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What Would You Do ?

Sunbelt Asia

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Again not wanting really to comment on how serious arson is (it is).

Very interesting, we have one poster wishing to hang those people, another one #wishing# they will get blacklisted. Others are asking that money is to be paid that those idiots not only get harsh treatment by the police but even harsher one than just blacklisting. We have smome serious moral highflyers here, if not outright holy people... :o

Just listen to yourselves and feel ashamed. You are the ones that should be blaclisted and maybe a little bit beaten up for such sanctimonious posts, seriously...

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Again not wanting really to comment on how serious arson is (it is).

Very interesting, we have one poster wishing to hang those people, another one #wishing# they will get blacklisted. Others are asking that money is to be paid that those idiots not only get harsh treatment by the police but even harsher one than just blacklisting. We have smome serious moral highflyers here, if not outright holy people... :o

Just listen to yourselves and feel ashamed. You are the ones that should be blaclisted and maybe a little bit beaten up for such sanctimonious posts, seriously...

Whats wrong with sqeezing them for a little cash? Compensation is recieved for damage and inconvenience, police are happy and relations are improved, they do not go to jail so they are happy. Everybody is happy and they are lighter in the pocket and have learnt a lesson.

BTW Your being a bit ironic. On one hand your saying were sanctimonious, serious moral highflyer, holy people for offering opinions to a question and on the other your saying we should all be beaten up. :D

Edited by stevenjm
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I'm absolutely amazed at how quickly members of this forum are prepared to condemn others and even invoke illegal practices themselves in doing so without the slightest enquiry as to the circumstances.

Where in all the earlier posts does it say that the fire was started deliberately?

What on earth is Sunbelt's motive in posting this?

Sunbelt is a law firm? Huh!!

The only post I can agree with on here is that of Khun Jean who, as it happens, I have crossed swords with on another issue.

Has no one else got any sense of justice or proportion.

Go hang your heads in shame.

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Whats wrong with sqeezing them for a little cash? Compensation is recieved for damage and inconvenience, police are happy and relations are improved, they do not go to jail so they are happy. Everybody is happy and they are lighter in the pocket and have learnt a lesson.

BTW Your being a bit ironic. On one hand your saying were sanctimonious, serious highflyer, holy people for offering opinions to a question and on the other your saying we should all be beaten up. :o

Exactly the reason why I posted it the way I did.

But what needs to be understood is that if the police gets seriously involved here, there will be no 'little slaps' and squeezing for some 'little' cash.

By now the police has learned for how much you really can suqeeze a Farang if he got a wife, house and business here as soon as you start threatening him with deportation, a very plausible outcome.

Sounds a lot different to community service to me (geriatrickid, good idea, and may it be a lot of hours), and hopefully it sounds better to the more level-headed in the crowd.

But then again, isn't it kind of fun to watch a stoning and how everybody inches the next guy on to throw even harder. Getting hanged for (light) arson, from which middle ages does this idea come...?

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Being drunk is no excuse, alcohol only amplifies behavior in my opinion....not alters it. These guys were pricks to start off, and will still be pricks when sobered up.

Pay them a visit and take their photo's. Distribute the photo's to all your restaurants and any others you are acquainted with....with a warning as to their behavior.

Pics posted here would be good punishment as well.

Prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law.

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Prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law.

"The law" of what?

Public shaming, nearly as good as hanging. At least they will live to tell the tale.

And your personal motto read so nice:

"Bowing ones head and holding the palms of the hands together is a gesture of respect. It also serves to recognize that deep down we are all the same and are all capable of great things, even though we may disagree."

Ah, but maybe not then...

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Press charges and let it be known you have nothing to do with people who do not give their ID to the police.

Make it be known they are not friends of yours so when the police find out who they are and why they are hiding their names you yourself will not be implicated.

Bit of luck they'll be deported.

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charge him ,drunk or not ,pranks like this are childish ,they deserve everything coming to them .........

Childish indeed. Reminds me of my own childhood when we used to wrap dog shit in newspaper, put it in front of somebody’s door, set fire to it and then waited from a safe distance for the door to open, gambling on the fact that the person opening the door would try to step out the fire.

Some great memories :o

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He did not drop a lighted cigarrete by accident as you do not allow smoking. He did not knock a candle over in a drunken accident either or something similar.

He did set fire to a display. It was no accident.

Therefore let the police handle it before someone is killed or maybe even worse horrifically burned and have to look at and live with the horror of those burns for the rest of their lives.

