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Are Women More Likely To Be Believers?

November Rain

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This is partly due to a TV programme I caught today & partly due to an experience I had this week, so I thought it might be interesting to get other ladies' views.

I have always believed in the paranormal/unexplained/call it what you will. I"ve seen ghosts & had "strange" experiences ever since I was a young child. I have got used to being ridiculed however, so rarely mention it.

I've found, since being in Thailand, the "spiritual" side of life is more readily accepted & embraced, which is great, but I've also found that women (of all nationalities) are more likely to accept "there are more things in heaven and earth, (Horatio) than are dreamt of in your philosophy" than men, in most cases. Whether it be alternative therapies, psychics, ghosts, spirit guides, angels, intuition, reincarnation - I've found women just seem to accept the possibilities more.

Am I right or barking (up the wrong tree!!) :o ?

Do you believe in those things that cannot be proved? If women are more open to possibilities beyond our knowledge, why is that? Do you have any inexplicable experiences to share?

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I can add that I mutated from a complete sceptic to a careful believer since coming to Asia :o (maybe that has nothing to do with Asia, though, because I spent virtually all my growing-up-years here; so it may just be a part of growing up). I have had inexplicable occurrences and even was able to take a photograph of one and in an other instance was involved in a self-experiment defying the conventional medicine. However, I don't want to share my experiences in an open forum.

Yes, I think women are more intuitive. That ranges from an exact knowing why your baby cries (is she hungry or thirsty? sick?) from feeling things that cannot be seen or measured otherwise...

Edited by sutnyod
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I could not tell for sure if women are more receptive to the supernatural than man. However, a lot of strange things happened to me in the past when I was still in Europe. It disturbed for many years because I had no control over them. I spent many sleepless nights because of that.

Whilst already living in Thailand, I was going through my Buddhist studies about the existence of ghosts and similar things of the apparently unexplainable just when I suddently realised that I wanted to live my life in peace in the real and living world without any interference from the other side... And from then on I have been feeling total peace. Whether it was all coming from my mind's projections somewhere outside myself I choose to believe that it was all coming from my inexaustible energy able to suck everything in like a sponge. After all we all have an electromagnetic field. In this way I controlled them and stopped them once and for all. It is still a subject that fascinates me though..

This is partly due to a TV programme I caught today & partly due to an experience I had this week, so I thought it might be interesting to get other ladies' views.

I have always believed in the paranormal/unexplained/call it what you will. I"ve seen ghosts & had "strange" experiences ever since I was a young child. I have got used to being ridiculed however, so rarely mention it.

I've found, since being in Thailand, the "spiritual" side of life is more readily accepted & embraced, which is great, but I've also found that women (of all nationalities) are more likely to accept "there are more things in heaven and earth, (Horatio) than are dreamt of in your philosophy" than men, in most cases. Whether it be alternative therapies, psychics, ghosts, spirit guides, angels, intuition, reincarnation - I've found women just seem to accept the possibilities more.

Am I right or barking (up the wrong tree!!) :o ?

Do you believe in those things that cannot be proved? If women are more open to possibilities beyond our knowledge, why is that? Do you have any inexplicable experiences to share?

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Difficult to talk about, NR. If you're connected, you know the other folks that are, too.

I had mega premonition dreams when I lived in HK (next to a huge cemetery -- very nice neighbours). I had one dream about a rapid and huge appreciation in the yen. Most of my investment bank colleagues laughed at me, until the yen went from about Y120/US$ to Y75/US$ or so a few months later. Had one about my Sis couple months back. It was a DANGER dream with a jade necklace as the amulet to ward off evil. Told her and she said ya, ya, as always, until I said, oh ya, that was after I dreamt you and your son were in the kitchen discussing the contents of my fridge. She started wearing the necklace. Unfortunately, it wasn't an accident we had to worry about, she's now diagnosed with a serious illness. So, what f* good is getting that info when it's too late and you can't interpret it correctly anyway?

It is good for sniffing out evil nearby.

Edited by Jet Gorgon
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I see ghost sometimes in midnight.

Oh.. Silly hairs style , sleepy eyes and white face as Kabuki !!

Oh! again , It is me in a mirror with facial mask.

Thanks god, I am a single person. I do not want to freak any guy out when he sleeps beside me :o

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I’ve had gut premonitions and premonitions in my dreams all my life.

