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Having babies in los


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Hi all,

I'm just curious as to whether any farang women have given birth in Thailand. No, I'm not pregnant, just very interested.

Do you think the quality of post & pre natal care is the same as in Europe, USA, Australia etc? & what about if there was complications with the birth, would you feel confortable with a doctor & nurses who didn't speak the same 1st language as you?

Comments, thoughts, experiences?????

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From a guy's point of veiw:  Medicine and surgery has a international code, it's called patient care, and after 24 years working in a UK A&E ward I have some experience on this subject.

Thai Doctors and Natal Clinic personell are usually trained in Hospitals abroad on an exchange basis, depends on the part of country you are having your child, and 99% of exchange staff from Asia are so dedicated to the studies in comparision to home student Doctors & Nurses it at times is embarrassing!

My advice would be to take out a Bupa health cover which is reconised throughout all Hospitals in Thailand so you are given access to the best care.

Children are so precious in any country because of their vuneralbilty and just take a look around in Thailand the fuss a newly born baby creates in public just to see how precious the Thai's veiw this.

Well I'm just a guy......



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From another guy's perspective:

If you really want to be very confortable, the top hospital in Bangkok, will have all the staff that you need to interact with in perfect english ... they look like hotel ... but $$$$.

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Below are some links I've found in my previous browse around the net about having a baby in Thailand.  I don't know how good they are, but they might give you some idea.



If I were a farang, and were not so sure about the standard then I would go to a private hospital rather than a state run one.  The cost may put people off though.  I think there shouldn't be anything to worry about as sevinnow pointed out.

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hi Got interested in this topic.  My girl in Thailand wants to get pregnant for me and she wants me to have a baby around as a family.   I would like to know more of how Thais think of babies and children overall be it a foreigner or a Thai.  Would like to know about this in more detail so I can get ready for what is yet to come.    :blues:
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Hello everyone,     I thought I would reply here to tell about my experience.I am an Australian woman and I gave birth to my son in Bangkok last year.He was born at Rajavithi Hospital,which is a Government Public hospital. I chose this hospital because my Thai partner suggested it,and the costs are not so high as the Private hospitals.There is a lot that I could write about my birth experience,because it was horrible.Firstly,my partner or mother could not be with me during the birth,there was no reason why,so I had no support.My legs and arms were tied down to the bed and I was physically assaulted and treated like an animal.There were about 10 or so nurses/doctors standing around making racist insults and threats to me.Among the things they said to me were: "You disgusting farang,you don't want us Thai peole to touch you because you think we are dirty".The staff made racist and personal insults to me,and hurt me physically.They treated me like a prisoner..If this had happened in my own country,I would have sued those responsible.When a woman gives birth,she has a right to be treated with care,compassion and trust,and to chose what happens to her own body.This just was not the case.It would seem the Thai women at the same hospital expected this as normal.What happened to me is not acceptable,and I hope there is change.I can only recommend to go to a Private Hospital in Thailand,and know your rights.                All the best to you
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Sun!  Why in the world did you go to that hospital?  If I had known, I would have told you to go to either of these two in Bangkok.  Yanhee Hospital or Bumrungrad.  These two cater literally for foreigners.  In fact I was at Yanhee for some surgery myself, and I received excellent treatment.  Please if any of these administrators on this forum are here make some kind of major post so that all expats can see it before moving or making such inquiries as to good hospitals.  Oh, even my girl who is a Thai, she told me no way will she go to that hospital herself and she is Thai.  I asked her why she said the treatment they give you is lowdown.  So there you go.  I just wished you never had this kind of experience.  So if something can be done lets hope the administrators such as Dr.Pat Pong put this out as a permanent main topic for the foreign men and women who need to find a good hospital without getting killed.  Mind you also Thais receive deep discounts for hospital bills, where as foreigners have to pay hefty fees, yet I was able to negotiate a price by getting a 15% discount at Yanhee being a tourist.  Also at same token I was told that had I had a Visa and staying in Thailand for long term I can qualify for the Thai Citizen rates.  This should be also noted.  Hope this reaches mainly to the women especially and any male that is an expat in time   :blues:
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I'm sorry to hear about the treatment you receive in Thailand.  That was totally unacceptable.

My mother, a Thai woman, who gave birth to me in a state run hospital would not accept that kind of treatment at all. Indeed they treated her very well.  The set of staff you've got are totally racist and  should not be given the job in the first place.  

Most Thai hospitals don't allow your partner to go into the delivery room as they see giving birth as 'women bussiness', so if any guys want to be with partners during the birth, they should make sure that is what they will get.  

