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Akha And Dog Remark


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uptheos noted

I personally know two Akha people putting themselves through university and I know some hard working Akha people. I also know some Akha people in Doi Wawi who don't have running water and subsequently 'whiff' a bit. But to say this disguusting remark about all Akha is insulting and I'm extremely surprised at the moderaters for letting it go.

Just because one is an advanced member doesn't give that person the right to pin racist comments on this blogsite!!

Just to set the record straight here for those here who may not be familiar with the highland minority cultures, my comment about the dogs and the Akha was not intended to be an insult to the Akha people and I apologize for those who took my tongue-in-cheek humor to infer that I was making disparaging remarks about the Akha. I have had Akha friends for over 25 years now, although the one and only time I was at Wawi was around 1983 and it was still a trek to get there. I lived for several years in a village that neighbors two other Akha villages along the Chiang Mai-Chiang Rai border area. I have slept many a night in my Akha friend's homes without noticing anything odorous about my hosts.

But back when I was living up in the hills, my Akha neighbors enjoyed eating dog meat, and the dogs in the village I was living in were able to smell the Akha approaching and would begin to howl. One always knew when the Akha neighbors were coming to visit several minutes before they arrived. But I, as a scent challenged humanoid, was never able to smell anything out of the ordinary.

I would hope that those who are familiar with highland cultures will see my post in the humorous manner for which it was intended, and again apologies to those who did not get the joke.

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uptheos noted
I personally know two Akha people putting themselves through university and I know some hard working Akha people. I also know some Akha people in Doi Wawi who don't have running water and subsequently 'whiff' a bit. But to say this disguusting remark about all Akha is insulting and I'm extremely surprised at the moderaters for letting it go.

Just because one is an advanced member doesn't give that person the right to pin racist comments on this blogsite!!

Just to set the record straight here for those here who may not be familiar with the highland minority cultures, my comment about the dogs and the Akha was not intended to be an insult to the Akha people and I apologize for those who took my tongue-in-cheek humor to infer that I was making disparaging remarks about the Akha. I have had Akha friends for over 25 years now, although the one and only time I was at Wawi was around 1983 and it was still a trek to get there. I lived for several years in a village that neighbors two other Akha villages along the Chiang Mai-Chiang Rai border area. I have slept many a night in my Akha friend's homes without noticing anything odorous about my hosts.

But back when I was living up in the hills, my Akha neighbors enjoyed eating dog meat, and the dogs in the village I was living in were able to smell the Akha approaching and would begin to howl. One always knew when the Akha neighbors were coming to visit several minutes before they arrived. But I, as a scent challenged humanoid, was never able to smell anything out of the ordinary.

I would hope that those who are familiar with highland cultures will see my post in the humorous manner for which it was intended, and again apologies to those who did not get the joke.

Your original post may have been an attempt at humour on your part but was interpreted by many including myself as being a racist remark and consequently not acceptable on the forum. The thread was closed and should have been left alone.

You have now opened a second thread in an attempt to play down the fact that what you said was wrong and derogatory. My advice to you is to accept it for what it is, and move on. Leave this thread alone and learn that not everything we write or think will be understood or accepted in the way we intended. We have all made mistakes on the forum due to poor or inappropriate judgement.

As far as I am concerned this thread is closed and not to be continued

Crow Boy

Moderating Team

Thai Visa

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