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Advice! What advice :o This guy is just taking the pi.ss. When I said read between the lines, I meant look for the subtle humour as well as the blatant.

It's just old fasioned pi.ss take, no advice in here :D

It has to be over as a "pisstake", I work with, and know so many Farang males who don't like to hear the truth.

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Hey ya'll I know you was there tonight but you were scared of me. It's OK I understand. People are scared of me because I look like I've got no neck and I move real slow like.

But we met another nice English guy when he talked with my girl they spoke so fast I couldn't understand. Anyways I liked him so much because he bought me a beer so we invited him to my hotel. He got sick though and had to stay in the toilet. My girl is so lovely that she wanted to help him so she went in the toilet to see if he was OK. He must have been real sick because they were in there for ages and he groaned and groaned for an hour or more, poor guy. I got bored after a while and knocked on the door. He seemed much better, quite relaxed but very red. poor guy. My girl said sorry to me for leaving me alone in the room and said that it was only a short time. I said it seemed like a long time. I didn't mind because he seemed so i'll. He's my friend.

I don't understand why guys keep giving her money like this English guy. I think she must be some kind of angel who takes care of every sick guy. Wow, my angel.

I wrote a poem for her. I'm not so clever but I thought it was nice. I got a bit drunk and read it in a bar with a microphone. I think the people in the bar must have liked it because everyone was laughing. White guys, Thai guys, Japanese guys, all laughing and laughing when I read it. I'm so proud that my poem brought together all these different people in laughter. They must have really liked it because as they laughed, they threw beer bottles at me but they were empty ones, maybe they thought I'd had too much already, nice guys they was.

I think my girl was a bit shy though because she ran out of the bar and said she could never go there again, bless her. She must be so proud of me. A thai man picked her up she sais it's her brother. I had to give him some gas money, poor guy, he said 5000 should be enough.

When I got back here, all her clothes were gone. Must be laundry day.

I can't wait to see her again, my little angel.

I got to go, reception says there's a man from Mastercard here to see me, they look after their customers good , they do. I can't seem to find my card though.

Come to visit me any time you guys, just come to reception and ask for T.<deleted>

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The name is quite poignant.

Has this sad case honestly nothing better to do with his time?

Pobly could,,but why?

I have read a thousand books since I came over here and nothing I have found beats this ######,,he should quit fuking around and get a book on the market,let me know the name and I sure will buy a copy. :o

I did not reply to Sexy Beast because I couldn't have agreed with him more and couldn't wait for the topic to sink.

Well done Kevin for encouraging him, I'm sure we'll have another portion of his talentless, studenty, <deleted> in no time.

I don't think it will make much difference,,

A lot of folks don't post to your numerous threads and it doesn't slow you down much.

He pobly just keep on til he runs out of gas. Some do. :D

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Blimey, I didn't think my moody little outburst would get such a reaction.

I know exactly what he's trying to say, but he should just say it insead of disguising it in an ajarn.com style fictional tale written from the POV of a nieve holiday maker.

I can appreciate his originality and understand that he wants to attack working girls from a different angle, but to my eyes, it's just another thread from some young dude who's been stung and it's a drag to hear it, whatever angle it's approached from.

Working girls are part of Thailand and if you are daft enough to fall in love with them then it's very possible you will get stung. (I haven't read all the posts so forgive me if I'm missing the point here) Live and learn from your own mistakes instead of slagging off Thai people regardless of how good or bad they are.

I have a PM from what is possibly the author - apologising for offending me (obviously that's his brand of bargain basement sarcasm seeping out again) - though I'm not 100% sure on this.

Have I been a bit sensitive recently? 'Cause I will apologise if I have, I can't help being a miserable bastard sometimes. :o

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Not all Farang are so naive as to marry an ex BG.

Oh Boy! Another Erco? :o

Come to visit me any time you guys, just come to reception and ask for T.<deleted>

I'll bet he'll soon be turfed outa the Malaysia Hotel! :D

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Not all Farang are so naive as to marry an ex BG.

Oh Boy! Another Erco? :o

Come to visit me any time you guys, just come to reception and ask for T.<deleted>

I'll bet he'll soon be turfed outa the Malaysia Hotel! :D

Yo BOON; I noticed the same thing.

