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Carrefour - How Do You Pronounce It?


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When the Lat Phrao branch first opened, I misheard my wife and I thought she said "Do you want to buy some cat food?" We don't have a cat! What she said was "Do you want to go to Carrefour?" So in our house, it's pronounced 'cat food'!

Edited by mr_hippo
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Car For

Carfoo is the thai version like sentrun for central :o

texas, correct, carfoo is the correct thai pronounciation, as dictated by the rules of pronouncing thai script.

the garrand over the final ror ruea means it is not pronounced.

it never ceases to amaze me the number of farangs who think they can read thai, how many times have you heard pattaya and phuket misspronounced, not forgetting the people who ask for singha beer.

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I have no idea how to say it for thai taxi drivers, but it's a french word, so the pronunciation is


ca -- like "carrot"

reuh -- oops -- this is hard, i don't think english has the proper "r" sound, it's like the "r" in farang, but with "euh"

foor -- like fool", but with an r at the end

Ok, that was probably not helpful. Um -- ask someone french in pattaya?

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I have no idea how to say it for thai taxi drivers, but it's a french word, so the pronunciation is



yes it is a french word, and that may well be they way it is pronounced in every other country in the world. however this is thailand as they say.

there are rules for pronouncing script within the thai language, what you see is what you say.

yes there is a final r constanant in the script, it also has a garrand above it, which means it is not pronounced when speaking.

if you want to test this ,ask a thai to read carrefor and then pronounce for you, they will not pronounce the final r, because the rules for their language dictate this.

if i am wrong i may well have to change schools, obviously my teacher doesnt know the rules for her own language :o

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I always thought it was: Care-Four, but its nice to know its Car-Four instead

I heard a german say "Kar-För", and a danish friend called it "Kære Far" (dear dad in danish)

Still its pretty bad style to choose a name that nobody knows how to pronounce.

So do we have a verdict? Are there any french people who can say the 100% correct way to pronounce it?`

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When I lived in Belgium the French speaking Belgians called it CarFour - then agan I might have heard wrongly.

They do say carfoor in Singapore but then Singaporeans have a very stange accent :o

Carfour (car-foor) or Carrefour (car -reuh - foor). Both are Ok. It just depends how fast (or how properly) you speak French.

I' m French.

Edited by adjan jb
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carfoo is the correct thai pronounciation, as dictated by the rules of pronouncing thai script.

are you joking? since when does "thai pronunciation" apply to a french word?

Since it is written in Thai script alongside the French version.

By the way - for those Thai-speakers among us - what words have a final 'r' that is pronounced? (Or an 'l' for that matter)

If I had been setting up the company in Thailand I would have chosen a more easily identifiable name for my customers to use - being as the majority are Thai.

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carfoo is the correct thai pronounciation, as dictated by the rules of pronouncing thai script.

are you joking? since when does "thai pronunciation" apply to a french word?

Since it is written in Thai script alongside the French version.

By the way - for those Thai-speakers among us - what words have a final 'r' that is pronounced? (Or an 'l' for that matter)

If I had been setting up the company in Thailand I would have chosen a more easily identifiable name for my customers to use - being as the majority are Thai.

Nah - you have to keep the "Brand" recognisable worldwide and not change names for local markets.

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When I lived in Belgium the French speaking Belgians called it CarFour - then agan I might have heard wrongly.

They do say carfoor in Singapore but then Singaporeans have a very stange accent :o

Carfour (car-foor) or Carrefour (car -reuh - foor). Both are Ok. It just depends how fast (or how properly) you speak French.

I' m French.

Yeah - car-foor sounds more like what the Wallons said rather than car-4

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carfoo is the correct thai pronounciation, as dictated by the rules of pronouncing thai script.

are you joking? since when does "thai pronunciation" apply to a french word?

Since it is written in Thai script alongside the French version.

we non-thai readers read the french word, pronounce it the correct french way (if we know french) and care a flying fart how it is pronounced in thai or what rules might apply.


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carfoo is the correct thai pronounciation, as dictated by the rules of pronouncing thai script.

The only reason Thais would say "carfoo" is because they can't pronounce the 'r' sound.

Carrefour is actually a French word but of course English speaking people don't usually pronounce French words (and places) the French way.

For a Frenchman, it's "karfur", and for English it's "car four".

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