Mostly involving natural disasters.

Since coming to Thailand I’ve had two:

On Dec 25th I had nightmares all night and awoke with a big black sinking feeling in my heart. I told my husband that morning (before I even felt the earthquake) that I was scared and didn’t want to work on our boat today. (I’m never scared of the water BTW)

An hour before the tsunami hit, I told my best friend sitting besides me on our boat “something really bad is going to happen today” she looked at me funny and said quietly “don’t say that, you’ll scare our guests”

We were ok. (we moved from our shallow snorkeling spot to deep water 5 mins before).

The other one happened just this week, and is too tragic/frustrating to speak of in an open forum.

I agree with you Jet, and I too, get laughed at allot.


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This is partly due to a TV programme I caught today & partly due to an experience I had this week, so I thought it might be interesting to get other ladies' views.

I have always believed in the paranormal/unexplained/call it what you will. I"ve seen ghosts & had "strange" experiences ever since I was a young child. I have got used to being ridiculed however, so rarely mention it.

I've found, since being in Thailand, the "spiritual" side of life is more readily accepted & embraced, which is great, but I've also found that women (of all nationalities) are more likely to accept "there are more things in heaven and earth, (Horatio) than are dreamt of in your philosophy" than men, in most cases. Whether it be alternative therapies, psychics, ghosts, spirit guides, angels, intuition, reincarnation - I've found women just seem to accept the possibilities more.

Am I right or barking (up the wrong tree!!) :o ?

Do you believe in those things that cannot be proved? If women are more open to possibilities beyond our knowledge, why is that? Do you have any inexplicable experiences to share?

Hi NR, yes I think women are more openminded about these sorts of things. Perhaps the reason for this is that men (as we are constantly told) tend to seek solutions when presented with information and need to categorise, whilst women seek communication and the sense of connecting.

Myself I believe there are many things out there we can't explain, but that there is an explanation for them scientifically, we just aren't advanced enough yet as beings to put it all together.

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Women are naturally more intuitive than men, so it's only natural that we would be more aware of things that can't be seen around us. I find it hard to imagine living life where you only believe in what you see, what's right in front of your face..I feel quite sorry for people who don't have even a little bit more insight because they're missing out on such an important factor of life. I think that's a big reason why there is so much depression in the world because people know there's something else but don't know what it is....anyway, going off topic...

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Difficult to talk about, NR. If you're connected, you know the other folks that are, too.

I had mega premonition dreams when I lived in HK (next to a huge cemetery -- very nice neighbours). I had one dream about a rapid and huge appreciation in the yen. Most of my investment bank colleagues laughed at me, until the yen went from about Y120/US$ to Y75/US$ or so a few months later. Had one about my Sis couple months back. It was a DANGER dream with a jade necklace as the amulet to ward off evil. Told her and she said ya, ya, as always, until I said, oh ya, that was after I dreamt you and your son were in the kitchen discussing the contents of my fridge. She started wearing the necklace. Unfortunately, it wasn't an accident we had to worry about, she's now diagnosed with a serious illness. So, what f* good is getting that info when it's too late and you can't interpret it correctly anyway?

It is good for sniffing out evil nearby.

Yes, Jet, I agree to the hilt on this one. I also have similar stories. I have been told things in dreams about people or small details that I had no way of knowing, that turned out to be true. When my mother passed away, there was a short time where she contacted me through dreams. She also contacted me while she was in a coma all the away across the country, and luckily I wasn't alone. My ex was in the room with me and sat upright in the bed upon hearing the same exact noise that we both heard - the sound of a small, little body sitting down on the seat of the rocking chair in front of the bed.

I have a couple of other stories; yes, I'm sure, and I am a person that needs strong proof. Problem is, if you have never had this happen, you cannot understand how it can happen to others.

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Good to read this thread. As a man who 'believes' I've found most men have real problems with anything they can't see or 'fix'. I've had experiences that have left me with no doubts about life beyond the physical world. Interestingly, and no surprise to those who have replied to this thread, my closest friends are woman. There's a lot of superstition in tradional societies like Thailand. But like every other country ... plenty of real substance if you look for it.


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Thanks for all the replies. :D I'm particularly pleased that all respondents have taken it seriously & not started ridiculing. Thanks, all.

