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Which Airline Ls The Best ?


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Used to take the regular "shuttle" Iraqi Airways flight between Basra and Baghdad about 20 odd times in the 2 years that I was there and...not bad ...nice planes and even had Sharazade and Fatima beers for the punters :D

Always got the impression however that the pilots were praticing for summit?? :o

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In order of preference:

Singapore, Cathay, BA, Malaysian, QANTAS, Lufthansa (European short hops only).

Problems on flights:

Singapore: none.

Cathay: provided prawn filled meals after specifically requesting (& confirming before the flight) not to have them.

BA: Always seem to run out of beer before leaving AU airspace

Malaysian: none

QANTAS: electrical problems with sound / tv / etc, snootiness of staff, 2 hour wait between requesting a drink to *maybe* getting it.

Lufthansa: Euro short flights = none, long haul = preferably not again.

US owned airlines & anything that touches down in the middle east I won't get on.

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I am a big fan of Cathay Pacific, but even they can fall down. I just came back from LAX and here is the saga:

1. Sat on runway in LAX for 4 1/2 hours while an engine was repaired. A/C wasn't up to the task and it was uncomfortable. Communication from the pilot was not good.

2. About an hour before we were scheduled to land in HK we were informed we were being diverted to Taipei because of the typhoon conditions near HK.

3. We sat on the plane in Taipei for a further 2 hours.

4. We then had to go through inspection again, and some people lost items that had made it through LAX controls!

5. Spent about 5 1/2 hours in a lounge in HK, again communications could have been better. The lounge had no reclining seats. No information was given about the availability of free recliners nearby. I knew of their existence, but by that time my brain was thoroughly fried.

6. Lost one of my bags on arrival in BKK. Did turn up and was delivered at 1 AM.

I am hoping that we will receive something for our ordeal, but not getting my hopes up too high.

The attendants did the best they could and I have no complaints about that.

I did find Suvanaphum quite good, other than the dearth of toilets. Breezed right through friendly immigration and customers, no touts in the now expanded arrival area, etc. The lost baggage process was very smooth and professional. We also received a free polaroid photo and guidebooks from AOT.

I may write about the attitude difference between customs and immigration at LAX and BKK some time. Suffice to say that their attitude sucks big time in the USA.

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Let’s put it this way, if I had to put my children on any airline to fly internationally alone, the only airline I would consider is BA




I assume your from UK?

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The best and smartest choice for an airline really depends where you live. If you live in Thailand, and especially Bangkok, Thai is the smartest and best choice to most anyplace you go. If you are resisting this, and planning to live long term in Thailand (and travel frequently for business), you are not facing reality, and will face the music sometime, unless you only fly to HK or SG.

Face what music exactly?

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A couple of years ago I was flying BKK-London on a Qantas flight about 6 hrs into the flight the pilot announced that due to crossing through so many time zones they found it a good idea to wake everone up half way through the flight as it will reduce jetlag or some bullshit.Anyway they turned on the lights woke everyone up (the lady next to me they pysically shook her to wake her up poor thing was in shock I think)gave everyone a cup of coffee and a mufin then told everyone ehh... breakfast will be in 6 hrs then all the flight crew disappeared and they left the lights on for the remainder of the flight.Couldn`t see any logic in this as normally most people want to go to sleep and stay asleep as long as possible on long haul flights.Maybe they are still doing this I don`t know as due to this experience ,seats that were very uncomfortable and shit food I decided I would never fly Qantas again.It was a code share flight and one leg was B/A which wasn`t a bad flight.

Another good flight I had and I usually try to avoid any Chinese asociated airlines as the are usually crap (besides Cathay)was China Southern ,BKK-Gunagzhou.Really bad ground staff totally crap flight crew but great food and oh so quiet plane.

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1. Sat on runway in LAX for 4 1/2 hours while an engine was repaired. A/C wasn't up to the task and it was uncomfortable. Communication from the pilot was not good.

2. About an hour before we were scheduled to land in HK we were informed we were being diverted to Taipei because of the typhoon conditions near HK.

The engine problem and bad communication are valid points? But I don't think the airline can control the weather. They probably needed to wait until they got closer to make sure if they had to reroute or not. Safety first. I'd be happy about a commitment to safety..

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1. Sat on runway in LAX for 4 1/2 hours while an engine was repaired. A/C wasn't up to the task and it was uncomfortable. Communication from the pilot was not good.

2. About an hour before we were scheduled to land in HK we were informed we were being diverted to Taipei because of the typhoon conditions near HK.

The engine problem and bad communication are valid points? But I don't think the airline can control the weather. They probably needed to wait until they got closer to make sure if they had to reroute or not. Safety first. I'd be happy about a commitment to safety..

