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Thais Not Having It Easy In The Uk


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if a westerner works with no work permit in thailand he's thrown in jail fined and deported ,why should england be any different :o

PRECICELY .. Long live the reciprocity :D .. Npw if it can be twisted, in proper way to let thais know ..

Anyway wonder what would've happen to me , if i'd come here on a tourist visa & start working in the restaurant, & moreover using local thai medicare ... Don't think they pay 800 baht to speak to doc for 5 minutes in Bristol

Nope you're right. They may as well pay in Rupees, since the Dr is probably from India.

As for all the others who think there are too many "darkies" and other foreigners in ol' blighty....yes keep kidding yourself about how 'great' the place is. Just keep the country to yourself... Okay? Funny how these mental midgets like to blame their own pathetic existances with their crappy little jobs, their fat stupid kids, and their stupid little grungy neighbourhoods - on foreigners! (I'm not referring to you asiaworld -- an incidental post).

You know who's to blame for your pathetic life..don't pretend you don't - and it ain't foreigners! It's the people "above" you...But please yourself. "I'm just a cobber, Guv...see me cap in hand..?"

Edited by thaigene2
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  • 3 months later...

Can't rememeber the last time I read such an infuriating post. The MAN!!!!!! is 19, he is not a boy! He needs to sort himself out! Go back and apply for the appropriate visas etc. The mother has not just 'basically lost her son' what a stupid thing to say! he's not dead!!! he is not waiting to be executed for something he hasn't done!! as is happening in scores of countries right now. YOu need to get some sense of perspective!!!

And then the 'the foreigners are all stealing our jobs, we is bein robbed by the imigrunts....' 'oh the poor yoofs, they don't ave any 'ope at all'. Idiots!!!! Most of the people in the u.k. on benefits/unemployed don't want jobs, and wouldn't want to do the shit that the immmigrants do. In fact most benefit recievers get so much that they would loose money by taking these jobs. Now whose fault is that????

And before the same people that stoned a peadiatrician out of his house, 'Because it sounded like Peadophile', start complaining. I am sure there are some people who would take these jobs, but if you look around and take your eyes off your t.v. for more than five minutes you'll see the real state of what's going on.

So much nonsense in this post!

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Agree with the statement about Thaksin... how the heck does his family and himself get to stay in UK when perfectly legit Thai/UK families don't?

Quote from ABBA......'Money, Money, Money'

Sorry can't do a backward B on my keyboard. :o

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<br />
When the pair married a year later they brought Sakhon's two children, Ging and his sister Kanoklak, 15, over to the UK.
<br /><br />I suspect the roots of their problems would be found in a full explanation of how they brought their children to the UK and on what Visa.<br />
<br /><br />Yep, that would be my take on it.<br />
<br />Although not having the full story, I'm inclined to agree. The question in my mind was did this gent initiate steps to legally adopt his wife's children? If he had legally adopted the children (or at least started the process), and then brought them into the country on that basis, then I can't see where there would be an issue.<br /><br />I do believe that if immigrants go to work without a work permit and it gets discovered, it raises a big red flag with the Home Office and HM Revenue & Customs. Possibly he was in the country legally to live but without the permission to work. It's hard to say without the rest of the story.<br /><br />The comments from some of the local yocals make my skin crawl. While I've met a lot of really fantastic, qualified hard workers in my time here, I've also observed that for a sizeable chunk of the UK labor force, the work ethic is &lt;deleted&gt; or non-existent altogether. It's no different in the US. Most people that aren't working are either physically unable to work or they simply are too lazy and unmotivated to work. To add the anti-immigrant bias on top of that is just irrational. Why shouldn't an immigrant take a job that someone else doesn't want (legally of course)?<br /><br />Hopefully if the "stepson" is being deported, then it will not happen with "personna non grata" status so that there may be an opportunity for him to return at some point in the future.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

I've also observed that for a sizeable chunk of the UK labor force, the work ethic is &lt;deleted&gt; or non-existent altogether" But Thailands is?

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