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His Thai Wife Cleaned Him Out !


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You really like such kind of threads, Begs. So much that you could have started it, if you did not start it, of course.

Maybe "like" is an understatment, you love it and will keep it running forever, I guess.

Not Really, just have to sort my stalker out, i am even willing to pay for him to have English lessons. Poor Chap.

A guy with his low IQ should also have a low voice, but he just keeps coming back. Sigh. :D

Begs, if English is your native language, then you should take some typing lessons.

-i- is always written as -I-, for example, and -Not Really- should be written as -Not really-... and so on....

English is not my native language, but I am sure, you understand my simple English.

Low IQ? low voice?

What about looking into a mirror?

I wish you a nice stay in Japan on a 90 days tourist visa. Hopefully you find again a stupid Brazil girl here, who will do it with you for 20 hours free of charge.

No need to worried, Japanese Immigration is willing to pay for your ticket out of Japan, when you turn yourself into custody, you need only to declare, that you are out of money and without illegal employment.

No need to mention anywhere in Japan about your big land deal of baht 82000,- in Thailand. Some people here are spending this sum easily during one single night per person for dinner and some entertainment.

Jesus! Johan what put such a bur up your arse?

EnGlIsh IS fiNE If You CaN UnderSTAND IT, but I'm sorry Expo96's taxes even my patience.

As for the red herring about land Expo96 brought it up from a different thread and inflated the monies involved.

Struth Johan get a grip! :o

Carry on Begs. :D

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what kind of sicko are u ?

I think you already know the answer to that question. :o

no, I don´t

If you are that interested, then read through more of my posts, you will get some idea as to what kind of sicko i really am. :D

english teacher with a bg/gf, buying land, building house, knowing everything better, probably soon loosing all and whining about thais :D

sorry, couldn´t read much of ur stuff, but that´s my impression.


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what kind of sicko are u ?

I think you already know the answer to that question. :o

no, I don´t

If you are that interested, then read through more of my posts, you will get some idea as to what kind of sicko i really am. :D

english teacher with a bg/gf, buying land, building house, knowing everything better, probably soon loosing all and whining about thais :D

sorry, couldn´t read much of ur stuff, but that´s my impression.


Ignorance must be bliss. :D

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No need to mention anywhere in Japan about your big land deal of baht 82000,- in Thailand. Some people here are spending this sum easily during one single night per person for dinner and some entertainment.

Yes Yohan, but i cannot see what point you are trying to make.

My personal details are being dragged out of other threads, and added to this thread for some reason.

Yohan, i will still not side with you in your hate campaign against woman. :o

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Seems like i am being attacked from all sides by the anti-women lobby.    :o

The last time I saw people this mentally unstable in one room, they were wearing drool bibs and strapped to chairs.   :D

u psycho

You don't have a clue do you? In fact...................................

You wouldn't know a clue if it walked up to you, bit you on the ass, and announced 'I AM A CLUE'. :D

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I'm afraid I cannot feel any sympo for anyone who marries a Thai girl and it goes tits-up.

There are enough stories on the web to raise red flags, but I have to admit these girls are far better actresses and liars than any top actress out of Hollywood.

I once caught a girl from the Lookie-Lookie bar with my property in her bag and when confronted she never blinked when lieing abt it.

Caught red handed and still she lied!

When I spoke to the farang bar owner about her he said don't worry, they are all thieves!

The last I heard of her she was marrying a farang customer from the bar. Hahahahahaha :o

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Just out of my curiousity.. now, prostitutes represent Thai women already?

Seems to me like, when "Thai women" was said, it turned out these "Thai women" were prostitutes. I don't think it's fair, let alone being correct.

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Just out of my curiousity.. now, prostitutes represent Thai women already?

Seems to me like, when "Thai women" was said, it turned out these "Thai women" were prostitutes. I don't think it's fair, let alone being correct.

LC, it seems popular with many people here to associate all Thai women with sex work.......................

It's like saying that all Farangs are fat, bald, ugly smelly drunken idiots that have a feeling of superiority over Asian people..........


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Cheers Begs and Rod.

Begs; If that's the case.. then I can call every caucasian male in my country a sad pathetic stupid shitfaced idiotic <deleted>? I'm not that shallow.. but as some people haven't got a clue there are straight girls out of those bars.. This could be a wake-up call to a few.