I hope someone who can make a different will get to read your post, Sun, that is totally unacceptable.  If it was anything recent, you should get your partner to make a complaint to the hospital.  

A Thai woman would not accept this sort of treatment.  My mum certainly did not.  I actually got to meet a doctor who delivered me a while ago and she was very nice to us.  It should not matter whether you are a farang or a Thai.

If in doubt, go for a private hospital, that's all I can say.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Sun,

Sorry to read of your Experience.

Can you tell us how long ago that was please?

Did you complain to the Hospital Administration

or the Ministry of Health ?

If so what was the outcome?

If you chose not to complain - can you say why?

What was used to tie your Limbs?

What was the Nature of the "Physical Assaults"

It might be painful for you to recall -

but I think you should tell more.

Your experience was obviously awful

and should be given more publicity.

BTW - where is that Hospital ?


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Generalising, I very much Admire

Thai's Attitudes towards Children.

Not only their own Children,

but Children of complete strangers.

When I grew up in England - I was

taught to give up my seat on a bus

to Elderly people.

I notice here in Bangkok that

Adults give up their seats to

Children ...


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people simply don't believe me when I tell them many Thai people are racist ####### bigots with a smile on thier face.  Unfortunately, I speak thai and can listen to this evil Thai supremacist crap on the radio.  

One of my girlfriends is a nurse a Bangkok Christian Hospital.  She is a geat woman (even if it did turn out she was married).  I am passing your story along to her.   I love you kid, and your kid too.

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Hi SamuiSam,

It's a good point you make about the rascism in Thaialnd. I truly beleive that the thai government don't want us staying long term in their country & only want us to come, spend our money & leave.

The fees for all immigration purposes have just been put up to such an unblievable amount that anyone now wishing to become a resident if married to a thai, have to pay nearly 100,000 baht to do so, it was previously nearer 30,000 baht.

I believe the cost for a residency permit to the states is only 400 dollars (about 20,000 baht) & similar price to the UK, so how can they justify such an increase?

On another point, does anyone know how you would go about complaining about the poor servive Sun rec'd whilst giving birth & if the complaint would be taken seriously, or would it just make problems for her & her family?

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I do believe, i do believe.  Wish you would have seen the other forum, under the visa side.  Seems we got split forums on the same subject or its similarities.  I got nailed for being expressive.  Sigh!   Didn't realize any subject of Royal is Taboo.  I wonder about FREEDOM IN THAILAND.  Thai people being racist against foreigners, gawd, and true unless your rich, the Government not want you on their land.  Wonder, this all sounds too familiar, scratching my head, but light bulb burned out. Which government is trying to best the other in doing people control?  USA or Thailand?  I wonder.  :blues:
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Here is the reply from my nurse friend at BKK Christian Hospital to Sun's letter,

  Hi Sam,

      I want to say sorry for Australian woman. I know about this


It's belong goverment also

  and reason why they gave a bad treatment for her. I think,it's not


even she's not Thai people.

  In my job, I never do something like that. Please understand me

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hello, to Roger13-my son was born there in Rajavithi Hospital in August 2002.I never complained to the hospital or anywhere because I thought it wouldn't have made any difference.Who could I have complained to? not the hospital,obviously because they were the ones who treated me this way.They have their policies on how they treat women who give birth,and they are not interested in womens rights.They used cloth and sheets to tie me and also the nurses held my arms back,while they assaulted me.By physical assault I mean they hurt me with sharp objects when I bsaid to them to stop.One nurse used  what she said was cats urine on me in the second stage of labor,I couldn't believe it.I was in horrible pain,because of what the were doing to me,and I was screaming no and stop,but it only got worse.My mother was some way down the hall and heard me yelling,she was disgusted,and tried to get to me but they stopped her.Why was that?Because they didn't want her to see and stop them from what they were doing.That's nothing to do with birth being womens business.Rajavithi Hospital is right at the Victory Monument in Bangkok.Anyway,I'm just glad my son and I were ok,but I had some bad health complication after the birth.Also all women at this hospital,and probably all other public ones,don't have the choice to have their birth the way they want,in Thailand.Simply,women do not have the basic rights that are normal in Australia,US,etc.                     Also samuisam,what you say is very true.Don't judge a thing until you know whats inside it,even if it has a nice smile.
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Breaking News Gang, guess what was in the paper today on Bangkok Post.  Thailand paid off their debt to the IMF, but the real scoop was in a paragraph, outlying their grandiose plans concerning the foreigners that are in Thailand.  They are going to do away with foreigners owning Condos and also apartments, and they are going to forbid any of us owning anything here in Thailand.  The businesses are now being threatened.  All of us foreigners here in Thailand are now in danger of losing our investments.  They are going to ban us from owning businesses of over 49% and this same business that has property we will not own the property that the business is sitting on.  Bottom line is Thailand is going to strip just about everything to foreigners here and they now have the ability to do so because the IMF agreement is no longer being enforced since the debt is paid off.