Agreed. I just listed the entire trip to paint the entire picture of my experience. I think 4 1/2 hours on a runway with poor A/C is enough for starters!

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A little parinoid are you? What did you do on your secod trip?

Not really paranoid, just careful.

All through this episode I didn't know if indeed my suitcase had been opened therefore I didn't know if it had been unlocked through the baggage handling system. If the locks had been forced to open it this would be obvious so any contraband if present could be plausibly explained to customs as the forced locks were evidence to support my story. If the suitcase had been opened without damaging the locks and left unlocked then there would be no evidence to support my story and customs would attribute any contraband to me. It would then be get locked up first and answer questions later.

This is not so far fetched. Schapelle Corby is doing 20 years in prison in Bali for importing marijuana which she claimed was planted in her baggage. Baggage handlers at Sydney airport were recently convicted of being part of a cocaine smuggling ring using passenger's baggage to ship drugs around. It's not so far fetched and I'd guess that there are a number of people in jails around the world who have been convicted for drug offences which they did not knowingly commit.

If I'd said nothing all through this episode what evidence would there be for me to deny involvement if drugs were found ? I realise that the simple locks on most suicases are no real deterrent to pilfering or planting of contraband, however I'd prefer not to offer an "open" invitation as it were.

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The best and smartest choice for an airline really depends where you live. If you live in Thailand, and especially Bangkok, Thai is the smartest and best choice to most anyplace you go. If you are resisting this, and planning to live long term in Thailand (and travel frequently for business), you are not facing reality, and will face the music sometime, unless you only fly to HK or SG.

Face what music exactly?

The music of connecting flights, rather than non-stop.

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Singapore - awesome.

Eva Deluxe class - very good.

Korean - very good.

Thai NON-stop - Very Good.

China Airlines --- okay.


Olympic was horrible! The food was terrible! Are they out of business now??

Korean Air very good? ... Hmmm, either they hired better pilots over the past few years and/or they fired all those ex-military jockeys.

China Airlines (from Taiwan) okay? ... Just check out the pilot jumping out of their exploding plane before checking on any remaining passengers a few days ago ... http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,293765,00.html

Postscript: CX is excellent for its biz & 1st class but just barely passable for it's econo "cattle-car" seats.

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It's got to be Singapore Airlines.

Had nasty experience a couple of years ago on a flight back from Singapore~BKK on THAI. Took off from Singapore early evening..... the whole ride was fairly smooth with average in flight service. Already late eveing by the time the plane reached BKK airspace, most people appeared to be jet-lagged, pretty quite mode. Aircraft was approaching the airport, all passengers did the usual routine stuffs..... belt-up, put seat upright.. etc. The mood inside the cabin was relaxed, lights off, just looking forward to a quite landing.... and all of a sudden without a slightest of warning ............... came a big steeeeeep dive that had everyone screaming and p!$$ing in their pants!!!! :D It was scary, surely not like one of those common peanut turbulences that we all have all exrperienced before. My take is that, it was a certain last minute disaster averting manoeuver by the pilots. The kind of close calls stories occassionally pops up in the press. When the chaos was over the crew did not even had the courtesy to inform what has happened. Coveniently covered up somehow :o .

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The best and smartest choice for an airline really depends where you live. If you live in Thailand, and especially Bangkok, Thai is the smartest and best choice to most anyplace you go. If you are resisting this, and planning to live long term in Thailand (and travel frequently for business), you are not facing reality, and will face the music sometime, unless you only fly to HK or SG.

Face what music exactly?

The music of connecting flights, rather than non-stop.

But they're only direct to New York, right? As far as U.S. destinations go, I mean. But if I have to get to Seattle, it's sure not convenient to use Thai. It all depends on where you're going.

As for horror stories, the worst thing I have had happen is when I was just about to land in the new Bangkok airport, which I will not name as I don't want to look up the spelling right now, on a China Airlines flight and we then proceeded to accelerate and go back up a few thousand feet. The captain said another plane was slow getting off the runway and the air traffic controller told him not to land even though we were seconds from landing. It was a bit curious, but did not frighten me too much. A China Airlines flight did crash in a similar incident years ago, though, but our pilot was much better I presume. Not the airline's fault, but didn't give me too much confidence in the new airport at that point in time. These things happen from time to time anywhere, though. Any more word on those cracked runways?

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The people on a plane can make the difference between a good flight and a bad one.

Oldies complaining about the air too cold & music too loud.

Crying baby's or kids that are allowed to do whatever they like by their parents. (I wish there was an airline just for Parents with kids.)

People asking for stuff even before take-off. eg. drinks,

People who keep all of us standing while they store their bag.

People who get onto the plane when it's not their row called.

