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Bad Manners From Different Cultures,


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I must admit that what really pisses me off in Pattaya is bad manners from people who look Arabic /middle eastern appearance.

The way they drive their rented motorbikes fast down sois with no concern for anyone else.

Also persons of Indian/bangladeshi appearance who have pushed in front of me at the airport and at 7/11 s.

The arabs seem to do it with arrogance as if your not even there.

The arabs push in front of you like its their right to get to the counter first,so when this happened at the airport check out line i confronted the f-wit and told him to get behind me not in front,and he got aggro but didnt move.

I spoke to several farangs here who tell me the young hoons on the motorbikes arent arabs but young israelis?

My Thai friend also has probs with these young middle eastern guys who cut him off in traffic etc.

Last April i was walking thru soi yensabai at about 2am in the morning in a lonely soi when i saw a young arab going that fast over the speedbump he went over the handles.

He looked up at me and i was tempted to walk over there and shout at him but i walked off,only a lone security guard helped him.

These middle eastern are very bad mannered,arrogant and wont say thankyou when you open a door for them.

There are signs up at different places in pattaya,signs which are racist i believe,i saw signs "no russians allowed to hire motobikes",no arabs allowed" etc etc.

im sorry if im sounding racist but correct my friend,are these young hooligans arabs or israelis?

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I think there are certain cultures that appear rude to other cultures. Can't say whether Im being too sensitive but I find Russians and Isrealis extremely unpleasant, loud, arrogant and pushy. I have met Midde easterners who have been extremely charming but others that have been astonishingly rude and ill mannered. The problem I have had with many Indians and Pakistanis is a combination of what I see as boorish aggression and dishonesty in business as well as an enormous conceitedess and dishonesty from the middle and upper classes in general. And I can never quite work out why they often seem to attempt to get away with obvious lies when they are so obviously transparent. I think I basically hate most people nowadays, but some more than others. And this feeling seems to be increasing as I get older. Or could it be that as the world gets more crowded and as people travel more and we encounter more and more "new money" we just come more and more into contact with what previously we woudnt have bothered getting bothered about. But when its there in your face all the time, no esacpe from it, then you become more sensitive. Even at home in the UK there seem to be so many more people that I become increasingly irritable and less tolerant of irritating and inconsiderate and noisy neighbours and other people I unfortuately encounter.

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well......................maybe they are israelis then,because there too dark skinned to be russians.

its not there personality,its the way they seem to not care the way they ride their motorbikes,its like they couldnt care less if they hit you or not.

But thats just it. It is their personanility. Their personality is to not care, to be inconsiderate. The riding of the motorbike without consideration, the pushing in queues, the pushiness in general, the lying, the greed....its all ME, ME, ME at ANY COST. Perhaps a result of centuries of a culture steeped in a dog eat dog world eradicates consideratio for others. And so when the walls come down and easy travel is available, guess what, many people find them to be vile, inconsiderate, dangerous and dishonest. The clashes of cultures and religions has been created by movement of people in an over populated world.

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well......................maybe they are israelis then,because there too dark skinned to be russians.

its not there personality,its the way they seem to not care the way they ride their motorbikes,its like they couldnt care less if they hit you or not.

But thats just it. It is their personanility. Their personality is to not care, to be inconsiderate. The riding of the motorbike without consideration, the pushing in queues, the pushiness in general, the lying, the greed....its all ME, ME, ME at ANY COST. Perhaps a result of centuries of a culture steeped in a dog eat dog world eradicates consideratio for others. And so when the walls come down and easy travel is available, guess what, many people find them to be vile, inconsiderate, dangerous and dishonest. The clashes of cultures and religions has been created by movement of people in an over populated world.

Israelis are well-known even to their own countrymen to be arrogant and boorish. I heard some time ago that Israel had set up a school or something to teach their own tourists how to behave when abroad. Just do a google serach for 'israeli tourist manners'. I think that's at least 1 reason for the middle eastern conflict.

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I work in India so I have become accustomed to people pushing in front of me at shops, airports, and on the road. It seems that everyone does it so I don’t let it wind me up. Over 100,000 road deaths a year speaks realms for their driving abilities.

I do however get wound up by it when I am out of India but instead of directly confronting the offending individual I take other action like stepping on the back of their heel just above the shoe (very painful :D ) then apologising profusely when they turn round. I was rudely pushed in front of and interrupted by an Indian gentleman while I was enquiring as to why my flight was delayed in Dubai. He placed his bag of expensive duty free chocolates on the floor in front of me so I stepped on them with my size 10 foot…he was most unhappy, but hey accidents happen right. :o:D

You might be right about the new money, as many Indians will queue in an orderly fashion at the departure gate (presumably experienced travellers) while others (presumably the new money) will just join the queue at the gate. On the other hand I have worked in Hong Kong where they have been affluent for decades and they are even worse than the Indians.

