault or anything else as a poster has suggested.

I believe that as parents with children at this school we would be in a better position by standing together as a group.

There were previous meetings attended by parents but as has been pointed out previously...............they were ineffective in so much as we were not listened too.

I firmly believe that the only way our concerns would be addressed is by the threat of removing our children from the school. That would be a considerable loss of revenue for the owner. That could be followed by a complaint to the media in Pattaya........such as Pattaya People etc?

We need to stress that we want the smaller class sizes ( 25 max ) as always promised to us.

There should be a core of good....well paid Native Speaking teachers ( no...........i am not a teacher......merely a parent who wants to see his daughter have a stable education without ever-changing new faces due to low pay )

Better facilities in the old building and a more robust management.

Better food. Today, my daughter informed me that the school was preventing students from going to the food stalls just outside the school. In other words...........the school want them to spend their money INSIDE the school. The meals are genuinely CRAP.

Does anyone think we can get together on this? As a group, to air our grievences?

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Barry - could you point out where the American FDA gives a 1 in 100 chance of Autism from the Rubella vaccine (or even the MMR which you are probably meaning)

A 1 in 100 chance and it would not be on the market - in fact the largest study undertaken yet in Japan of over 10,000 shows no increased incidence of autism with the jab - this is a scare story put out by British Dr's who are now facing censure (or banned from practicing) and who was being paid to produce the results he did from interested parties.

Four or five days ago, in the British press, there was an article by a doctor who is campaigning to have the MMR injection taken out of service and the measles / mumps / rubella (whooping cough) jabs given separately and the rubella being optional.

Evidently he started off by doing research into how well this cocktail was for general health (being a big fan of sticking needles into tiny tots) but by the time he finished his study he was extremely concerned about the risk of autism that he considered to be related to the rubella vaccine.

I will try to find a link to the article.

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You will c from my many other posts iam not a serious person when on tv i like a joke trying to bring a bit of humour into often sterile topics. I am not a teacher when on tv neither r u a construction worker HB we are here to offer fair ,balanced,truthful contribrutions to a forum i want to do it quickly and move on.

Tell me HB we all need humour in our lives when u worked on your construction site did u like to joke and have a laff ? u know like nailing your chums boots to a plank of wood or shitting in their packup boxes ??(sorry showing my misspent youth) or were u a pen pusher or safety officer and if so y did u feel the need to show tho top part of your bottom thats the bumcrack i believe

Did u know that 40% of the letters in a sentence can be scrambled and its meaning still can be understood example : Slapkin uff simomens akility iin tker accaptian iz nap vexy mice,my fotber wiz a cuntractian werker plese dont b a bear with a sore head.

When I contribute to TV it is usually either to inform, to joke or to stick the knife in.

But whichever route I take - I like to do it cleanly and with precision. (Especially the knife bit).

If a post is poorly written or poorly presented, I tend to skip over it and the poster's point is thus missed. Doesn't help anyone - just gets another notch on the post-tally.

With regard to position - I am usually either project manager or construction manager of a major project. This time I am a lowly adviser to the largest oil producer in the world, on one of the largest petrochemical developments in the world. But it suits me - less pressure (but less money).

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Barry - could you point out where the American FDA gives a 1 in 100 chance of Autism from the Rubella vaccine (or even the MMR which you are probably meaning)

A 1 in 100 chance and it would not be on the market - in fact the largest study undertaken yet in Japan of over 10,000 shows no increased incidence of autism with the jab - this is a scare story put out by British Dr's who are now facing censure (or banned from practicing) and who was being paid to produce the results he did from interested parties.

Four or five days ago, in the British press, there was an article by a doctor who is campaigning to have the MMR injection taken out of service and the measles / mumps / rubella (whooping cough) jabs given separately and the rubella being optional.

Evidently he started off by doing research into how well this cocktail was for general health (being a big fan of sticking needles into tiny tots) but by the time he finished his study he was extremely concerned about the risk of autism that he considered to be related to the rubella vaccine.

I will try to find a link to the article.

Really - have not heard about this one. Why would Rubella be optional? It does cause deformity in babies if the mother catches it while preggers.

As one of the worlds biggest (if not the biggest) Medical Congresses for Paediatric Vaccines takes place in Athens next week I am sure he will be speaking there and putting his research up for peer review :o

Thing is though how many subjects in his study?

The Japanese study was large scale ie over 10k and it showed no link - this guy had how many from one surgery?

BTW: Rubella is not whooping cough - that is Pertussis which you get with the DTP or other combination vaccine

There are now vaccines covering up to 6 diseases as sticking needles into tots is not a pastime many Dr's like.

PS: Quackwatch.com is quite good at exploring these myths.

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These links may help



It seems the guy is under severe attack by the medical establishment, but hey, he comes from Cambridge - so he's got to be right.

Cheers for the link - Thats the guy I am talking about who did not diclose that he had been paid for the study by certain parties and is now in trouble with the GMC.

Of course mavericks have made discovery's and been poo pooed but it is quite rare - the only real one I remember is the Aus Dr who discoverd a link between bacteria and stomach ulcers.

Wakefields work has bveen ripped apart on detail and scale!

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I doubt that anyone at this school is going to be charged with assault or anything else as a poster has suggested.

I believe that as parents with children at this school we would be in a better position by standing together as a group.

There were previous meetings attended by parents but as has been pointed out previously...............they were ineffective in so much as we were not listened too.

I firmly believe that the only way our concerns would be addressed is by the threat of removing our children from the school. That would be a considerable loss of revenue for the owner. That could be followed by a complaint to the media in Pattaya........such as Pattaya People etc?