I'd be interested to hear any examples that anyone feels comfortable sharing. I'll give you one of mine tomorrow, but I won't do it now, as my internet cuts out a lot at night & I hate losing posts. :o

Hi, dressedingreen. I've not seen you before. Thanks for contributing to this thread. :D

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Hehe, ain't it the trruth, Dirk. The slightest change in nuance and intonation and I can sniff a shift in a person's stance or view or little white booboo.

The signs I get the most are glowing orbs in my room when someone dies. Usually wake me up. Very loving. But, maybe folks know we will also show them respect and remembrance when they pass so they come to visit. I always light a candle for them and maybe some incense and then have a little chat. I heard if you pray for those who have gone on ahead, it helps their angel status. I wonder if Mother Theresa, Diana and Elvis share a palace up there.

My fav dream was just after I heard the sad news that an old disco bartender I worked with and had not seen in 20 years had committed suicide. I felt so bad. So, I added him to my sunset prayers and remembered quirky things he did like washing windows at night (he claimed you could see the streaks better). Anyway, soon after, I rented a jeep, did my stuff and came home. Met friends for drinks in the village and stumbled home to bed. Then the Puyaiban decides to saw steel at midnight. Yikes! OK, I'm driving somewhere. Walked out to the jeep and dropped the keys. Could not find them. OK, go back to bed. I dreamt that I was in a yellow cab and I was going home. Chatting with the driver. We arrived and he turned around and said "here are your keys." He was my friend who died. Next morning I go out and the dam keys are on the ground right under the driver's door.

Yep, a little bit of prayer for folks here and there is a dam fine thing. And, you can do it anywhere. :o

Oh, yes, howdy Green!

Edited by Jet Gorgon
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Thanks Jet. Yes, the lights are something I've seen a lot of, too. :o

When my boyfriend died, there was a lot of "strange" activity in the week between his death & his actual cremation. One of the last things to happen was at his cremation ceremony. As most of you know, I like dogs & the temple dogs would come up to me a lot; often friends would say it was BF coming to say goodbye, but I knew they were just dogs. Just before the final chanting was about to start a skinny, long haired dog with an obvious problem near its neck walked in & went up to the altar (is that the right word?). All of the dogs in this Wat were very well cared for, surprisingly so, so this one stood out a bit. I thought to myself "Now if any dog is (BF's name), it's this one." After a while the dog disappeared from my sight.

About 5 mins into the ceremony, there was some whispering & giggles behind me (as "wife" & family me, mum & little boy were on the seats at the front). I turned round to see what was going on & it turned out the dog had gone under my chair & was just lying there. I put my hand down to him & stroked him. I also found that he had a burst abscess at his neck & thought that after the funeral, I'd come back & get him fixed up. The dog stayed there throughout the ceremony, despite the fact I had to get up many times to participate. He let me stroke & pet him, but growled at anyone else who tried to approach him or shoo him away.

At the final part, where BF's body was taken to the incinerator, he followed the procession for a short while & then disappeared.

I looked for him later that day & also came back a couple of times to search properly for him to give him treatment, but I never saw him again. When I asked the monks & nuns about him, they didn't know of any dog that fit the description.

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I would like to add something to my recent post. Whilst ladies are far finer tuned into their world, they are also much better at deluding themselves. It seems that so many people see 'stuff', but the lack of proof speaks loudly.

There really isn't anything 'else'. We just like to think there is.

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...and your proof, Dirk, that 'there isn't anything else' ... is where?

I can't prove there IS. Our experiences are just that ... OUR experiences. It's possible they may be entirely in the mind. And you may be right. But let's show some reason. The most productive and intelligent response is to keep an open mind. There has been a time, in human development, when we've not been able to 'prove' many, many things we can now prove scientifically. Your opinion is valid, but your conclusion is premature.


Thank you for the welcome messages. I wasn't sure if I was intruding on gender-assigned territory :o

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A little off point perhaps but it looks to me like men have invented and control the power and hierarchy in most belief systems, while women seem to be the followers and believers.

Not sure what that might mean. Just an observation.

That's because for women it's not about power, control or hierarchy! It's men who worry about such trivia!

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A little off point perhaps but it looks to me like men have invented and control the power and hierarchy in most belief systems, while women seem to be the followers and believers.

Not sure what that might mean. Just an observation.

That's because for women it's not about power, control or hierarchy! It's men who worry about such trivia!