People; Please note that I am only trying to figure where this generalisation comes from. And I'm trying to protect my fellow Thai women here. :D

Rod; No problem at all that you've stood up for people who have been attacked online by some people. I admire you for that. As I have always said, there are good and bad people everywhere. Seems like some will never get it. :o

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As I have always said, there are good and bad people everywhere. Seems like some will never get it. :o

LC, you have to make allowances, some Farangs have problems understanding things that are different to what there mummy taught them was right.

I am surprised most of these guys can actually travel alone on the Aeroplane. :D

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...Ahhh Begs...if only we farangs where as perfect as you....you are such a genius !!

and how come u go off at everyone else if they dare generalize in other threads, but its ok for you to generalize, when it suits you.......

you should go and have a glass of milk and some cookies, and let the adults do the talking..... :o

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Sorry I'm going to take this thread back to where Begs and other people where championing the bar girl for scamming the poster. And Begs was going on about how EXPLOITED bar girls were and how sick it was to see an older guy with a beautiful young woman.

Yes the poor exploited bar girls, so oppressed and taken advantage of. Such a hard life, they deserve so much more!! Hooray!! that the nasty evil jonny forgeiner has fallen in love with her and been scammed out of all his money, he had it coming to him. What does he think he was doing?!? Thinking he could be happy!! It serves him right.

Yes the bar girls in Thailand are so exploited by ferang coming here just to have sex with them. The bastard fareng taking advantage of the poor girl's situation, making her sleep with him.... Hold on, wait a minute. Is that really the case. Do they have a choice in this matter? Well yes they don't have to work bar, they could get a normal job, hmmm... but that doesn't pay as good as sleeping with a kind old gentlemen who treat women with respect and care. I reckon if you're worried so much about the poor exploited bar girls maybe you should do some charity work for them - maybe set up a fund raiser so they don't have to sleep with ferang - call it "bar-girls-in-need", have it on telly and get the rest of Thailand to donate money so these girls can go out everynight have a good time and then not have to sleep with a ferang at the end off the night. Maybe you should call Amnesty International and tell them of the exploitation that is going on here - maybe they could write a letter to some one and free these oppressed women.

No. Personally I think you've got it all wrong. These women aren't exploited by ferang who come here looking for companionship or/and a good time. On the most part I think if you ask one of these girl they will tell you that they are treated 10 times better by ferang than their own Thai men, who are notorious for beating women and cheating on them. No these girls are working because of the basic law of economics - supply and demand. That and the fact that their government lets them - maybe it's the nasty gov that are the exploiters, I'm sure alot of money made from Massage Parlours, GoGo bars and the like, goes straight to government officials and police to keep the whole thing running smoothly. Maybe if the police stopped taking this money and enforced the law and stopped these girls from working then they wouldn't be so exploited. But then what would happen.

Lets think about what would happen if people didn't come to Thailand to have sex with all it's beautiful women. I would say quite a high percentage of the people who come to Thailand are here coz they can get laid really easily and they don't only spend their hard earnt money on the girls, they stay in hotels, go to restaurants, use takis and tuk-tuks, they holiday on the beaches, etc. If that went so would all those jobs and all that money. The consequence of this would be that people would starve and this country would suffer. And that's the simple fact.

Lets have a look at who the real exploiters are. Is it the peope who negociate a price and then gladely pay it when a service has been given. Doesn't sound like exploitation to me. Lets look at the people who are ending up with the money that is made from this business. We've talked about the corrupt police and gov officials but the real exploiters are the fathers and parents that don't mind their children sleeping around as long as they send money home to them. Many of these men then use that money to gamble, drink and sleep with young women themselves. They are sent to Bkk and Pattaya by their parents and provide for their family out of a sense of duty, now that sounds like exploitation. When have you ever heard of a bar girl saving all her hard earnt money and setting up a business and making a life for herself. No, the money she makes is being sent home, often to feed her family and in some cases to keep them alive. Are ferang exploiting that fact? Maybe, but these girls could get a proper job and still send enough money home to feed their family. Most of these girls choose to live the life they live - they prefer it, it's easy money and I'm sure it can be really good fun sometimes, I know I wouldn't mind being paid to screw women (I think that's just me though), chat to them and go out and party every night. None of the ferang are forcing these girl to do what they do and none of them are profiting from it either. That doesn't sound like exploitation to me.