I know a few farang that married what is now X BGs and they seem to be OK wives, not every girl that worked in a bar is there because she is a cock crazy sneaky ,thieving bitch.

Some are there in all asian countrys because of economic necessitys,and when they meet a good guy, then a fine marriage can result,same as in any country. And also, SEX is not the big deal that most farang make it out to be. as far as I have found,A virgin is not much of an admired thing at all. But it seems to be considered a must by farang that are raised that sex is nasty/dirty and any woman that is not a virgin is a worthless piece of <deleted>.,I have never found that to be in my 50 years of moving around asia,except in the muslim countrys and then only because the men are all suffering from a rightfully aquired inferiority complex.

But they also meet a lot of aseholes and their only recoarse is to, do it to you before you can do it to me.

Also as far as I can see,the author of this thread is not slandering BGs, but is taking potshots at the stupid farang customers of the little darlings. :D

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Humour is a very subjective thing. I enjoy his little story as harmless fun, if anyone is being sent up it is the stupid farang but even there I don't see anything objectionable or offensive in the posts.

Given the enormous amount of one-liner posts that add nothing at all to a thread that appear every day I don't know why this guy is being singled out. :o

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Given the enormous amount of one-liner posts that add nothing at all to a thread that appear every day I don't know why this guy is being singled out.    :D

Because if you are a one-liner and you do not add anything to the thread, you should at least try to be funny.

I said try.

Not easy.

But that one is not funny at all,... :o:D

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Hey <deleted>, when ya gonna give us another chapter?

Or you going to wait until after the August meeting of the Expat members in BKK and then give us a rundown on your take of that very interesting get together??

Waiting with baited breath..


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Hey <deleted>, when ya gonna give us another chapter?

Or you going to wait until after the August meeting of the Expat members in BKK and then give us a rundown on your take of that very interesting get together??

Waiting with baited breath..


Does <deleted> ( or is it Twit ? ) need more encouragement Kev ?

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Why not? beats the worm man crawling around in the dog poo I would say.

Cides that I am out of books and will not get out to get anymore til BKK the 10th of next month on my yearly visa run to the fair city. :D

Am now on my 3rd reading of Michener's THE SOURCE in the last 3 years. :o

Only other thing I got to read again would be TIMELINE.

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<deleted> is a childish cynic who sits giggling at his computer screen at the fuss he has caused. Admin should ban his the little sod. :o

Naw, he livens the place up a bit. I mean, like, how many more times you want to read or reply to some jerk that's going on about BG this & BG that. At least his story is original. Keep him around! :D

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Boon Mee

I know I’m a new guy hereabouts but I’ve been lurking around this board for ages before I finally posted it’s a great board with useful information and interesting posters and here is my take on trolls.

By replying at all isn’t exactly helping. I post on message boards (this one and others) because it’s a useful way to exchange information and facts also because it enables me to communicate with like-minded people. Through a couple of boards I’ve met some people who have become close social friends. But these (troll) prats just jerk off on winding people u because their social skills are inept. Is that someone I’d wish to have an exchange with?

Sexy Beast

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As they say in Thai, Tham Jai Khun. My take on this guy is his story, while a bit amateurish, is different. This Thaivisa forum has so many topics/threads it's like satellite TV these days - hundreds of channels. I get tired of reading drivel and it's a click of the mouse to something interesting! :o

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<deleted> is a childish cynic who sits giggling at his computer screen at the fuss he has caused. Admin should ban his the little sod. :D

The cavalry has arrived - refreshing to know I'm not alone in my views.

Also note who his fans are - aomong others, a man who after FIFTY years of travelling Asia still can't spell 'Probably' and instead resorts to "Pobly". :o

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<deleted> is a childish cynic who sits giggling at his computer screen at the fuss he has caused. Admin should ban his the little sod. :D

The cavalry has arrived - refreshing to know I'm not alone in my views.

Also note who his fans are - aomong others, a man who after FIFTY years of travelling Asia still can't spell 'Probably' and instead resorts to "Pobly". :o

Well for your english info scamp, your spelling leaves a lot to be desired, and pobly and polly and a few other ways are used a lot on forums to save a few key strokes,and you run around here bragging about being a school teacher and then mis-spell a lot of very simple words. no wonder they ain't paying you enough to live on and you gotta come on here and cry about the dire straights you are in.