We need to stress that we want the smaller class sizes ( 25 max ) as always promised to us.

There should be a core of good....well paid Native Speaking teachers ( no...........i am not a teacher......merely a parent who wants to see his daughter have a stable education without ever-changing new faces due to low pay )

Better facilities in the old building and a more robust management.

Better food. Today, my daughter informed me that the school was preventing students from going to the food stalls just outside the school. In other words...........the school want them to spend their money INSIDE the school. The meals are genuinely CRAP.

Does anyone think we can get together on this? As a group, to air our grievences?

I know a Thai lady her husband being British complained and was told if you don't like it here, go some where else. It does not do any good to complain. Just go over the work they do in school each day and if you find they are falling behind teach your child from the books yourself after school. that's what we do and even though the average percentile grades have drastically decreased for the entire scholl, their is no better choice in pattaya and the management knows that.


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BTW: Rubella is not whooping cough - that is Pertussis which you get with the DTP or other combination vaccine

Yeah - sorry - I meant German Measles. I was just running through all the diseases I had as a kid and whooping cough sprang to mind.

I am a good source of misinformation, but there is always someone there to remind me.

(Cue for song?)

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Roughly 2 weeks my daughter brought a vaccination consent form home for me to sign to say whether she could have some injections at school, the injections being MMR & the DT shot.

I ticked the "do not wish my child to have these injections" box, then signed it and wrote on the bottom that my daughter has not got to have these injections as she is up to date at the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital with her vaccinations.

My wife today picked the children up from school and can you imagine my horror when my wife rang me to tell me that my daughter had had 2 injection in school today. I told my wife to turn around immediately and get back to the school where I would meet her.

I managed to speak to the assistant head/P.E teacher about this and expressed my disgust at what has happened today. And told him that I had not given consent so why has my child had these injections.

I asked him what injections she had and he wrote in Thai for my wife what they was, these was the DT1, polio but no mention of the MMR, when I get home my daughter gave me 2 letter with the Thai crest on the top wrote in Thai the one letter was for the MMR, and the other the DT. So at this moment in time I can only assume that she has had the MMR also.

All the Teacher said was "I am sorry for the mistake", which is no way good enough for me what so ever.

Unfortunately I am away on holiday all next week but I demanded to see his boss whom ever that may be and I have to see Him/Her on the 28th August when I return.

I have made an appointment to see a Lawyer in the morning to find out on what ground I can take legal action against the school for what in my eyes is gross negligence on the schools behalf.

My daughter was also given 4 pain killers at school to relieve any pain/discomfort. Who in the right mind gives a 6 year old child pain killers to carry about?.

My daughter did go on to say that there where some other children in her class whose parents had not given consent. she then went on to say that every child in her class had received the injections.

I am sure that i am not the only parent that is more than horrified,disgusted or what ever way you want to put it about what has happened today.

if you are in the same boat as me here please let me know on here or even if you just agree with me that this is totally out of order.

I will keep you posted about what the Lawyer has to say tomorrow, unfortunately then from Monday to Saturday I may not be able to answer, but as soon as i get back from my trip then I will.

Thank you

From one well angry dad

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BTW: Rubella is not whooping cough - that is Pertussis which you get with the DTP or other combination vaccine

Yeah - sorry - I meant German Measles. I was just running through all the diseases I had as a kid and whooping cough sprang to mind.

I am a good source of misinformation, but there is always someone there to remind me.

(Cue for song?)

I never had whooping cough as a kid but otherwise pretty much the full house - I was probably only vaccinated against tetanus and polio but could not swear 100%

I remember my disgust when sent to school with German Measles so the girls could catrch it according to my Dr - they wanted them to get it as young as possible and certainly before maturity.

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Hi Micky,

I went to see the principal last week, again I got an apology but this time I got a full admittance of negligence from him.

There was nobody as such in charge of the class when they come to do the vaccinations therefore ending up in all the children getting the shots. They did tell me though that my daughter ALISS MEAD was the only one who it happened to so please air your anger to the school also as they need to know that people are not happy.

They also confessed that it has happened a time before not too long ago.

The school have actually seeked medical advice on the matter to see if there would be any problems with what has happened and they said that they are happy that there will be no problem.

I asked for a written (in both Thai and English) apology and an admittance of guilt form the school. I got this a couple of days later. I spoke to an English teacher also and he said that it has been brought up in there meetings and they really feel that there needs to be something don't about the vaccination procedures.

I really hope they do sit up and think hard about ways to do things PROPERLY.

People seem to think that Satit is not so good because of the lack of an English program there, My oldest daughter goes there and I had a letter from them last week saying that net year they are planning on staring an English program if they get enough interest Fromm parents of existing students. They are talking about running a pilot program next term to see how things run . So it would be worth keeping an eye on the school to see how the English program is set up and run.

Would be happy to show you the letter at school one morning or afternoon micky.

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Hi Micky,

My daughter is also in P1A, she did start the year off in P1B but I had to have her moved after her Thai teacher repeatedly scared the Witt's out of her. At the time it was either move her class or remove her from the school.

I am quickly loosing all remaining faith i have in the school.

I really don't want my 2 kids which are at BEST at the minute to have to spend 3 hours a day (1 1/2 hours each way)on a mini bus to go to Reps at Rayong, they have a long enough day at school as it is, they need to enjoy quality time at home after school not get back from school and go to sleep.

I hope that Satit do come through with a decent English program, because as soon as they do my kids time at BEST will be finished.

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