The only reason we got such ability to own a condo or an apartment here is because the IMF forced the Thailand government to make such gesture in exchange for that huge loan.

If you not believe me, buy the Bangkok Post dated August 1st, 2003.  Read it.

Please pass this warning to all Expiates in this forum.  If you got a business here, BEWARE  and get ready to sell out or you will lose whatever you have in Thailand once they get finished drafting the new rules and laws within this month or next.  It is expected that the new rules and laws will take effect on January 1st 2004.  Especially those owning any Condos and or Apartments.   All of us will lose this ownership shortly. And also any leases so done by foreigners will also be changed to reflect the new rules thus preventing us from even obtaining any leases of any kind. 

George and Dr. Pat Pong, and Boo, and my dear friends, we EXPIATES  are now in deep trouble.   Thailand is closing the doors on us PERMANENTLY.

Last word  I received is the Non-Immigrant B Visas will be abolished and become not existent within the near future.  It is also understood that the method of having a Thai National support us is also going to be phased out and also not exist.  Bottom line it will not matter if we are married to a Thai National or not, they are going to doom us and kill the golden eggs.


I also got word today that they are going to phase out the 1 year visas and the 6 month visas.  They are only going to allow just the 90 day visas and this will be good for only 4 renewals.    After that we cannot get another visa for 1 year.  Currently they are starting the 6 month wait before re-entry, but now they are going to add another 6 months to it to make it a year.  This will also apply to the Retired individuals too.  

Just like I made the prediction 3 months ago of this happening, and now it is actually truly beginning to take shape and become a reality.

So my question to all of you.   What are we going to do now?

:o  :D  ???   :blues:

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Hi Dave Yo,

First how is your Wife?

I hope she is well & discharged from Bumrungrad?

With regard to the IMF story - Funny - I thought

I read that in the Bangkok Post today

but did not read about having to give up

Condos that had been Purchased

- I will read it again more carefully ...

By the way - what has the IMF

got to do with having Babies in LOS?

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Roger, Actually this was the only forum that the darn computers let me put in a comment while I was in Bangkok.  The puters there are so slow, worse than a turtle walk.  Anyway as to the rest of the comments I made that came from other sources, and from a Thai official who was in Bumrungrad Hospital for an ailment, who had direct connection of some inside dealings.  Cannot mention his name here cause he requested it or its his goose neck that gets stretched further.  We have to find out what the 11 laws that were imposed upon Thailand from the IMF in 1997.  Once we know that, that will tell you and I and everybody the story which includes the condos and the leases and ownerships etc. including the businesses.   As of me sigh, I wished I did get married in time, but my Thai wife to be found out her ID got expired, and when she posed for the new one, the computer blew itself up and no pic or ID ever developed.  We both all set and wanted to be married, but  :o what can i say.  Just the drop of the luck.  As of the Hospital stay, lucky for her and I that she got the help in time.  Bumrungrad is absolutely terrific.  The service wow beats America any time of day or night.  Will be submitting it to the Emergency site shortly.   :blues:
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  • 1 month later...

Dear all.  I am a english chick married to a thai guy.  3 years ago I had my daughter in krabi government hospital.  I had heard some horror stories from this hospital such as people go in and come out dead or with their appendix out whatever etc.  Previously i paid 3000bt to my doctor who I had been with throughout the pregnancy and he attended me in the hospital.  Back then my thai was minimal, so couldnt communicate very well.  Men are not usually allowed in so I was on my own and it was my first child so naturally I did not know what was going on.  eventually when serious labour pains were going on i did not want to lie down as the thais were doing and couldnt keep quiet like the thai women. I kept moving around leaning etc as you do, but was getting quiote fed up with the pain - they obviously did not know what I was doing as they let my husband in eventually!  THen i asked for a emergency cesarian and they called my doctor and he performed it and I then had a daughter.  

Doctors here mostly have ability to perform surgery in their chosen field and I trusted him - when it came to the hospital doctors not so sure.  So if your not sure check with your 'gp'. Good lucki

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