You and this other jerk off do not need to open any thread more than once to find out if you like it or not,and you both must like what <deleted> has said because you both have posted to the thread numerous times.I very seldom read the full opening statement of your threads,but I don't go to Admin and request that you be dropped from the forum.

All the drivel threads you post and then come on here and tell the mods that <deleted> should be dropped from this forum is a bunch if <deleted>, I really don't see where either of you are a great bonus to this forum,,it it doesn't suit you two intellectuals why don't you both just sign out and go to one of the many intellectual or tech forums that exist in the WWW,and we will get along without ya.[that is a kind of slang for YOU] in case your high oxford education doesn't understand. SEXY BEAST sounds like he belongs on a porn forum anyway. if you PM me I will tell you where a few are at or you can just GOGGLE and fine someplace where you two will be more comfortable. :D:D

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Thats a bit strong Kev?

What ya mean?? I ain't asking the mods to pull the plug on em,they don't need to open a thread if they don't want to,and they sure aint paying for the bandwidth,and call <deleted> a troll and then go and open a thread about the usefulnes of the satang. what a jerk.

I think that the lack of good nourishing food has effected his[for a better word] brain. :o

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Well for your english info scamp, your spelling leaves a lot to be desired, and pobly and polly and a few other ways are used a lot on forums to save a few key strokes,and you run around here bragging about being a school teacher and then mis-spell a lot of very simple words. no wonder they ain't paying you enough to live on and you gotta come on here and cry about the dire straights you are in.

Straights?...........straits i believe Kev......if you criticise someone spelling watch it doesnt turn around and bite you on the ass. :o

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Well for your english info scamp, your spelling leaves a lot to be desired, and pobly and polly and a few other ways are used a lot on forums to save a few key strokes,and you run around here bragging about being a school teacher and then mis-spell a lot of very simple words. no wonder they ain't paying you enough to live on and you gotta come on here and cry about the dire straights you are in.

Straights?...........straits i believe Kev......if you criticise someone spelling watch it doesnt turn around and bite you on the ass. :o

I did not correct his spelling,I just said that his spelling is not very good for an english teacher,and it isn't, as I have noticed a lot of errors, but this is not a spelling contest,this is a forum,And I do not do to badly [as I can't use a spell checker on the new browser that I am using] with my 8th grade formal education and straight is spelled correctly,,but used out of context. :D

And you are correct,I did use "straight" out of context. but the spelling is still correct for the word. :D

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I think <deleted> is a riot. The only thing I dont like about this thread is all the crap in between his posts.

Forums are forums :D

Absolutely and what's strange is Mr. (or is it Ms) Bluecat, who is the most frequent poster 'round these parts objects to <deleted>. :o

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I think <deleted> is a riot. The only thing I dont like about this thread is all the crap in between his posts.

Forums are forums :D

Absolutely and what's strange is Mr. (or is it Ms) Bluecat, who is the most frequent poster 'round these parts objects to <deleted>. :D

That is because Bluecat, Sexy Beast and myself do not have a penchant for amateurish, attention seeking, humourless, inept Student Union fiction.

With the exception of KevinN (who clearly has a pretty bog standard IQ and an inability to press the space bar after a comma) - I can't understand why most of the posters here find it entertaining.

I, personally am more entertained by the Beast's blunt, no nonsense put downs as well as Kevin confusing the two of us and accusing me of 'reporting' people to the mods which I have not yet had cause to do.

Incedentally, I have never 'bragged' about being a teacher, in fact, I have actually not claimed to be a teacher at all, but somebody who is capable of doing the job but one who is only half qualified and is doing it as a means to an end, however this does not mean I put no effort into the job.

Oh Kevin you sad sad, strange little man. :o

Anyway, this is going off topic.

<deleted>, go on, write another episode, Kevin - keep trying mate, Sexy - more of your brutal honesty please - I love it, and Bluecat say what you see buddy. :D

Doc, I hope you're enjoying this. :D

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Scamp, now I am irritated.

Bluecat updated his avatar on 07/26/2004, as upload under his member number,

you updated 07/28/2004 the same one under your number 7366???

Ah, a forum is like a zoo, sometimes. Needs all kind of animals, incl. cats. :o


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