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Laughing Newborn


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Within the first week of bringing our beautiful baby girl home, she laughs in her sleep! At first, it scared my wife! She is a firm believer in ghosts and was affraid the baby was possesed or something. I thought it was beautiful. Watching her smile and laugh in her sleep. She is definatly dreaming. She has rapid eye movement during these laughing spells.

She is now six weeks old and still laughs each time before she wakes up. I think she's laughing at us because we haven't had much sleep since she was born! But what ever she,s laughing about, it sure is beautiful.

My wife called her mother to ask about this, and the mother said, " It is an old Thai tradition for the grandparents who have died, to come and play with her while you both sleep".

Anyone heard of this 'Tradition" or belief? I don't believe in ghosts, but this is one my wife truly believes.

There are so many Thai beliefs, I cant remember them all! One thing, I'm glad our little bannana/flower boats we made, stuck together during there journey this past Loy katong holiday festival. Is there a good book or website about all these thai beliefs?

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Within the first week of bringing our beautiful baby girl home, she laughs in her sleep! At first, it scared my wife! She is a firm believer in ghosts and was affraid the baby was possesed or something. I thought it was beautiful. Watching her smile and laugh in her sleep. She is definatly dreaming. She has rapid eye movement during these laughing spells.

She is now six weeks old and still laughs each time before she wakes up. I think she's laughing at us because we haven't had much sleep since she was born! But what ever she,s laughing about, it sure is beautiful.

My wife called her mother to ask about this, and the mother said, " It is an old Thai tradition for the grandparents who have died, to come and play with her while you both sleep".

Anyone heard of this 'Tradition" or belief? I don't believe in ghosts, but this is one my wife truly believes.

There are so many Thai beliefs, I cant remember them all! One thing, I'm glad our little bannana/flower boats we made, stuck together during there journey this past Loy katong holiday festival. Is there a good book or website about all these thai beliefs?

Fantastic,. enjoy it dont question it !
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If the child has a birth mark, apparently some Thais believe it's a sign of resurrection. Strangely enough I saw a Discovery episode about the topic. People around the world who belive they have lived before have birthmarks, so there may be something in it.

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Within the first week of bringing our beautiful baby girl home, she laughs in her sleep! At first, it scared my wife! She is a firm believer in ghosts and was affraid the baby was possesed or something. I thought it was beautiful. Watching her smile and laugh in her sleep.

you lucky b@st@rd i envy you. this sounds indeed beautiful. best of luck to you and your family! :o

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i hope you have kept a video of this. It sounds really sweet and i hope it lasts a long time. I would love to see it!

Also would love to see this! Would she be Thai perhaps? ;-)

"I thought it was beautiful. Watching her smile and laugh in her sleep."

What on earth could she be laughing about?

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Within the first week of bringing our beautiful baby girl home, she laughs in her sleep! At first, it scared my wife! She is a firm believer in ghosts and was affraid the baby was possesed or something. I thought it was beautiful. Watching her smile and laugh in her sleep. She is definatly dreaming. She has rapid eye movement during these laughing spells.

She is now six weeks old and still laughs each time before she wakes up. I think she's laughing at us because we haven't had much sleep since she was born! But what ever she,s laughing about, it sure is beautiful.

My wife called her mother to ask about this, and the mother said, " It is an old Thai tradition for the grandparents who have died, to come and play with her while you both sleep".

Anyone heard of this 'Tradition" or belief? I don't believe in ghosts, but this is one my wife truly believes.

There are so many Thai beliefs, I cant remember them all! One thing, I'm glad our little bannana/flower boats we made, stuck together during there journey this past Loy katong holiday festival. Is there a good book or website about all these thai beliefs?

My wife has just told me that you have the ghost of a grandparent or close relative with you that only your daughter can see and is playing with her ,so you have 2 happy people with you,. :o
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Within the first week of bringing our beautiful baby girl home, she laughs in her sleep! At first, it scared my wife! She is a firm believer in ghosts and was affraid the baby was possesed or something. I thought it was beautiful. Watching her smile and laugh in her sleep. She is definatly dreaming. She has rapid eye movement during these laughing spells.

She is now six weeks old and still laughs each time before she wakes up. I think she's laughing at us because we haven't had much sleep since she was born! But what ever she,s laughing about, it sure is beautiful.

My wife called her mother to ask about this, and the mother said, " It is an old Thai tradition for the grandparents who have died, to come and play with her while you both sleep".

Anyone heard of this 'Tradition" or belief? I don't believe in ghosts, but this is one my wife truly believes.

There are so many Thai beliefs, I cant remember them all! One thing, I'm glad our little bannana/flower boats we made, stuck together during there journey this past Loy katong holiday festival. Is there a good book or website about all these thai beliefs?

Sheesh! More Thai mumbo jumbo. Just try to keep her happy and smiling and that is the best you can do. Don't worry, the relatives mean well :o

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If the child has a birth mark, apparently some Thais believe it's a sign of resurrection. Strangely enough I saw a Discovery episode about the topic. People around the world who belive they have lived before have birthmarks, so there may be something in it.

My wife told me about birth marks on babies. It is another one of hundreds of Thai superstitions. If a child dies (for any reason) the parents place a mark on the child in hopes that they can recognize them by the birthmark of a newly child born in their family. This has happened in her family with her cousins.

These superstitions are very real to my wife and her family. I have found them most interesting and beautiful. It is not something my wife openly discusses. Only when needed.

