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I am looking for young chicks or furtile eggs for Turkeys,Chickens,Geese.

Especially Turkeys as we already have some but require more stock.

I know it is possible to buy from the market in Bangkok but we would prefer stock that can be verified.

Please PM me if you can help...


A Thai guy asked the similar question as you at the website of Animal Husbandry Division, Department of Livestock Development. And the webmaster replied that he can call to Animal Husbandry Division, Bkk and they will tell you where you can find turkey eggs and goose eggs in Bkk.

Tel. 0-2653-4922

Other places near BKK that you can buy eggs /chicks are

Turkeys+eggs -

Animal Husbandry reserch center Tubgwang

A.Meung Saraburi 18000

Tel.036) 357-362 (Mon-Fri)

ศูนย์วิจัยบำรุงพันธุ์สัตว์ทับกวาง อ.เมือง จ.สระบุรี 18000 โทร. (036) 357-362 ในวันและเวลาราชการ


Poultry Research and Development Institute

Gabinburi Prachinburi

Tel.(037) 213-827

สถาบันวิจัยสัตว์ปีก อ.กบินทร์บุรี จ.ปราจีนบุรี โทร. (037) 213-827 ในวันและเวลาราชการ


Know of any sources up here in CM for young chicks [of the 'falang'? egg laying variety]???....not the skinny, wild local variety.

i have been following a post on the CM forum and haven't seen any definate sources mentioned.

also, Bambi....maybe you could confirm what varities are the most common for commercial egg production here. from what i've seen, they resemble rhode island reds and/or barred rocks. both laying brown eggs.

  • 1 year later...

Hi Everyone,

I'm also looking for some day-old chicks. I'd prefer a western breed. Can anyone point me in the right direction please, I live in Chiang Mai. Also, does anyone know where I can find an animal feed store please? I've asked around a lot and even my Thai friends don't seem to know? Thanks guys, appreciate any help you can give me. :)

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