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Dizziness And Headache


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In the past there used to be discussion about the "radiance" (I am not sure if this is the correct English word) of mobile phones, which could be harmful.

I would like to know, does it also make a difference in "radiance" which network you use, for instance AIS or ORANGE, in the sense of being maybe harmful for your physical health ?

I ask this because I started to feel dizziness and headache after changing from AIS to ORANGE. These symptoms ofcourse can have many causes, but I just wonder if it can be caused by the network change.

Anyone who knows ?

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pb it is unlikely, orange work at 1800mhz and ais at 900mhz here in the uk orange runs at a lesser phone power 0.6watt compared to 2 watt than the other networks but has more transmiters. in thailand this might not be the case in which the phone might be on full power at all times .........have you noticed a decrease in the battery life of your phone. this is really the only explanation, other than damage around the antenna section of your phone. or is it that you are just using your phone for longer periods........


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PB - There have been quite a few scientific studies related to radiation from cell (moble) phones possibly causing brain damage (tumors) over time.

The following links provide more information.

Hold the Phone? Radiation from cell phones hurts rats' brains.

Electromagnetic Fields and Human Health

It is interesting to note that, many of the scientists doing these cell-phone radiation studies, limit their exposure by keeping the length of their calls short and distancing themselves from the cell-phone itself by using a hands-free headset.

Talking about todays world, which is full of microwaves, one neuroscientist commented:

"You have to ask yourself, How much can people handle before it becomes a significant problem?"

Your dizziness and headaches could be from many causes. If they persist, consult with your doctor.

Good luck.

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Non-ionizing radiation (aka radio waves) expose you according to an "inverse square" law. What this means is, when you move the source of the radiation (in this case the cell phone) 2 times further away than it was, the radiation is reduced by 2-squared, or 4 times reduction.

So, you move that cell phone two inches away from your brain instead of one inch - and the radiation received is 4 times less. Keep moving it away by using a "hands-free" extension, and you have significantly reduced your exposure, as has been mentioned above.

The cell phone industry will claim to the end of time, that exposure will not cause you harm. The tobacco industry has done the same. My advice is to do what you can to limit exposure. Especially exposure right against your brain. While not statistically significant, I know someone who was a constant cell phone user - they ended up with a brain tumor right at the side of the head where they placed the cell phone. Who really knows (and can prove) the correlation?


p.s. I've also stopped carrying my cell phone in my front pants pocket. :o

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