Noticed that you didn't include the inventing or founding part as "trivia".

So the sheep are less "trivial" than the shepherd?

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Oh, I disagree Suegha, women are just as concerned about power, control and hierarchy. Just not necessarily mens or in the same way :o I think its normal for human beings to do so.

Anyway, sorry to be a party pooper but I am not much of a believer in anything. Not cynical, just not believing. I've seen some things that make me wonder, but afraid nothing substantive to push me into the believer camp.... of anything at all really.

Sounds kind of sad putting it that way but I perhaps that makes me more of a Buddhist than anything else. :D

Some sayings attributed to Buddha that I find appropriate to the subject:

Be greatly aware of reality as you meet or confront it each day, and from that become fit enough to deal with it.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.

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Oh, I disagree Suegha, women are just as concerned about power, control and hierarchy. Just not necessarily mens or in the same way :o I think its normal for human beings to do so.

Anyway, sorry to be a party pooper but I am not much of a believer in anything. Not cynical, just not believing. I've seen some things that make me wonder, but afraid nothing substantive to push me into the believer camp.... of anything at all really.

Sounds kind of sad putting it that way but I perhaps that makes me more of a Buddhist than anything else. :D

Some sayings attributed to Buddha that I find appropriate to the subject:

Be greatly aware of reality as you meet or confront it each day, and from that become fit enough to deal with it.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.

Makes sense to me.

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Oh, I disagree Suegha, women are just as concerned about power, control and hierarchy. Just not necessarily mens or in the same way :o I think its normal for human beings to do so.

Anyway, sorry to be a party pooper but I am not much of a believer in anything. Not cynical, just not believing. I've seen some things that make me wonder, but afraid nothing substantive to push me into the believer camp.... of anything at all really.

Sounds kind of sad putting it that way but I perhaps that makes me more of a Buddhist than anything else. :D

Some sayings attributed to Buddha that I find appropriate to the subject:

Be greatly aware of reality as you meet or confront it each day, and from that become fit enough to deal with it.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.

I got to the same point through practicing a kind of realistic Buddhism that doesn't relies on Buddha images, temples or monks, ghosts or spirits. Not that things didn't happen to me, they actually did, some of them were positive and reassuring, others terrifying.

My father has been having premonitory dreams throughout his life and I believe him, but this is an incredible energy that he's involuntarily producing it in order to get these dreams, they don't just come like that and he's often not such a happy bunny about being so receptive, especially when he feels helpless in stopping the bad things from happening.

My attention now is revolving around reality, the true self and life awareness in order to understand death and have a meaningful existence. I feel my dearest deceseased as if they were always near me and supporting me, especially when I chant but I don't need to hear them speak or give me signs.

I no longer need the supernatural to lead me to give value to my life. But, on the other hand I fully understand when we get great hindsight and support through occurrences coming from another dimension. It's all part of human life. We make of it what we see fit.

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One person's reality is another person's fantasy. I would suggest the ability of many women to be more open to 'spiritual possibilities' is grounded in their 'hard-wired' broad radar, essential in their role as mother protector. It is principally about the survival of the species. In this period of post-modernity the character traits of the male of the species are of less import than they may have been in our somewhat brutal past. I'd accept that's more relevent in some parts of the world than in others which still have a way to go to move closer to societies of less inequality. The somewhat more 'feminised' (I use this in a positive rather than the more widely recognised, culturally gay sense) male finds it easier to adapt. And western societies, in particular, have become more feminised in the past 20 - 30 years (reference modes of employment, work practices and job descriptions, aesthetics, design and building methodology, parenting practice and general sociological change). More isolated pockets of society, deeply grounded in paternalism, have found such changes particularly traumatic, but the general trend in most areas has been one of slowly developing toward the feminine. The feminine is highly adaptable, while the masculine has proved to remain rigid in its expectations (no pun intended, although I can hear the sniggering from here :o ). This a great time to be alive, IMO, if a little turbulent. I believe the winners will be those who can function with a relaxed demeanor and an open mind.


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Thanks Jet. Yes, the lights are something I've seen a lot of, too. :o

When my boyfriend died, there was a lot of "strange" activity in the week between his death & his actual cremation. One of the last things to happen was at his cremation ceremony. As most of you know, I like dogs & the temple dogs would come up to me a lot; often friends would say it was BF coming to say goodbye, but I knew they were just dogs. Just before the final chanting was about to start a skinny, long haired dog with an obvious problem near its neck walked in & went up to the altar (is that the right word?). All of the dogs in this Wat were very well cared for, surprisingly so, so this one stood out a bit. I thought to myself "Now if any dog is (BF's name), it's this one." After a while the dog disappeared from my sight.