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Not all people from the middle East are like that. I've lived there and have met all types. You think all Thais are so lovely? Yet, we dream of living in Thailand and/or coming as much as we can. My advice would be to not live in south Pattaya. Central near Carrefour and Naklua have more expats and less middle Eastern or Russian tourists. Much quieter and little to no riff raff. I'm by an elementary school near Carrefour. It doesn't get much quieter.

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As for Indians, Pakistanis, Bngladeshis....yes, in my experience they can be quite insensitive to others....but remember, you wouldn't get anywhere in their home countries by being patient and courteous. Worst case, you'd probably either starve or be trampled to death. It's a survival technique in most cases that has by now become a reflex response.

The obnoxious exceptions are the wealthy who just are just plain rude, inconsiderate and abusive. Once had a blazer-wearing businessman try to jump the queue at check-in. I said to him very loudly "Did your mother teach you your bad manners ?". Another good line, again said very loudly is "do you own this airline ?" (rarely you'll get a yes answer). "NO, then get to the back of the queue."

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My Thai friend also has probs with these young middle eastern guys who cut him off in traffic etc.

Considering how the Thais ride, it's surprising that anyone is even complaining about the others.

If you want to enjoy riding in Pattaya it's better to develop a slightly aggressive manner. I never have any hassles with middle eastern guys on the road.

The only guys that tend to cut in front of me are the motorcycle taxis guys.

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I run a chain of bookshops and work behind the desk and deal with people from all over the world everyday and on a one on one basis I don't find any "culture" to be ruder than any other except on a very superficial level. Almost every country has some assh*les, but they seem pretty evenly distributed to me. :o

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"Plus"...good point. Ulysses, we dont have time to give people the benefit of the doubt. There are simply too many people for that. I like to have some idea of what to expect from a person. So the type of classification we have discussed in the thread is very useful. If I see an Isreali or Russian I anticipate rudeness and arrogance. From Indians, lying and queue pushing. From Middle Easterners its not clear cut enough. I agree that they are likely to be reckless and dangerous drivers but we need to analyse them more to identify their basic personaility types. There are others too, Africans for example and Latin Americans. I think I will simply asume dishonest and potentially dangerous in both cases as a default, until further clarification is made. I would appreciate some more input from others here. There is a lot of work to do here but I think it will be worthwhile. We havent even started with Germans yet. Nor Greeks and the Italians.

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I must admit that what really pisses me off in Pattaya is bad manners from people who look Arabic /middle eastern appearance.

The way they drive their rented motorbikes fast down sois with no concern for anyone else.

Also persons of Indian/bangladeshi appearance who have pushed in front of me at the airport and at 7/11 s.

The arabs seem to do it with arrogance as if your not even there.

The arabs push in front of you like its their right to get to the counter first,so when this happened at the airport check out line i confronted the f-wit and told him to get behind me not in front,and he got aggro but didnt move.

I spoke to several farangs here who tell me the young hoons on the motorbikes arent arabs but young israelis?

My Thai friend also has probs with these young middle eastern guys who cut him off in traffic etc.

Last April i was walking thru soi yensabai at about 2am in the morning in a lonely soi when i saw a young arab going that fast over the speedbump he went over the handles.

He looked up at me and i was tempted to walk over there and shout at him but i walked off,only a lone security guard helped him.

These middle eastern are very bad mannered,arrogant and wont say thankyou when you open a door for them.

There are signs up at different places in pattaya,signs which are racist i believe,i saw signs "no russians allowed to hire motobikes",no arabs allowed" etc etc.

im sorry if im sounding racist but correct my friend,are these young hooligans arabs or israelis?

Is there any country where you can do a loud belch without offence ? Edited by mikethevigoman
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Is there any country where you can do a loud belch without offence ?

There is some South Pacific culture (sorry, I can't recall which right now...) where a big belch after a meal is the highest compliment you can give the chef.

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"Plus"...good point. Ulysses, we dont have time to give people the benefit of the doubt. There are simply too many people for that. I like to have some idea of what to expect from a person. So the type of classification we have discussed in the thread is very useful. If I see an Isreali or Russian I anticipate rudeness and arrogance. From Indians, lying and queue pushing. From Middle Easterners its not clear cut enough. I agree that they are likely to be reckless and dangerous drivers but we need to analyse them more to identify their basic personaility types. There are others too, Africans for example and Latin Americans. I think I will simply asume dishonest and potentially dangerous in both cases as a default, until further clarification is made. I would appreciate some more input from others here. There is a lot of work to do here but I think it will be worthwhile. We havent even started with Germans yet. Nor Greeks and the Italians.

Can u add the Scotch and Ozzies bastards to the list?

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