We had chosen our baby's name for months when out of nowhere just days before her birth, we had to pick a new one because her mother said the number of her name was not a good one! In fact, the name she has now, is spelled differently to make sure her number is a good one!

I think it is beautiful that so much thought is put into everything we do. I go with the flow in everything she decides is right. I will continue to do more research online about all these superstitions. Some are very interesting.

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If the child has a birth mark, apparently some Thais believe it's a sign of resurrection. Strangely enough I saw a Discovery episode about the topic. People around the world who belive they have lived before have birthmarks, so there may be something in it.

My wife told me about birth marks on babies. It is another one of hundreds of Thai superstitions. If a child dies (for any reason) the parents place a mark on the child in hopes that they can recognize them by the birthmark of a newly child born in their family. This has happened in her family with her cousins.

These superstitions are very real to my wife and her family. I have found them most interesting and beautiful. It is not something my wife openly discusses. Only when needed.

We had chosen our baby's name for months when out of nowhere just days before her birth, we had to pick a new one because her mother said the number of her name was not a good one! In fact, the name she has now, is spelled differently to make sure her number is a good one!

I think it is beautiful that so much thought is put into everything we do. I go with the flow in everything she decides is right. I will continue to do more research online about all these superstitions. Some are very interesting.

My wife and i go with you and your ideas,, it makes us feel warm inside to hear this and whether gooledegook or not we are in thailand so we can beleive in these things also if we choose, i find it very nice,.
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That is a very beautiful thing. Afro-Caribbean cultures have similar beliefs about babies and ancestors. Just enjoy it - she is blessed however you look at it. I hope she continues to laugh and smile for the rest of her life.

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Babys full of wind , for some reason Thai woman dont wind there babys or dont wind them properly .

No ghost , shes not laughing shes full of wind .


I think you are ! :o

New born/6 day old babys dont smile or laugh , first smile should be expected at 2 mths first laugh at 3 mths .

smiling / laughing 6 day old babys are full of wind .... :D


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Superstitions in Thai culture are passed down from generation to generation. These will be passed down to our baby girl in time. We respect our elders and listen to their beautiful stories. Our baby smiles and laughs not because she is in pain from wind, she is a happy girl! and, my mother is there with her. By the way, we will have cookies waiting for Santa on Christmas morning also :o

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I suppose my wife will relay age old Thai superstitions but I will balance the argument with logic and common sense which, along with an education will not have my daughter worried at upsetting ghosts or other rubbish. Religion will be balanced by common sense and if she wishes to believe it will be her decision, not hammered into her by her parents and society. For sure she would not give her last Bt20 to the temple but would use it for something more constructive, even if just a bowl of rice for her to eat.

She can listen to stories but she will know that they are not fact, merely the ramblings of an older and more simplistic generation.

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One other thing I remember from the discovery programme. The people who were reborn were people who had died prematurely. Killed or illness, there was one in the US where a woman's baby was born with a serious heart defect. Has the child grew up the child actually claimed to be his mother's father from a previous life. He had been a policeman who was shot in the heart and died as a result.

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It is said in the old Thai ways that the child does not yet belong to the parents for the first 7 days of life and that the spritis that visit the child are varied and many until the child has a soul of it's own. For this reason a child that dies within 7 days of birth is not granted a funeral. Also one of the spirits will adopt the child as a spritual grandmother, grandfather or elder that will actually protect the child from anything bad. For example my Daughter was saved from drowing in a swimming pool, due to the fact that we heard strange whistling sounds eminating from the area of the pool, which did not come from my Daughter herself as she was under the surface of the water.

You mentioned the rapid eye movement .... It is said in Thailand that the children see things that we as adults no longer have the ability to recognize or understand.

I must say that I am strict Catholic, but, have seen many a strange thing in Thailand, while living here for more than 10 years.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Within the first week of bringing our beautiful baby girl home, she laughs in her sleep! At first, it scared my wife! She is a firm believer in ghosts and was affraid the baby was possesed or something. I thought it was beautiful. Watching her smile and laugh in her sleep.

you lucky b@st@rd i envy you.

Did we have a screamer in the family at one time, Dr. Naam? :o

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Babys full of wind , for some reason Thai woman dont wind there babys or dont wind them properly .

No ghost , shes not laughing shes full of wind .


Hear hear, my wife can't or won't wind our baby boy, it's my job. She has never ever mentioned superstitions or birth marks or any of that other rubbish and when it came to naming our baby she told me that in Thai culture it's up to the father to name the babies, which was music to my ears, we named our son Vincenzo.

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Babys full of wind , for some reason Thai woman dont wind there babys or dont wind them properly .

No ghost , shes not laughing shes full of wind .


Hear hear, my wife can't or won't wind our baby boy, it's my job. She has never ever mentioned superstitions or birth marks or any of that other rubbish and when it came to naming our baby she told me that in Thai culture it's up to the father to name the babies, which was music to my ears, we named our son Vincenzo.

A young baby (under 12 weeks) that makes the giggly laughing noise is probably dealing with trapped wind. However you are lucky to have a baby with a pleasant disposition to be able to handle it so well as many babies would just cry to deal with their discomfort.

If she is being bottle fed then the wind is even more likely as it is easier to "suck air" whilst in the early stages.

I'd definitely video it though as it will be a real treasure to watch and re-live those giggly laughs as she gets older. :o

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