All these things take more time and makes people aggressive or moody = bad flight :o

Be nice to others and don't behave like they do on airasia = every man for himself :D

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A couple of years ago I was flying BKK-London on a Qantas flight about 6 hrs into the flight the pilot announced that due to crossing through so many time zones they found it a good idea to wake everone up half way through the flight as it will reduce jetlag or some bullshit.Anyway they turned on the lights woke everyone up (the lady next to me they pysically shook her to wake her up poor thing was in shock I think)gave everyone a cup of coffee and a mufin then told everyone ehh... breakfast will be in 6 hrs then all the flight crew disappeared and they left the lights on for the remainder of the flight.Couldn`t see any logic in this as normally most people want to go to sleep and stay asleep as long as possible on long haul flights.Maybe they are still doing this I don`t know as due to this experience ,seats that were very uncomfortable and shit food I decided I would never fly Qantas again.It was a code share flight and one leg was B/A which wasn`t a bad flight.

Another good flight I had and I usually try to avoid any Chinese asociated airlines as the are usually crap (besides Cathay)was China Southern ,BKK-Gunagzhou.Really bad ground staff totally crap flight crew but great food and oh so quiet plane.

Qantas and BA = utter <deleted> as you say shit food and shit unconfortable seats with sod all leg room. If they'd of pulled the above stunt on me during a flight i.e. shaking to me up they'd quickly of discovered that air rage is real!

Singapore Air I think are good - however my one bad experience on them was concerning a similar situation to the above. I was flying from Beijing via Sin to Brisbane the flight from Beijing to Sing was a red eye 6:30 flight so I'd been up since 4am to get the flight and also hadn't have much sleep either.

When I got on the plane I realise I was 2 rows behind a parent with a baby I spoke to one of stewardesses and explained I'd been up since 4am and really needed would appreciate if I could move to seat away from the baby. She told me the flight was full and sorry I couldn't be moved - ok fair enough I thought I'll just try get my head down here.

Even with the bawling baby I manage to nod off that was until the same stewardess who I had informed of my situation and tiredness decided to wake me up to check if I wanted a drink!!! :o

I just glared and tried to go back sleep which I failed to due so since I'd just be sleeping and just woke up so my mind was in the thinking I should be awake mode.

For me I've never had any problems with Thai Air and I've flown many many times and cannot recall any problems.

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A couple of years ago I was flying BKK-London on a Qantas flight about 6 hrs into the flight the pilot announced that due to crossing through so many time zones they found it a good idea to wake everone up half way through the flight as it will reduce jetlag or some bullshit.Anyway they turned on the lights woke everyone up (the lady next to me they pysically shook her to wake her up poor thing was in shock I think)gave everyone a cup of coffee and a mufin then told everyone ehh... breakfast will be in 6 hrs then all the flight crew disappeared and they left the lights on for the remainder of the flight.Couldn`t see any logic in this as normally most people want to go to sleep and stay asleep as long as possible on long haul flights.Maybe they are still doing this I don`t know as due to this experience ,seats that were very uncomfortable and shit food I decided I would never fly Qantas again.It was a code share flight and one leg was B/A which wasn`t a bad flight.

Another good flight I had and I usually try to avoid any Chinese asociated airlines as the are usually crap (besides Cathay)was China Southern ,BKK-Gunagzhou.Really bad ground staff totally crap flight crew but great food and oh so quiet plane.

Qantas and BA = utter <deleted> as you say shit food and shit unconfortable seats with sod all leg room. If they'd of pulled the above stunt on me during a flight i.e. shaking to me up they'd quickly of discovered that air rage is real!

Singapore Air I think are good - however my one bad experience on them was concerning a similar situation to the above. I was flying from Beijing via Sin to Brisbane the flight from Beijing to Sing was a red eye 6:30 flight so I'd been up since 4am to get the flight and also hadn't have much sleep either.

When I got on the plane I realise I was 2 rows behind a parent with a baby I spoke to one of stewardesses and explained I'd been up since 4am and really needed would appreciate if I could move to seat away from the baby. She told me the flight was full and sorry I couldn't be moved - ok fair enough I thought I'll just try get my head down here.

Even with the bawling baby I manage to nod off that was until the same stewardess who I had informed of my situation and tiredness decided to wake me up to check if I wanted a drink!!! :D

I just glared and tried to go back sleep which I failed to due so since I'd just be sleeping and just woke up so my mind was in the thinking I should be awake mode.

For me I've never had any problems with Thai Air and I've flown many many times and cannot recall any problems.

Stick to Qantas. The cabin crew seem to think that supplying drinks isn't part of their job. :o

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Stick to Qantas. The cabin crew seem to think that supplying drinks isn't part of their job. :o

Oh I know that all too well!!

