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I Hate Those "sound" Trucks


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While not being an Australian, it is a country I dearly love ... second only to my home.

Today while sitting on my balcony one of those stupid sound trucks went past bearing the logo of an

Aussie themed beer bar and blasting out "Tie me kangeroo down sport" and "Waltzing Matilda"

While one is accepted as a quasi national anthem, the other is likely to cause most Aussies to cringe.

If this "Bar Beer" (one of ten thousand) has any Aussie connections, I suggest you get real ... because

with this sort of advertising you just look really daft !.


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I have an intense dislike for the 40-50 year old foreigners in their BLACK Fotuners, window down and arm resting on the window edge...........music blaring and all the blue neon lights all over.

I mean.............whats with the blue neons?

They wouldn,t do it back home because everyone would laugh and think " what a tw*at "

Guess what? You,re a <deleted> here too. :o

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I might have misunderstood, but I thought you meant you hated the idea of the pickup trucks dressed up in "cute" side skirts, blearing out music and all sorts of messages, all the while slowing traffic to a crawl, with obvious dangerous consequences. Same as the "haa baht" veggie and sundry truck at 7 in the morning.

But you focussed on the specific message. Please allow me to highjack your thread for a couple of moments for a personal rant. Thanks!

I think eventually people will tire of this practice, and have it banned and removed from the streets. There is an awful lot of noise pollution all around us, I am just back from a few days in Bangkok, and jeez, noise everywhere. Even in the Bumrungrad hospital, music blearing from hundreds of speakers.

Rant over!

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Not a problem Mea...

This one probably annoyed me more than most because I could undestand the blasted din they were making.

Anyway, I hate them all with a vengence, which is why I always carry half a pocketfull of calthrops :o


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You pay for the music, you can play the music at volume 11 and that's the law!

My soi, Soi Arunotai (across from Carrefour) has installed speakers on some of the light poles. The taped ads begins blaring at 16:30 each day rain or shine. Then there's the lemon trucks blaring their 5 baht lemons at 22:30 without repent in that odd robotic voice. It's just another TiT example. Love it or leave it.

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Today while sitting on my balcony one of those stupid sound trucks went past bearing the logo of an

Aussie themed beer bar and blasting out "Tie me kangeroo down sport" and "Waltzing Matilda"

While one is accepted as a quasi national anthem, the other is likely to cause most Aussies to cringe.

Why does "Waltzing Matilda" make most Aussies cringe?

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i believe Westerner is talking about a FORTUNER not a fotuner and regardless of the age/nationality of the drivers and wether they have window down or up, music on or not, i personally like to see someone express a little individuality by adding some non standard extras to any vehicle. if its only a nice set of wheels or wether the wind blows them in the direction of blue neon then so be it, in my opinion its better that, then to be just another drone in a brand indistinguishable jelly mould designed car. in my book its three cheers for those who want to be different from the rest and dance to the beat of their own drum. long live gold lame bicycleman, red indian guy, painting with beard guy, the pattaya maori and all individuals everywhere.

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I saw that truck going around Pattaya last weekend. It was advertising a place called Outback and I never quite caught whether it is a bar or restaurant or it's location. I know there are two Outback grills in KL and they are part of an American chain so maybe they are moving into Pattaya. Anyway be thankful it was only one sound truck, during the same time there was a convoy of three advertising something or other. I couldn't be ar5ed trying to find out what it was.

Why would Waltzing Matilda make Aussies? Well it is Thailand and it is being sung by Rolf Harris.

btw if it is Outback grill they are advertising I wouldn't bother going there. The food is below average pub grub quality, IMO, and probably will be expensive by Thai standards.

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Last year there was a similar problem in Soi Neung Pleb Waan: a coming and passing of these sound-trucks with their bloody ads.

Obviously it's not allowed to market any kind of revenue in this way, and if the city council permits companies to advert in this way, crowded areas should be avoided.

Hint from the city council: if you see (hear) a truck causing this kind of noise-polution, phone 1337 and complain, because probably the trucks are off-track!!

Same for speaker systems surrounding a market area, promoting the fresh lobster or pink t-shirts.

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