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Bangkok Chic?


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Ladies, hope you don't mind me crashing your forum but I think us lads need some feminine advice. I mean, what can a chap wear in Bangkok?

Sensibly, due to the climate, we should all be in shorts, flip flops and a vest/shapeless baggy shortsleeved shirt but we all know this is not really cutting the mustard here in Bangkok. I will call this style "Nana Plaza Chic".

Or there is "Khaosan Road Chic" - three-quarter length trousers, red bull T shirt and Birkenstocks.

Or should we go down the road of "British Club Chic" - smart knee length shorts, tucked in sleeveless shirt/polo shirt and deck shoes?

At the end of the day I suppose it is the footwear which really lets us down......

girls always look so much better in hot climates!

Advice needed please!

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a lobster red tan can really set off a pair of white sports socks, sandals should be leather and look like something ned flanders would wear, shorts should either be a classic 80s pair of speedo's or a bright pink/orange pair of bermuda shorts, money should be kept safe in a bum bag and u should cover that by wearing a loadsa money t-shirt...if u finish this outfit off with a davey crockett hat u'll look the biz

this is the sort of stuff i wear and u should see the looks i get :o

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I would suggest blue jeans, a Hawaiian or similar-style shirt (check out the GQ brand in Bangkok......it's my favorite brand...it's got many nice and colorful shirts) and Timberland-type shoes.



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a lobster red tan can really set off a pair of white sports socks, sandals should be leather and look like something ned flanders would wear, shorts should either be a classic 80s pair of speedo's or a bright pink/orange pair of bermuda shorts, money should be kept safe in a bum bag and u should cover that by wearing a loadsa money t-shirt...if u finish this outfit off with a davey crockett hat u'll look the biz

this is the sort of stuff i wear and u should see the looks i get :D

bkkbound04 you DA Man :D

No need with for the hat tho, just grow yourself a nice mullet and moustache and how about some lederhosen, cool :o

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As if you care what a farang woman thinks you should wear! For going out in the evening: long pants, not shorts. Jeans are okay, twills are better. Twills can be a lighter fabric than jeans, and also 100% cotton like jeans. So they can actually be more comfortable than jeans. Not a t-shirt, but a polo shirt. Jersey looks dressier than mesh. Both can be found in 100% cotton.

Choose the pant/shirt combination for the desired fanciness of dress. Jeans + mesh polo is most casual. Twills + jersey polo is dressiest. Twills + mesh is a bit dressier than jeans + jersey.

If you wear a woven shirt please, please, please wear an undershirt. The athletic shirts called wifebeaters in the states are exactly the thing. And you can wear them at home without a woven shirt to drink beer and watch football and scratch your balls.

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Chinos with a nice polo shirt, tan or khaki are nice neutral colors. Jeans can be terribly hot. Loafers are good, I am not a tassel fan myself but that is just personal preference. For the daytime, nice khaki shorts look good, but not too short. Most guys don't have that good of legs! If I were a man I would forgo the facial hair, unless you have the kind of face that looks good with a trim goatee, beards seem too hot. And guys, ditch the long haired ponytail, it only looks good on a very few guys. Most just look like 60's refugees!

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Ignore all this advice. Just as long as you dont look like a complete and utter slob, wear whatever is comfortable. Its difficult enough running around in Thailand with the weather being as hot and sticky as it is, so dont make a big deal of dressing to impress a bunch of people you dont know when you just gonna get sweaty anyway. If your going out for the evening with other people that are dressing a little more upscale, then you can do the same.

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Ignore all this advice. Just as long as you dont look like a complete and utter slob, wear whatever is comfortable. Its difficult enough running around in Thailand with the weather being as hot and sticky as it is, so dont make a big deal of dressing to impress a bunch of people you dont know when you just gonna get sweaty anyway. If your going out for the evening with other people that are dressing a little more upscale, then you can do the same.

Guess it all depends on how you want to be viewed and how you want to be treated by the locals. I have always made an effort with my appearance because I know that in this culture (like in most if we are honest) people are judged by how they look. If you want to be treated with respect you will dress in a respectful way.

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Well meadish, you could always go with those godawful slip on sandals alot of Thai men wear. My husband has loafers (for funerals, weddings etc) and tennis shoes (trainers) for anything that requires extensive walking (like shopping with the wife :o ). At home he wears flip flops like everyone else.

BTW, what do missionaries have to do with loafers??

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Maybe I over-reacted a bit... :o

Well, where I am from, loafers are mainly worn by distinctly beatific people, activists within the non-conformist churches...

These men would sometimes knock on my door on Sunday mornings when I was typically trying to nurse a whopper of a hangover, and with their overly-compassionate smiles all over their "I feel your pain" faces, hand me little leaflets about how animals and humans (but of course only the ones prescribing to their particular version of one of the world's many religions) would join this great loving family where we would all ride on the backs of tigers and stick various body parts into their gaps without fear - so, weird or not, I associate loafers with hypocricy, that feeling of trying to hold in your sick, a throbbing headache and happy-clapper grins all over my tunnel vision.

For everyday life here in LOS, I wear tidy, black trainers or flip flops, jeans or chinos and short sleeved shirts, as well as the occasional single coloured t-shirt, which I do not tuck in; occasionally I will also wear polo shirts, but it's not really me. For going out, I may slip on a long-armed shirt and combine this with slacks or chinos and wear discrete black walking-type shoes.

I am NOT a shorts person.

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I can completely relate meadish! When I was a kid I remember getting some doorbell ringers coming round at Xmas time asking for money etc and dad telling them we didn't celerate Xmas (never mind the tree in the window :o )

Shorts are good on men who have the legs for it, and aren't pasty white! My husband wears shorts almost 95% of the time but then, as a former dtaklaw player and Thai boxer, he has great legs :D

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a lobster red tan can really set off a pair of white sports socks, sandals should be leather and look like something ned flanders would wear, shorts should either be a classic 80s pair of speedo's or a bright pink/orange pair of bermuda shorts, money should be kept safe in a bum bag and u should cover that by wearing a loadsa money t-shirt...if u finish this outfit off with a davey crockett hat u'll look the biz

... finally, someone with some fashion sense, :o


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