Glad no one was hurt or injured.

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I really don't think the Thai Police would take this too seriously, it depends on the guys attitude.

What I meant by a slap on the hand was this:

They should apologize to your wife, and to the police, pay for any damages, and pay a few thousand Baht fine.

Also a good ass chewing , from a scary looking police official would be in order, and then let them go with a warning to cause no further trouble.

I think the Thai police can sort it out just fine.

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>>jealous is a bitch....<<

Not jealous ,honest gov .Just don't see the point !

...already hes getting headaches :o

It's not that difficult to see is it? Profit is the point ol bean, profit makes headaches much easier to deal with!!

Edited by quiksilva
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I don't understand how they are sitting in jail without any passports and not giving their names?

Surely this would cause them to be transported to the IDC indefinitely until they come out with their names and nationalities?

Im inclined to agree, there is usually a reason people withhold their id, maybe arrest warrants in their own countries !,expired visa ?, either way there is more to follow here i would think,
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What would you do?

Get a call from my wife. Some clown started a fire at one of my restaurants in the Nana area this morning at 4 a.m. The police have him and his friend in jail and they claim to know me from the Thaivisa forum, Both have no passport and no name so no idea who he is. My wife wants to press charges. On one hand I know a prank like this could of gotten haywire very fast with people dieing,on the other hand it seems they were drunk and were laughing as they lit the display. My understanding is no big damage.

I would hope, friends of mine don't go around endangering lives of other people. Guess when he is no longer drunk, he'll tell his name, now its my name is " No name"

Then what do I do when he sings another tune.


Any update ?
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What would you do?

Both have no passport and no name so no idea who he is. My wife wants to press charges. On one hand I know a prank like this could of gotten haywire very fast with people dieing,on the other hand it seems they were drunk and were laughing as they lit the display. My understanding is no big damage.

Any update ?

Yes any update?

Tell the local police to hand them over to immigration. No passport, no stay or for once listen to the better half.

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I think we need to know the size of the fire before making any comment. From the description they could have been burning a business card in an ashtray.

Agree, two sides to every story, who knows, maybe one of the staff was being an arse.

I sort of go with an earlier comment, what has it come to when a 'lawfirm' is asking advice about something like this, seems to me a bit of an own goal.

spell edit

Edited by HarryHacker
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I sort of go with an earlier comment, what has it come to when a 'lawfirm' is asking advice about something like this, seems to me a bit of an own goal.

I thinking he's asking for some 'moral dilemma' reasons. I don't see one myself though.

Wonder if we get an update today, it must be settled by now?

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I actually see it as a nice gesture of the OP to post such information here, as there really might have been a moral dilemma; firstly he was unsure if it was a hoax, then the perpetrators mentioned they knew him from this forum. So if it would have been a hoax, maybe somebody could have been able to shed a light on it to prevent potentially very serious consequences.

No such person has come forward.

The legal position seems pretty clear to me, as surely it is to the OP. Not everything has to be handled by the book however.

A little human understanding -- even in a serious crime -- might sometimes lead to unsuspected results if somebody believes in the good in human nature.

But then again we have the hang-em-all brigade and the jealous types jumping forward who really should be exactly as ashamed as the criminals they would like to see dangling.

A narrow-minded sorry bunch, but then what does one expect on a public forum full of bitter old men...

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I actually see it as a nice gesture of the OP to post such information here, as there really might have been a moral dilemma; firstly he was unsure if it was a hoax, then the perpetrators mentioned they knew him from this forum. So if it would have been a hoax, maybe somebody could have been able to shed a light on it to prevent potentially very serious consequences.

No such person has come forward.

The legal position seems pretty clear to me, as surely it is to the OP. Not everything has to be handled by the book however.

A little human understanding -- even in a serious crime -- might sometimes lead to unsuspected results if somebody believes in the good in human nature.

But then again we have the hang-em-all brigade and the jealous types jumping forward who really should be exactly as ashamed as the criminals they would like to see dangling.

A narrow-minded sorry bunch, but then what does one expect on a public forum full of bitter old men...

I'm actually a fairly young man who is tired of people making excuses for just about anyone who chooses to engage in activities that harm others. The kind of so-called understanding that you speak of more often than not just teaches the person that they can do as they please with no consequences (except to others), and they just wind up doing it again, which in the case of lighting fires can have pretty disastrous results, even if unintentional.

I see nobody saying they should be "hung high" as your hyperbole suggests. Just people who think that people should be responsible for their actions.

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