As for older men with younger women and women here only being with a ferang for his money, that maybe the case. But I think women can love someone that is not on a par with them assetically, they can love them for other reasons. Does the gorgeous girl always have to be with the handsome adonis, does the fat guy have to be with the fat girl, does the ugly bald guy have to be banging some minger? Not in Thailand, alot of women here go deeper than the way someone looks (deep into their pockets ha ha). They might want a man that is caring and sensitive, someone who is going to be faithful and not going to cheat on them. They also want someone who is going to be able to provide for them and mean that they live a better life, help their family, start a family of their own and know that her children will have a better life than she did. Love can be based on these things aswell. So what if he's not that good looking, fat or old, that's not everything to some people. So what if society says this looks rediculous, what's it got to do with you why two people are together, unless of course that is your jealousy seaping thru. "Argh!! How come that gorgeous girl's with that ugly bastard, she should be with me, I'm much better looking that him!! She must only be with him coz he's got loads of money, that explains it. That makes me feel better."

I personally don't see why anyone, who's good and honest, should deserve to be scammed and duped out of their hard earnt money, in this country or any other, and saying good for the poor exploited bar girl is rediculous. So a guy has a younger partner and therefore deserves to be strung along for 4 years, love someone and care for them, only to find out she was only doing it for the money. That's as bad as blackmail, extorsion and corruption. It's called deception and unfortunately it's very hard to prove. The only thing that could be done about it is to warn people that it goes on, what to look for, things to check and then hope that your not the sucker that's being taken for a ride. Maybe we should do a "Bar Girl Awareness Day" and provide free Private Investigators to all ferang that are thinking about tieing the knot with an ex hooker. Maybe rely on a bit of common sense and don't (as someone has already said) give any more money than you can afford to lose, because it could be you being exploited.

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i just like winding other Farangs up. :o

I'm sure you do, Begs but not all farangs.

Only the ones with bargirls, whatever your definition of bargirls is.

You should know that if you did not pick her up in a bar does not mean she is not a 'bargirl".

Anyway, do you include yourself in the good farangs because you love her?

Well, you have my respect and best wishes and I hope you'll do the same for others,...

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i just like winding other Farangs up.  :o

I'm sure you do, Begs but not all farangs.

Only the ones with bargirls, whatever your definition of bargirls is.

You should know that if you did not pick her up in a bar does not mean she is not a 'bargirl".

Anyway, do you include yourself in the good farangs because you love her?

Well, you have my respect and best wishes and I hope you'll do the same for others,...

I never ever diss bargirls, ever. In fact i am rather outspoken in my support of them in forums. :D

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I never ever diss bargirls, ever. In fact i am rather outspoken in my support of them in forums. :o

I saw the pictures of your lovely wife in this forum quite some time ago, so I rest my case.

I guess you believe what you just said even if unfortunately it is not always that obvious in your postings or your clone's postings,...

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I never ever diss bargirls, ever.  In fact i am rather outspoken in my support of them in forums.  :o

I saw the pictures of your lovely wife in this forum quite some time ago, so I rest my case.

I guess you believe what you just said even if unfortunately it is not always that obvious in your postings or your clone's postings,...

Dr J, not me mate, check through all my posts, you will not see one that diss's bargirls, not one.

Not my style. I lived in Thailand too long to trash them.

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Not my style. I lived in Thailand  too long to trash them.

Sorry, must be the green avatar that confused me.

Anyway, discussions about BG and farang who like them, do not like them, are expoited by them, exploit them,... have been quite popular and will always be.

But at the end, everybody is making his own choice and in a relation between girl and boy, nobody listens to anybody but himself/herself,...

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There are good and bad everywhere,I myself have seen it first hand BG's having 3,4 or 5 farang on the go,Surely the farang should make sure the girl is 100% for real,I would never comtemplate having a relationship with a BG,they are there for a reason and nine times out of ten,supporting their families back in Issarn,But greed takes place and it's easy for a BG to get as much as she can and wait for the next mug to turn up,

It's not nice though seeing old fat bald farang with girls who could be the grand daughters,IMHO,The farang must be living in cuckoo land if he thinks he will get a goddess as a wife,

That's my 2 pennies worth,now i have Lady of the Bar of the Highest kind but she is totally for real and totally commited;) ,

Maybe farang should find some girls from a respectable background :D,As Thais see BG's as not very high on the social scale :o That would be a good place for Johnny farang to start.

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