About 5 mins into the ceremony, there was some whispering & giggles behind me (as "wife" & family me, mum & little boy were on the seats at the front). I turned round to see what was going on & it turned out the dog had gone under my chair & was just lying there. I put my hand down to him & stroked him. I also found that he had a burst abscess at his neck & thought that after the funeral, I'd come back & get him fixed up. The dog stayed there throughout the ceremony, despite the fact I had to get up many times to participate. He let me stroke & pet him, but growled at anyone else who tried to approach him or shoo him away.

At the final part, where BF's body was taken to the incinerator, he followed the procession for a short while & then disappeared.

I looked for him later that day & also came back a couple of times to search properly for him to give him treatment, but I never saw him again. When I asked the monks & nuns about him, they didn't know of any dog that fit the description.

ok - hang on - I keep saying I need to leave the forum again, but this just brought me back for a minute. I believe what happened to you with the dog is absolutely real, NR. I had a similar occurrence when my mother died. She was very spiritual, and in fact I saw my aunt's spirit with her when I was a 4-year-old child. My aunt almost died from a thyroid problem and was clinically dead for 3 minutes, and I saw her spirit with my mom during that in-between state. Years later as an adult, I had this visual memory and checked-in with my mom. I used to tell friends at college about this image with BIG eyes looking at us. It turned out that when I asked my mom as an adult, I found out my aunt was clinically dead and her eyes were almost popping out of her head before she was brought back. As a young adult, my mom used to tease me and say that I had the ability to see the newly dead, but was afraid of it. She used to tell me "it's not the dead that can hurt you, but the living."

Anyway, my mom passed away when I was 25. I was living in another state, and my story above is when she was still in a coma in the hospital. The next morning after that incident I got the phone call to get on the next plane home. She hung on for a couple of days, and I would talk to her while she was in a coma. She would be so disabled if and when she came out of it, I actually told her it would be alright if she wanted to let go. About a day or two later, I fell into the first deep sleep in days. I was staying at my older brother's house, and he always has keeps German Shepards. He had one that didn't particularly care for me, and would never come when I called, listen or anything! I gave up on that ###### dog. At any rate, in the middle of the night on this evening, the evening of my deep sleep and what I would find out in the morning was the evening my mother's death while her body started closing down, this ###### dog comes up to my room and stands over my bed and just gazed at me while I was asleep. I left the lights on, and suddenly wake up to see this dog's face just looking over me with this very serene, thoughtful gaze. I was like - whoa - what are you doing doggie, it's ok, etc, etc. I petted him and cajoled him to go downstairs, and he sort of left with his head slumped and turned back to look at me one last time. I was like - <deleted>? We got the phone call in the morning, and it turns out my father had some strange occurences downstairs as well.

I'm pretty sure that was her, but she came in the guise of a dog so I wouldn't freak out.

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i have always been interested in extrasensory perception and weird phenomena. i wanted to study it when i grew up- did all my papers on it in high school etc. i have had some amazing coincidences with intuition in my life which make me believe in ESP or precognition, and even think there is weird manipulative energy around sometimes. but i have never seen ghosts, or bought into any religion beyond being able to extract the moral of it.

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A little off point perhaps but it looks to me like men have invented and control the power and hierarchy in most belief systems, while women seem to be the followers and believers.

Not sure what that might mean. Just an observation.

That's because for women it's not about power, control or hierarchy! It's men who worry about such trivia!

Noticed that you didn't include the inventing or founding part as "trivia".

So the sheep are less "trivial" than the shepherd?

I don't even understand what you mean!

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A little off point perhaps but it looks to me like men have invented and control the power and hierarchy in most belief systems, while women seem to be the followers and believers.

Not sure what that might mean. Just an observation.

That's because for women it's not about power, control or hierarchy! It's men who worry about such trivia!

Noticed that you didn't include the inventing or founding part as "trivia".

So the sheep are less "trivial" than the shepherd?

I don't even understand what you mean!

aye! better that way... the wings that you tought you saw, never were saw before! :o

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