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How Should I Water My Lawn?


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What is the best plan for watering a lawn of grass?

Should I water daily, or more like 3 times a week?

Is it best to water in the morning, heat of the day, or at sundown?

It it an "old wives tale" that watering at sundown means less evaporation, and less watering?

And on a related subject, I have two dogs, which means BROWN spots on the lawn... is there a way to get those areas to turn green again? Extra water, or throwing seeds on the area, or just replanting?

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early morning and late evening, daily - but during the rainy season whenever needed.

watering during the heat of the day damages the grass and it won't benefit that much. Try to use warmed up water, from a container rather than directly from the mains

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early morning and late evening, daily - but during the rainy season whenever needed.

watering during the heat of the day damages the grass and it won't benefit that much. Try to use warmed up water, from a container rather than directly from the mains

because the water in Thailand is icecold.

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How often you water depends on the type of soil you have. Our lawn only gets watered in the dry season and then its probably once a week...maybe twice sometimes.

If your soil will hold alot of water then its best to water heavily and then wait until it is somewhat dry at the surface. This promotes deeper roots which then allow for less frequent watering....sort of a vicious cycle. I figure that if I keep doing this and the roots keep getting deeper that by the time I'm too old and tired to water very often I can just water once every decade or so....but it would have to be a VERY heavy watering every decade....... which I guess is obvious.


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Evening best everytime. Also, remember, it is only female dogs that cause the brown spots, not males. A way to stop them going brown is to save your used / soapy washing up water & pour on the spots ( I remember my father doing this with success in the UK) Another solution & much easier, make a gravel floored area & learn the dogs to do their stuff in there, they get the idea very quickly, it is also very easy to keep clean with a hosing down when you water the grass.

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During the rainy season I don’t water at all. Once into the dry season I water twice a day, once in the very early a.m. and again at sundown. I have installed pop up sprinklers and have the systems all on timers. I live in a very small village and use the community water system, but the pressure is very low so I had to first add a ground level stainless water tank (850 liter) and use a pump to give me the needed water pressure for the sprinkler system.


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because the water in Thailand is icecold.

having a garden water container is recommended:

underground water is cold, some 5 celsius - warming it up would help plants to absorb it

water from the mains has chlorin - in the container chlorin can escape

you can store there rain water - save on water bills

can be as a back up in emergency - when there is no water on the tap

the best is to use water from the khlong - it has useful for the soil flora

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Sandy Soil wont hold water thus you have to water all the time to keep green. Had a idiot gardener who we spent way to much to get the garden set up only to watch it all die because the soil wouldn't hold any water.

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because the water in Thailand is icecold.

having a garden water container is recommended:

underground water is cold, some 5 celsius

have you ever been to Thailand?

p.s. it is advisable to switch on brain before thinking. :o

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because the water in Thailand is icecold.

having a garden water container is recommended:

underground water is cold, some 5 celsius

have you ever been to Thailand?

p.s. it is advisable to switch on brain before thinking. :D

Not much hope for you then.... :o


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