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Free Food, Free Drinks, Free Laughter... An Invitation


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Your Highnesses, Your Excellencies, My Lords and Ladies, Respected Members of the Clergy, Boys and Girls, Children of all ages...

Firstly let me say what great pleasure and an honour for me to be able to invite you to this very special occasion: the 4th Annual Friends of the Gay Forums Invitational Curling Banquet and Swap-meet.

The details are below.

Every year, this invitation is graciously extended to the nobility of the Gay Internet Realm from near and from afar, allowing us opportunity to shew forth our best manners and best representations of the fashion and formality of the truly cultured. How delighted I will be to welcome all the distinguished guests from within the Borough and beyond who will join us in celebration.

It will be wonderful to see you all here in our beautiful town on that splendid day.

Our most elegant forum event of the year, The Gay Forums Gathering has a loyal and devoted annual following among the local aristocracy and also attracts distinguished guests from afar. As always, this event will be a splendid affair and it will be a great pleasure to enjoy the dress, manners, and conversation of the nobility of our own Forums posters.

The assembly will attract persons of as fine a calibre as to be found in any gathering in the realm.

This social occasion will be filled with splendour, elegance and intrigue - Is that homintern? Which one is Hedda? - and we will have the renewed pleasure of meeting both familiar and new acquaintances, the nobility of Pattaya, Bangkok and elsewhere. The entire afternoon will be charming, especially after the 3rd or 4th adult beverage is imbibed.

There are several protocols mandatory at the gathering...

Sir, madame, and other appropriate titles should be used as well as please and thank you. Bows and curtseys are good form when being introduced or before or after a dance. Compliments and encouragement are signs of grace and respect.

Conversations between gentlemen on volatile subjects such as hydra posters or Sunee Plaza may be animated and passionate but never crude or base.

We attract a very gracious, higher class group of ladies and gentlemen to our yearly event. All are expected to behave with the manners, decorum, tastefulness, grace, respect and gratitude appropriate to genteel manners, behavior, and appearances. This high level of respect and gentility is expected not only in person but also in communications such as posting on the Internet or personal messages.

Gracious and respectful conduct and conversation are expected of all, to all, and at all times.

Unfortunately, there have been circumstances when harassment, threats, coarse comments or other obnoxious behaviour were displayed by forum members and, regretfully, one such a person who has egregiously abused other posters is no longer welcome.


It is my pleasure to invite you to The 4th Annual All Gay Forums Orthinological Palaeontology Seminar to be held between 4 and 7 PM on Saturday, December 1, 2007 at Corner Bar in Sunee Plaza, Pattaya, Thailand.

The Event

A gathering of Friends of Gay Forums with adult beverages, scintillating conversation, and, best of all, bonhomie

The Place

Corner Bar

Sunee Plaza, Pattaya

The Time and Date

4 o'clock - 7 o'clock

Saturday, December 1st, 2007

There will be an open bar and buffet happily provided by Rainwalker in gratitude for the cogent information and good times so freely provided by the folks that contribute to the forums in the spirit of knowing that we are stronger together than alone.

The event takes place during the Pattaya Gay Festival Final Four Days: November 29th - December 2, 2007. Visit the PGF website by clicking here.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I went to a similar shindig a while back and it was full of old men talking about young men. I found a lot of the convesations most disturbing. Sunee Plaza attracts an unsavoury crowd most of the time looking for onething.

If I have the time ill go and report back here if similar goings on take place.

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I went to a similar shindig a while back and it was full of old men talking about young men. I found a lot of the convesations most disturbing. Sunee Plaza attracts an unsavoury crowd most of the time looking for onething.

If I have the time ill go and report back here if similar goings on take place.

If the conversation doesn't suit you, perhaps you should change the subject to something more your style.

A short list of possible topics could include:

  • Socks and Sandals: A Fierce Fashion Statement or the First Step to a Zimmer Frame?
  • Boyztown: Should it have been called Boistown?
  • Jomtien Plaza: A Gateway to Hades?
  • Pan Pan Restaurant: Is it really the Church of the Pastafarians?

Really, all you have to do, as when you go to any party, is engage some folks in conversation more to your style. The enjoyment you will experience will be directly proportional to your ability to start a conversation.

And as it is a reasonably well attended do, I assume there are people who have a good time without their sensibilities being offended.

Better luck on at the next one to be held on December 1st.

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Really, AlexLah, have you never been to the circus? Have you never heard the Ringmaster open the show by saying into the microphone "Ladies & gentlemen, boys & girls, children of all ages……."???

Are you not aware that you are at the circus now?

It is apparent that your sensibilities are too delicate for this forum and I would like to suggest that you continue your posting career at http://www.sanrio.com/activities/.

It is the home of Hello Kitty and a site that might suit your style more.


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Hey… there are always a few young charmers in the plaza and I certainly hope our gracious and esteemed host sees fit to invite a few in for a Sarsaparilla or two. I mean, this is an equal opportunity party isn’t it? Or will the place be crawling with thought-police questioning everybody’s glance, motive and move? Is this a Vatican sponsored event and does it have a Jesuit Imprimatur? I know all the local boys hope it does!

But in all honesty, I must warn you that if I see even one boy under five drinking hard booze, or otherwise “abusing” himself, I’ll leave in a big huff.

Rainwalker, thanks for the invitation and keep up all your great postings here and elsewhere. I always look forward to what you have to say, and there are only a couple of posters I can say that about.

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