You see I wouldn't a minded that much if it was another stewardess who didn't know I'd asked to move as I was exhausted from lack of sleep. However it was just a pisstake that the same one would give me a quick shake to wake me up and ask if I wanted a drink!!!!! :D

But all this aside I can't actually fault Singapore Airlines - I mean Changi airport is fantastic and there lounge is what I call a lounge, good food, good drinks and even got playstations! Very good!

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A little parinoid are you? What did you do on your secod trip?

Not really paranoid, just careful.

All through this episode I didn't know if indeed my suitcase had been opened therefore I didn't know if it had been unlocked through the baggage handling system. If the locks had been forced to open it this would be obvious so any contraband if present could be plausibly explained to customs as the forced locks were evidence to support my story. If the suitcase had been opened without damaging the locks and left unlocked then there would be no evidence to support my story and customs would attribute any contraband to me. It would then be get locked up first and answer questions later.

This is not so far fetched. Schapelle Corby is doing 20 years in prison in Bali for importing marijuana which she claimed was planted in her baggage. Baggage handlers at Sydney airport were recently convicted of being part of a cocaine smuggling ring using passenger's baggage to ship drugs around. It's not so far fetched and I'd guess that there are a number of people in jails around the world who have been convicted for drug offences which they did not knowingly commit.

If I'd said nothing all through this episode what evidence would there be for me to deny involvement if drugs were found ? I realise that the simple locks on most suicases are no real deterrent to pilfering or planting of contraband, however I'd prefer not to offer an "open" invitation as it were.

That is why I was wondering if you said nothing on the second trip?

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EVA Air is as good as any.

Got boinked by a very cute EVA attendant so I have to give it to them.

Can you expand on this please? More details would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. :D:o

Chatted with a very cute EVA Air flight attendant on the flight to BKK. Slipped her my cell number on the way out. The next day ring ring Y boom boom. Hoping to see her on another flight soon.

Better than an upgrade.

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EVA Air is as good as any.

Got boinked by a very cute EVA attendant so I have to give it to them.

Can you expand on this please? More details would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. :D:o

Chatted with a very cute EVA Air flight attendant on the flight to BKK. Slipped her my cell number on the way out. The next day ring ring Y boom boom. Hoping to see her on another flight soon.

Better than an upgrade.

Thanks for that. Would it be too much to ask for a photo or two?

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With the exception of Lindsay who seems to need perfect passenger behavior, it seems that a good cabin crew is the key to a good flight. In that respect Asian any airline will win over its western counterpart. I find that western airlines have lost the plot when it comes to cabin crew service and BA in particular stands out in this respect and is closely followed by most US airlines. Case in point was whilst flying from LA to Hong Kong via Narita - a the US based crew was elderly, surely, overweight and all had such bad attitudes. Change to an Asian crew in Japan and the last few hours of the flight were near perfect. BA staff seem to think it's our privilege to be served by them in any shape or form they deem fit and are oh so arrogant.

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Who is best?

What are your criteria?

Who is best in an emergency?

Who is best for service?

Who is best for price?

Who is best for ...... ?

IMO it is hard to beat China AMS to BKK on price and service.

For sure you do not want to be on KLM on long haul, the staff are too pissed off with the company.

As they say in Thailand “ up to you “



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I would fly Thai Air out of New York But I have to fly into one Airport then transfere to a different Airport to get the Thai Air flight that means i have to get luggage recheck it . Two times thur security . Good flight non Stop but not worth the hazzle, have flew thia air to VN KL and so forth no problem.

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I used to fly KLM alot though they also have really bad inflight service and there planes are quite old in all the years I flew them I got up to silver wing they up graded me once in all that time also they didn`t much like serving drinks on their flights abit like Qantas.I remember when Swiss air were still flying I had a 3 month return ticket and while I was in BKK they decided to declare bankrupcy so I lost my return ticket .

I still think that in general Asian airlines (besides Garuda and air china)are sooo much better than there western counterparts.

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Any more word on those cracked runways?

Last I heard they were still looking for a couple of 747s that landed but disappeared en-route to the terminal building never to be heard from again.

What is the immigration-status of the passengers on those planes - are they on extended-overstay ?

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There seems to be a lot of support for Cathay Pacific, and I agree that they seem fine, However, I don't think I'll use them again to fly to Toronto because of the route. We took a short flight to Hong Kong from Bangkok, but after that we were in the same plane for about 20 hours. From Hong Kong they fly to Anchorage, Alaska where they get fuel and change staff. This took about 45 minutes, and we were not allowed to leave the plane. Then we took off for another lengthly flight to Toronto. I've never been so happy to get off a plane when we finally reached Toronto. Actually, the most relaxing and enjoyable flight from Bangkok to Toronto I've ever had was with lowly EVA. I found the route, food, and staff were all very agreeable.

Edited by pattyboy
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